*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO

I just watched all of Narcos, which was really good, and tangentially related in that Pedro Pascal (Oberyn) is great on that show and it reminded me of when GoT was still good as well.
Arya, Dany and Bran dying far away from anywhere without accomplishing anything would be total hack writing.

Dany did accomplish something though - she liberated Slaver's Bay (for the most part at least). Her warfare against the Ghiscari led to a destabilization of the region, and could have potentially been an interesting situation where her death would lead to a power vacuum that political factions in Essos (Volantis, Illyrio, the Dothraki, Qarth) could have been shown trying to take advantage of, leading to a situation of war similar to what was going on in Westeros. And of course it would set the 3 dragons free.

Furthermore, if Dany had been, say, assassinated by the Sons of the Harpy, she could have become a martyr for especially the followers of the Lord of Light, which could have kicked off civil war in the parts of the world where slavery is practiced. With the guidance of the red priests, Essos could have become an alliance of various city states banding together and trying to fight off the Long Night by supporting the Wall.

Or, for all we know, the Others north of the Wall are just one variation of them, and the Grey Waste in Essos is another location where the Long Night struck.


I'm surprised they're holding back on the WWs so much. I expected shit to get real with that arc by episode 2.
The White Walkers and their army are very, very slow. It is known.

Honestly, I expect a major anticlimax. Face it, there's no way they're going to have the WW's attack in force before the war with Cersei is dealt with because the Wight army would just wash over the North. I fully expect them to get to assault of the Army of the Dead in the last two or three episodes.

Hell, I don't even think the White Walkers will show up again this season until the last episode where (trailer spoilers)
the Northerlings will try to hold them back with Dondarrion and The Hound and fail, probably.


I rewatched season 2 last week, and it still had huge issues.

-Talisa Stark was a stupid plot line that didn't make any sense.

-How Does Robb start conquering the Westerlands without the Riverlands behind him?

-Jaime murdering his cousin

-no Vargo Hoat

Real Hero

I rewatched season 2 last week, and it still had huge issues.

-Talisa Stark was a stupid plot line that didn't make any sense.

-How Does Robb start conquering the Westerlands without the Riverlands behind him?

-Jaime murdering his cousin

-no Vargo Hoat

-botching the introduction of stannis

season 2 has a great ending but it's a very uneven season of television. I do think this series will get a critical reevaluation once it finishes
I'm actually going to defend D&D a little bit, here. (Can't believe it, myself!)

I may be projecting/hoping, but this is the way I read LF's actions in S5:

LF was looking to become Warden of the North. He installed Sansa in Winterfell (knowing full well about Ramsay's reputation) in order to use her presence there to sway Cersei's attitude toward the Boltons. He expected Stannis and the Boltons to have a hell of a fight, leaving the victor in bad shape. Then, he would swoop in with the Knights of the Vale and take Winterfell. Cersei agreed to name him Warden of the North if he pulled it off.

What he failed to anticipate was Ramsay + 20 good men. That pretty much blew his little plan up, which I actually found refreshing. We saw Littlefinger devise a scheme, and it didn't work. He actually had to go with the flow and settle for less than he had hoped in S6.

Littlefinger already was Lord of the Riverlands and Vale though (the latter at least temporarily). The only thing I could have seen working for your scenario would be if he would marry Sansa upon liberating Winterfell from the Boltons or Stannis, and gain the North that way. It kind of would suit with Baelish having the hots for her, but I'm not sure how he would've expected to get Sansa to marry him willingly, keep the Vale loyal, and consolidate his power in the Riverlands, which are basically anarchy right now.

-Talisa Stark was a stupid plot line that didn't make any sense.

Jeyne Westerling was a stupid plot line too. *shrug*

-How Does Robb start conquering the Westerlands without the Riverlands behind him?

The North has a lot of men and strength, and the Lannisters had their forces spread out between the Westerlands and King's Landing.

-Jaime murdering his cousin

Can't disagree with that.

-no Vargo Hoat

Eh, Vargo Hoat was a shitty character anyway.
He was funny and had an actual personality unlike whoever they replaced him with

Funny? Why? Because he had a lisp? Otherwise, he was just another cruel asshole. Having Lannister people take his place is perfectly fine, because they already had so many cruel assholes running around anyway.

The Locke character was a weird choice, but I guess they wanted to have someone capable of being sent to the Wall and bridging the connection between it and the Boltons without having to introduce the Umber brothers or the Karstark characters.
Littlefinger already was Lord of the Riverlands and Vale though (the latter at least temporarily). The only thing I could have seen working for your scenario would be if he would marry Sansa upon liberating Winterfell from the Boltons or Stannis, and gain the North that way. It kind of would suit with Baelish having the hots for her, but I'm not sure how he would've expected to get Sansa to marry him willingly, keep the Vale loyal, and consolidate his power in the Riverlands, which are basically anarchy right now.

He didn't need to marry Sansa (though I'm sure he would have liked that), nor did he need any support from the Northern houses. He got Cersei to pretty much agree to make him Warden of the North by way of royal decree if things had played out the way he was hoping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lcx8gAM6wM
I really liked the Jeyne Westerling story.

I see it as a far reaching impact of Ned bringing Jon to winterfell. It was always a stain on the reputation of the honourable Ned Stark. Robb wanted to avoid dishonouring Jeyne after a moment of weakness.

It was a big part of Robb's downfall. It being the result of Tywin's scheming makes it great also.


