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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6 Offseason Thread

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I dug it. I actually liked most of this season.

I'm probably in the minority.


MamaRobotnik always delivers

But...Xbox has that collection of Rare games...old games...some really old...for cheap...because they care about gamers...and they still have multiplatform and exclusives and...

If they're ever going to end the Boltons' reign over Winterfell, either the whitewalkers are gonna have to it, or a welcomed guest will have to do it.

So Mel sees herself walking on the walls and the banners burning. I wonder if her and FrankenSnow end up going south anyway. Maybe kill him from the inside with Mance's help (in the book) or just stealth (on the show).

OR and I'm starting to wonder about this...she joins the Boltons. She said she saw "Snow". She didn't say WHICH Snow it was.


Disagree on both accounts. But as the show is following the books and not preceding them, it looks a whole lot worse. It's impossible to take the story seriously when it makes no sense at every turn.

I really don't know if that is true.
if I look at our own show thread and on other boards I visit I feel that season 5 is regarded much higher than AFFC/ADWD. many people actually rate season 5 above other seasons, and I'd say not even our AFFC/ADWD apologists in this thread would put them above any of the first three books.
Interesting... So Jon could live on through Ghost? Do all the Starks have the ability to warg?
It's likely that all Starks can but not all figure it out, Arya can for sure.
There's additional evidence to suggest warging and ressurection too.

Read on for book stuff:

The prologue of the book follows a wildling character who is critically wounded and attempts to warg into the body of his companion but she expells him. We then get a first person account of his 'consciousness' clinging onto his wolf before he slips away. Another thing pointing to resurrection is the Azor Ahai prophecy which Melisandre clings to. 'He will be reborn in salt and smoke' or something. During the stabbing scene, Jon notes the tears in his brother's eyes (salt) and the 'smoke' rising from the warm blood of his wounds meeting the cold air.

It could all be a red herring of course.


I really don't know if that is true.
if I look at our own show thread and on other boards I visit I feel that season 5 is regarded much higher than AFFC/ADWD. many people actually rate season 5 above other seasons, and I'd say not even our AFFC/ADWD apologists in this thread would put them above any of the first three books.
I meant, that with the insight they would have from reader reactions, the fact that they managed to make something similar but so much worse is really something. Like how people thought that they surely would not end the season on half a dozen cliff hangers like the books did, by unfortunate circumstances...and then the show went and did just that. I can't say much about overall audience reaction, but the Unsullied thread was pretty negative. Even still, I don't think this season was much worse then 2&3.

Edit: They essentially had Ball of Beasts all at once(unlike readers) and were able to take out the best parts and delete everything else and season 5 was the best they could come up with. That is 4x the material they used for season 3.
sadly they are not just unfilmable, they are unreadable as well.
i agree though that it could have been handled better, but it was still much much better than in the books.

No. Brienne's chapters were some of the best in the whole series. Her fight with Rorge/Biter had amazing build up and tension that the show only wishes it could match. Her chapters with Septon Meribald were also great.

AFFC and ADWD were slower and flawed in many ways, but there were still lots of great material in them. More than enough to film a riveting, drama filled ten episode season.

Dr Prob

What happens to Stannis in the book? I mean does he loses this battle in the same way?

No! Book Stannis is not the most likeable dude. Not the most malleable fellow. Not the so on and so forth, but he's also not a complete idiot. Idiot tendencies, sure, but not full blown. I'm no siege expert, but if we only have a dozen dudes and are still intent on laying siege, maybe we dispense with the digging of ditches as we're only like twelve dudes.

Not betting my avatar on it or anything, but Show Stannis has to still be alive. His whole thing is just too dumb here. I'm seeing a brief Brienne/Pod/Hobbled Stannis/Sansa/Theon road show ending in Stephen Dillane radding out one last time before getting got. Maybe a Hyle Hunt type of role. I'll thank you in advance for not posting/linking to the HBO screen. It's just too dumb!

what was the ring Dany was wearing?

