ugh, don't remind me, I hope the show does better.(for example Tyrion "died" in ADWD maybe three times?)
The HoundThe show hasn't done many fake deaths, right?
Just finished the last book. Guys, I'm kinda sad now.
Finishing ADwD is just the beginning.Just finished the last book. Guys, I'm kinda sad now.
Finishing ADwD is just the beginning.
The Hound
Maybe Cat
Yeah I just can't see them not ending on that scene.
I think it'll be in Ep10, but I don't know about ending the episode on that scene.
The final scene will be Daenerys stranded in the wilderness squirting from both ends
Bran and RickonThe Hound
Maybe Cat
Just let it out. Take comfort in the plethora of tinfoil theories (Euron=Daario=Benjen=Coldhands=Bloodraven=Bran=The Night's King=Hot Pie)Just finished the last book. Guys, I'm kinda sad now.
Reposting for the new page in case people missed it.
Alleged S05E08 (Hardhome) spoilers.
Tormund will die this season.
Rattleshirt is selling slaves at Hardhome. Tormund is pissed and begs Jon to let him go take care of it. Jon thinks as LC he should tag along and does. At Hardhome a fight ensues. During the fight, the Nights King shows up and starts reanimating the dead, especially those falling over the side of a cliff. Everyone panics and starts to flee, chaos everywhere. They charge at Jon who is left alone. Tormund refuses to flee and pounces on the Wights and throws Jon to the floor, protecting him. He fights off like 20 Wights trying to get at Jon before dying. They are giving Tormund a heroic death on the show, protecting Jon Snow. Before dying he tells Jon Snow to leave, get to the boats. Theres a fire torch near by. In his final act Tormund sets himself and the other Wights nearby on fire, so he cant be brought back. Final shot of 508 is the eyes of the Nights King meeting the eyes of Jon Snow.
Again, this is unconfirmed... but pretty cool if true, in my opinion.
I want to read this SO BAD, how bad in terms of spoilers are we talking? Is it a major change from the books?
I want to read this SO BAD, how bad in terms of spoilers are we talking? Is it a major change from the books?
Yeah, don't do it! Seriously, if true it promises to be the most amazing action sequence to date in the show. I wish I could go in fresh.
Eh to play devil's advocate.I don't see how that's wrong.
Robert had legitimacy through conquest, he rebelled, fought and won
Stannis has legitimacy thorugh birthright, he is the oldest brother and should be the successor.
renly does not have that claim, he was simply popular and stannis very unpopular, that's why people sided with renly, not because of legitimacy or claim. so stannis is right to call that out.
Eh to play devil's advocate.
I don't necessarily agree. Renly staked his claim to the throne before Stannis did, if memory serves correctly. It was also under the belief that Joffrey (and the rest of Cersei's children) was the legitimate king, too.
So had Renly won, it would have been through conquest, and from that initial viewpoint, Stannis had no better claim than he did.
Renly also told either Brienne or Cat that he feared for his life (his justification for rebelling), as he believed that Cersei and the Lannisters would have had him killed soon after Robert's death. He even states he didn't want the throne, Ned refused his idea of protecting Joffrey from Cersei's influence.
And not only that, for someone who believes in legitimacy so adamantly, everyone seems to ignore the fact that Stannis states that he would never let "Lady Lannister" inherit Winterfell, despite (as Jon Snow points out) the fact it is rightfully hers (under the assumption Bran/Rickon are dead) and her being as much of a victim as anyone else (Pretty sure that as King he could get a dispensation annulling the marriage. Or just kill Tyrion).
To play counter devil's advocate to your devil's advocate:
I think with Stannis you have to kind of make a distinction between interfamilial disputes and issues within a family. Two opposing families can go to war and one can take the other's stuff by right of conquest, and that can be regarded as legitimate. Stannis clearly doesn't like that and thinks for the most part rights should be respected, but he seems to recognize its legitimacy at some level. So he can forcibly disinherit Sansa, because his duty as King is to the greater stability of the country, not to any particular Stark claim. In most cases, that means enforcing existing claims, but if it means handing a whole kingdom over to the Lannisters, he can make an exception.