I really liked the Jeyne Westerling story.

I see it as a far reaching impact of Ned bringing Jon to winterfell. It was always a stain on the reputation of the honourable Ned Stark. Robb wanted to avoid dishonouring Jeyne after a moment of weakness.

It was a big part of Robb's downfall. It being the result of Tywin's scheming makes it great also.

Another failing of the show was killing her off.
He didn't need to marry Sansa (though I'm sure he would have liked that), nor did he need any support from the Northern houses. He got Cersei to pretty much agree to make him Warden of the North by way of royal decree if things had played out the way he was hoping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lcx8gAM6wM

A title means nothing if you can't enforce it. Littlefinger is nominally the Lord of the Riverlands, but he holds absolutely no power there. Cersei is nominally the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, but only a few are obeying her.

If Littlefinger were named Warden of the North by Cersei, but wouldn't have the support of the Northern houses, then what good would being Warden of the North be? In fact, if Littlefinger were named Warden of the North but had absolutely no control or power over it, he would look weak.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Bran will whisperer "You know nothing" as he watches the incestuous act.
Bran: "Jon it's good to see you again."
Jon: "I can't believe you're alive! This is such a happy day!"
Bran: "Happy, yes."
Jon: "Let me introduce you to Dany, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms."
Bran: "You know nothing Jon Snow, you're the legitimate son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. You are the true King of Westeros."
Jon: "You mean I just fucked my aunt?"


Bran: "Jon it's good to see you again."
Jon: "I can't believe you're alive! This is such a happy day!"
Bran: "Happy, yes."
Jon: "Let me introduce you to Dany, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms."
Bran: "You know nothing Jon Snow, you're the legitimate son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. You are the true King of Westeros."
Jon: "You mean I just fucked my aunt?"

Bran: "Yes, you just fucked your Aunt."
Jon: "But I'm a Targaryen, right."
Bran: "Right."

*sex music resumes*


I really liked the Jeyne Westerling story.

I see it as a far reaching impact of Ned bringing Jon to winterfell. It was always a stain on the reputation of the honourable Ned Stark. Robb wanted to avoid dishonouring Jeyne after a moment of weakness.

It was a big part of Robb's downfall. It being the result of Tywin's scheming makes it great also.
Yep and it was all part of the plot Tywin set out.


Arya is so overpowered. The ease of her brutally wiping out the entire twins is just dumb. It sours the red wedding's impact.

Why doesn't Cersei just buy a faceless man to kill Dany and be done with it?
Arya is so overpowered. The ease of her brutally wiping out the entire twins is just dumb. It sours the red wedding's impact.

Why doesn't Cersei just buy a faceless man to kill Dany and be done with it?

The higher born/ more difficult a target the higher I price I believe.

They wanted more money than the seven kingdoms had to kill Dany in season 1. Iirc.


I would bang a hot farmer!
It's gonna be great when Jon is fucking Dany and then she pulls her face off to reveal it's Arya. It'll be just like what GRRM originally wanted.


She doesn't have a dragon egg to pay for one.

The higher born/ more difficult a target the higher I price I believe.

They wanted more money than the seven kingdoms had to kill Dany in season 1. Iirc.

Ok, well at least that makes sense.

As soon as Jorah sees Dragonstone on the horizon he will spot Jon and Dany having Sex on flying Drogon

With his family's sword around Jon's waist.

LOL'd hard .
GRRM's original transcript for the series seems so odd in hindsight. Jon - Arya - Tyrion love triangle, Jaimie wanting the iron throne, Catelyn fleeing north of the wall (which she still could do to).


GRRM's original transcript for the series seems so odd in hindsight. Jon - Arya - Tyrion love triangle, Jaimie wanting the iron throne, Catelyn fleeing north of the wall (which she still could do to).

Catelyn fleeing for Jons help would have been great.

The rest of that sounds like the kind of garbage we could expect from D&D.


I would bang a hot farmer!
"As you know, I don't outline my novels. I find that if I know exactly where a book is going, I lose all interest in writing it."

“Last year we went out to Santa Fe for a week to sit down with [Martin] and just talk through where things are going, because we don’t know if we are going to catch up and where exactly that would be," Benioff says in the April issue of Vanity Fair. "If you know the ending, then you can lay the groundwork for it. And so we want to know how everything ends. We want to be able to set things up. So we just sat down with him and literally went through every character.”

Fuck. ;)


Come on, just humor me. Imagine a GoT where Dany dies in Essos and her dying wish is to see her dream realized. Then Barristan mobilizes all the forces and leads the invasion. They hide the fact that she is dead, and the cover is that only her most trusted advisers are allowed to visit her chamber. When speaking to others through a screen, Missandei is her voice.

Dany actually died in the manticore attack.
Everything after that is just her dream in the last moments of her life, it will end as soon as she sits the iron throne. She dies and we'll see what really happened in that time.
Barristan never went to Essos and couldn't save her because Joffrey was a just and beloved ruler whose legacy lasted a thousand peaceful generations.
Love the back and forth retort by both Jon and Dany when they first met. Been waiting for these character meetups and reunions for a long while in the books. Despite being in opposing sides its very fluid, there's chemistry.

The line when dany said to jon "you better get to work jon snow" was very sincere. And the musical instrument (violin? cello?) that plays when dany allows jon to mine the dragon glass was on point. Seems like a theme for both of them.

was on a 2 week holidy :(
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