Feel like it's probably from her marriage to Hizdahr. Though we never actually saw the wedding or even know if wedding rings are a thing in Mereen, it stands to reason that she wouldn't want the fact that she remarried to be known to the Khalasar who show up at the end of the episode. Can't remember if it's explored in the show but Dothraki widows are expected to retire and just chill in their city, not fly around on dragons and fuck shit up.

EDIT: Plus Daario and/or Stone Man Jorah can find it and be like "AHA!"
No. Brienne's chapters were some of the best in the whole series. Her fight with Rorge/Biter had amazing build up and tension that the show only wishes it could match. Her chapters with Septon Meribald were also great.

AFFC and ADWD were slower and flawed in many ways, but there were still lots of great material in them. More than enough to film a riveting, drama filled ten episode season.

That kind of show wouldn't pull the numbers that this kind of show does. Bottom line.

btw, I LOVED the Brienne chapters.
who was the big bloke that picked up Sersei at the end? he didnt look quite human!

Best character in the show for me is the naked girl from the jail who said "you want a good girl but the bad pussy" or whatever. she was ridiculous.
who was the big bloke that picked up Sersei at the end? he didnt look quite human!

Best character in the show for me is the naked girl from the jail who said "you want a good girl but the bad pussy" or whatever. she was ridiculous.

It was Sandor's younger brother, Casper Clegane. The runt of the litter.

Dr Prob

who was the big bloke that picked up Sersei at the end? he didnt look quite human!

That's The Mountain. The Hound's brother (played by a few different actors over the course of the series). Dude who squished Oberyn's head last year, now resurrected by Qyburn the Frankenstein Maester guy.

Best character in the show for me is the naked girl from the jail who said "you want a good girl but the bad pussy" or whatever. she was ridiculous.

Mmm. If I had to date a crazy, poison-slinging young lady from Dorne, I'd choose her.

If I had to/TeamBadPussy


That episode wasn't so bad except for the parts that were garbage.


+Cersei's walk was exactly what we could have wished for. The transition to being completely disgusting and bloody as she walked into the castle was really gutwrenching and made you have empathy for the character. It was one of the longer individual scenes of the season, but it felt justified. Cersei is a character no one has liked, or had much sympathy for, but you can't help but feel something when she is subjected to something so humiliating. Headley's stalwart expression slowly turning into anguish was some great acting. I also always thought the High Sparrow was a pretty fascinating character. He seemingly represents the common people who have been tossed aside and stepped on at the whims of the nobility, yet he can also show cruelty and hypocrisy. The whole storyline about the sparrows and King's Landing was done very well this season, and Pryce is the best new actor from this year. Zombie Gregor was a bit goofy though, I hope they give him a full facehelm now that they've established who he is.

+DAMN ARYA DAMN. That was brutal. I hated how Arya gagged him though because he didn't have an opportunity to say Syrio is alive. The scene back inside the House of Black and White was appropriately eerie and it ended as we all expected. Along with the sparrow storyline, I felt like Arya's arc this season has been excellent from start to finish.

+/- Remember Tyrion's adventures in ruling in season two? Well it's back in season six, and this time with more sand and less fashionable clothing? Though I like scenes where Tyrion shows off his gift of gab, I don't want to see him dick around Mereen for an entire season. And the city looks so calm afterwards. Uh, shouldn't all hell be breaking lose considering the ruler straight up flew away and there are still a seemingly infinite amount of masked murderers running about? Hell I thought they were in Pentos for a second.

+/- FOR DA WATCH. Ok, I think this scene was well done. Jon's arc this season has been very good, if a bit rushed. Though it makes Jon look like an IDIOT for not immediately calling a meeting about the white walkers when he got back to Castle Black. Why the fuck are you telling Sam this in private? Tell all of the Night's Watch. TELL THE SEVEN KINGDOMS FFS. I don't mind them excluding the Pink Letter since the show did a good job building up the conflict solely about the wildlings. I am a bit curious about how they are going to explain this to everyone. In the book a lot of things are hitting the fan at that time so it goes unnoticed, but they just kinda ditch his body there in the show. Fuck Olly though. I can't believe this random potato eating mother fucker who seemed like a one-off character landed the killing blows on both Ygritte and Jon Snow. I hope Mel burns his ass.