Within a family though, these things are absolute. Son should obey father, younger brothers should obey the elder. That's not a political arrangement made by men, but something way deeper. To violate your duty to a family member is violating the same precepts that make kinslaying so taboo. So rising up against a king is distasteful, and shouldn't be done except in extreme circumstances, but claiming something over a family member to whom you owe a duty is absolutely forbidden.
Now that puts Stannis into the awkward position of how do you deal with a brother who is being disobedient, with kinslaying so taboo, and Stannis seems to deal with it by accepting that it's permissible to kill his brother in retaliation, while also living in denial about the fact that he actually went through with it, and choosing to believe that Renly just sort of happened to die after he had some really weird dream about killing him.
yes had renly won he would have had legitimacy through conquest, but that legitimacy comes only after he won. when we saw it in the books stannis had the bigger claim.Eh to play devil's advocate.
I don't necessarily agree. Renly staked his claim to the throne before Stannis did, if memory serves correctly. It was also under the belief that Joffrey (and the rest of Cersei's children) was the legitimate king, too.
So had Renly won, it would have been through conquest, and from that initial viewpoint, Stannis had no better claim than he did.
Renly also told either Brienne or Cat that he feared for his life (his justification for rebelling), as he believed that Cersei and the Lannisters would have had him killed soon after Robert's death. He even states he didn't want the throne, Ned refused his idea of protecting Joffrey from Cersei's influence.
The Roose is Loose. That's too good not to be legit.Cross posting from WotW where we're doing a fun little survey for people to speculate on the episode titles. Here are my picks.
Ep. 501 - Valonqar
Ep. 502 - The Griffin Rejected
Ep. 503 - Fat Pink Mast
Ep. 504 - Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Ep. 505 - Fear Cuts Deeper Than Swords
Ep. 506 - The Shy Maid
Ep. 507 - The Roose is Loose
Ep. 508 - The Long Night
Ep. 509 - A Lion Still Has Claws
Ep. 510 - For the Watch
Im pretty rusty on when what we know is happening is happening, but you get the point. There are a few joke ones thrown in too just so I didnt leave any blanks. Any takers?
10. Spewing from Both Ends
The Roose is Loose. That's too good not to be legit.
1. Wherever Whores Go
2. Nipples on a Breastplate
3. The Mannis
4. Hey Look, Turtles
5. Fat Pink Mast
6. The Myrish Swamp
7. Roose on the Loose
8. Guess Who's Not Dead Now
9. The Mannis, Redux
10. Spewing from Both Ends
Had to borrow a few of NeoGiff's.
It's the one actual legit title on my list.
I also nominate "The North Remembers Again", "What is Dead Will Never Rise", "Nodor", and "I'm Looking for a Girl of Three and Ten".
I'm dying! The sincerity of his reading is hilarious out of context.
Fixed.I also nominate "The North Remembers Again", "What is Dead Will Never Rise", "Nodor", and "I'm Looking for a Maiden of Three and Ten".
He has spent much of his run on "Thrones" in his own "isolated storyline," so when his story does intersect with other major characters, as it did at the end of season four when he met Stannis Baratheon (Stephen Dillane), he has to remind himself to forget what he knows about them. "The one thing I had to do was take away my vision of who these people were having watched the show," he explains. "I kind of knew Stephen's work, and I have a lot of scenes with him this year and I was trying to remind myself that Jon had no idea what this man was about Jon Snow doesn't watch 'Game of Thrones.'"
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau on
the future for Game of Thrones
[The show bosses] know as much as George RR Martin knows. He hasnt written the books, but he knows how he wants it to end. Well, I think hes written one of them now. I dont know when it comes out but Id assume soon. All the details, theyre going to have to come up with them themselves. Its going to be interesting because I think the show is going to finish before the last book comes out. Therell be quite a big difference when it does.
Well, I think hes written one of them now. I dont know when it comes out but Id assume soon.
Quick, everyone latch on to this.
Looking forward to headlines: "GRRM finishes next book, releasing soon."
It's happening, isn't it?
Speaking of being serious.
Quick, everyone latch on to this.