+/- Dany is captured by the lightfooted Dothraki army. Alright I guess. Like in the books, I am curious to see where they take this story. Though a bit difference is she is minus a dragon this time. Why would you even walk away from your dragon? If I had a dragon, I would never let that thing out of my sight.

-Remember how the northern chapters were among the best in ADWD? Well now they are awful. Though the buildup to all the different powers converging at the same area was solid, the payoff was dreadful. The escape lacked suspense and Theon throwing Myranda off was just goofy. They should have at least focused on his face a bit more, he just does it out of nowhere. Then they both skydive off the walls of Winterfell. WHAT.

-Stannis. CHARACTER. ASSASSINATION. Part of me doesn't even want to dignify this storyline with a response, but it was the worst ending you could have imagined. I say this without hyperbole: any one of you could have written a better send off for Stannis. Even the cook. Stannis goes from a major contender to losing absolutely everything in like two episodes thanks to TWENTY. GOOD. MEN. This is not like Robb Stark where there was seasons of build up to his demise, they just threw this shit outta nowhere. Don't say, "but Mel wanted to burn Shireen for a long time!" That's true, but Stannis' tone and demeanor just completely flips. This is a shame, since the first half of the season had some of the best Stannis stuff ever in the show (THE NOD) and then it's like someone else wrote the second half. It feels to me like all D&D knew was that "Stannis dies" and then had to fill in the gaps. And Brienne killing Stannis. BLECH. Brienne kills a dying dude laying on a tree, how heroic. Not to mention she just pops up out of nowhere. The fuck? Did she battle through two armies and then just happened to stumble upon him? This is another case of thinking, "Look, this plot point has to happen. It doesn't matter how it happens, just that it happens." They had an idea: Brienne kills Stannis. Instead of making a logical and tense build up, they just plop Brienne next to Stannis and boom it happens. Absolutely the worst. You could write a book on how awful this decision was, and hopefully it will be called The Winds of Winter. And what happened to keeping your oath to Cat? OATHKEEPER MORE LIKE OATHBREAKER

-Dorne. What a complete and utter waste. First, I think Siddig did a good job as Doran. Too bad he had like two minutes of screen time. And Hotah didn't even do anything. He literally does nothing except arrest some teenagers and a handless man. He doesn't even decapitate anyone! Jaime had zero character development this season. Absolutely zero. He is one of the most interesting characters in the book, and they just have him dick around all season doing nothing. HE DOES NOTHING. Instead of having memorable scenes like him writing in the White Book or burning Cersei's letter, he does NOTHING. They could have had him sat out this entire season like Bran and nothing would be lost. Hell his character might have been better for it. Also what was the entire point of the Sand Snake/Bronn thing? To reveal about the antidote? You don't need a whole plot line to figure out Ellaria had the antidote. Yeah we saw some boobs, but at what cost? Ellaria's whole plan to kill Myrcella is remarkably dumb and spits in the face of Oberyn. "In Dorne, we don't hurt little girls." OBERYN SAID THIS LOOK IT UP. Yet his paramour's MO is to kill a little girl. Oberyn would be ashamed if his head wasn't crushed in. The poison kiss was so cheesy. That shit is straight out of Batman and Robin, which is appropriate since the Dorne arc is the Batman and Robin of Game and Thrones story arcs. And shit, Myrcella dies like five minutes after leaving the dock. Couldn't they just, uh, TURN THE BOAT BACK AROUND? It's not like they are almost at King's Landing, you can still see the ship from where Ellaria is standing. TURN AROUND.

This is easily the worst season. The directing is good. The acting is good. But the writing is the weak point. THE WRITING. IN A SHOW ADAPTED FROM BOOKS. SAVE US EURON SAVE US.

And holy shit, Balon is STILL ALIVE. Balon has survived long enough to see a FFVII remake and Shenmue III announced. These are fucking FACTS.



My mom called me up last night, tears in her throat, asking me if there was a chance that Jon could survive.

She watched the episode on Sunday.

My mom called me up last night, tears in her throat, asking me if there was a chance that Jon could survive.

She watched the episode on Sunday.

Man, my family sounds like psychopaths in comparison. Their only comment to Red Wedding was "that's it?".


+DAMN ARYA DAMN. That was brutal. I hated how Arya gagged him though because he didn't have an opportunity to say Syrio is alive. The scene back inside the House of Black and White was appropriately eerie and it ended as we all expected. Along with the sparrow storyline, I felt like Arya's arc this season has been excellent from start to finish.
There's another reason he couldn't say that.


Pod really should stab Brienne in the back of the head like he did to the Kingsguard at Blackwater. Keep his streak going as the most dangerous fighter in Westeros. Then he'll kneel before Stannis, his rightful King. Think of the twist!


Interesting... So Jon could live on through Ghost? Do all the Starks have the ability to warg?

He only wargs in dreams and is never aware that he's actually doing it, but:
1) In the prologue of ADwD a wilding warg comments on what a powerful warg Jon is, but that he doesn't know it or something like that
2) The same wilding dies in that chapter and wargs into another human. This creates a precedent for cheating death (he's later killer by Bran's direwolf though)
3) Melisandre has a vision of Jon as man, then a wolf, then a man again
4) Jon's last word is "Ghost"

Arya also has lots of dreams of Nymeria fucking shit up in the Riverlands (with a giant wolf pack) and like Jon she's unaware that she's actually warging. Potential S6 spoiler
after she becomes blind she eventually begins warging into cats as a way to see


did anyone else read Goosebumps books as a kid? where every single chapter would end in a mini cliffhanger, no matter how stupid or contrived? i couldn't get that out of my head as i watched this season finale.


One thing I learned from the Game Of Thrones finale: when you tell someone from Westeros that they're a product of incest they suddenly become physically ill.


I thought Tyrion's story was better than in the books. I thought Arya's was notably better with considerably less filler (although it could have been truncated even more for me). I thought the Wall was better, as the inclusion of Hardholm was excellent. I definitely agree that Brienne's story is worse, though.

Perhaps because I only think the books are "very good," I don't feel that every choice the show makes is inherently worse.


Right, so I may be grasping straws here but what are the chances Jon Snow will be revived by Mel? Clearly she picked the wrong guy and has couldnt have returned to Castle Black at such an opportune time?


One question: Has the show catched up with the books already? I've read somewhere that things like Stannis or Jon deaths are not set in stone yet, meaning it'll be cleared up in the next book. I don't know how much of it is true tho.


Right, so I may be grasping straws here but what are the chances Jon Snow will be revived by Mel? Clearly she picked the wrong guy and has couldnt have returned to Castle Black at such an opportune time?

Honestly, the biggest hurdle to this is outside the show: everyone involved in the show is making it abundantly clear that Kit Harrington is done and gone from GoT.

So you essentially have to imagine a very elaborate ruse in real life if you want to make this work. Not impossible, but not likely, in my opinion.
One question: Has the show catched up with the books already? I've read somewhere that things like Stannis or Jon deaths are not set in stone yet, meaning it'll be cleared up in the next book. I don't know how much of it is true tho.

The only thing the show hasn't done yet is the Kingsmoot, kill off Kevan and Pycelle, and Sam arriving at Old town

This is assuming the Riverlands stuff with Jaime and Aegon stuff isn't happening
One question: Has the show catched up with the books already? I've read somewhere that things like Stannis or Jon deaths are not set in stone yet, meaning it'll be cleared up in the next book. I don't know how much of it is true tho.

It's a bit all over the place. Cercei, Jon, Dany, and Sansa have all reached the end of their plots in the books. Stannis is still alive and waiting in the snow in the books, and Arya, Theon, Davos and Bran still have some book content to cover. Tyrion, Brienne, Jamie and Dorne have gone down fairly different routes so it's hard to say what will become of them. Also there are some other plot lines that haven't been mentioned in the show at all, that might come up next season.

Honestly, the biggest hurdle to this is outside the show: everyone involved in the show is making it abundantly clear that Kit Harrington is done and gone from GoT.

So you essentially have to imagine a very elaborate ruse in real life if you want to make this work. Not impossible, but not likely, in my opinion.

aaah opaite, your tag is hitting me right in the guts there.


Alright thank you guys, sounds like I'll be sort of ok reading this thread.

Last episode was one of the best of the season (not that much of a feat tbh) but there were things that left me dissapointed. Mainly what they did to my favorite character Brienne. Seriously? How is it not completely out of character to kill Stannis, moreso with him being in that miserable condition? Considering it seems like he's alive in the books this looks like a terrible decision from the showrunners. Now there are even less characters I can root for. I'll ship Theon x Sansa I guess lol...

At this point I just want Cersei and Loras to kill the fuck out of these inquisitor fanatics and Ramsay to die a horrible death. After that the White Walkers can destroy everything for all I care.

Dorne was such a dissapointment btw. I was hoping it was going to be the new King's Landing and it turned out to be a sub-subplot with less development and relevance than goddamn Sam. Seriously, we got to see like a single sad room and like 3 actual charaters the whole season.
Honestly, the biggest hurdle to this is outside the show: everyone involved in the show is making it abundantly clear that Kit Harrington is done and gone from GoT.

So you essentially have to imagine a very elaborate ruse in real life if you want to make this work. Not impossible, but not likely, in my opinion.

Well of course Jon is dead. Dead as a door nail, met his maker, he has become an ex-Watchman. However.... nobody said he couldn't come back in some form...

Jon killed the boy... literally....


Honestly, the biggest hurdle to this is outside the show: everyone involved in the show is making it abundantly clear that Kit Harrington is done and gone from GoT.

So you essentially have to imagine a very elaborate ruse in real life if you want to make this work. Not impossible, but not likely, in my opinion.

It would also mean not including him in trailers, keeping him away from pre season interviews, not attending special events and premieres.

Plus, as soon as he's sighted on set, we'll have to do a post on it at Watchers.

The ruse won't work.
Here's how the show did this year, for my tastes.

Excellent book material, adapted excellently: Arya's arc, all of the King's Landing material
Excellent book material made worse by the show: the Winterfell plots
Mediocre book material improved by the show: Jon's arc, Tyrion's arc
Mediocre book material adapted into mostly mediocre show material, albeit for different reasons: Danaerys's arc
Mediocre book material made significantly worse by the show: Dorne
Mediocre book material exchanged for absolutely nothing: Brienne's arc.
Good book material that swings between stupid lows and excellent highs in the show: Stannis's arc.

Some of the details are more than a little dodgy, but I think a lot of us underestimated exactly how difficult these books would be to adapt, and I think the writers deserve a significant amount of credit for getting an even halfway-watchable season of TV out of it. Most of the storylines I actually cared about going in were either kept at a high level of achievement or were markedly improved, so I've got to call it a success, honestly.

I also think that next season stands a very good chance of being significantly better, even without any books to go off. You could definitely feel them straining to slot all of the plots into the place where they ended up in the books, to the detriment of the show as a whole.


Honestly, one of the bigger problems with the show right now is that the Boltons face no opposition for the Red Wedding.

The other Northern houses either don't exist, or don't care.
Honestly, one of the bigger problems with the show right now is that the Boltons face no opposition for the Red Wedding.

The other Northern houses either don't exist, or don't care.

Manderly and Dustin would have made the Winterfell plotline so much better


They have two options for Kit:

- Don't hide him and just say he is in for some flashbacks with Bran and stuff

- Hide him until the very end

I can see a trailer for season 6 with Ghost as focus and him at the end or something.
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