Unless Sam fucked up and Danny is going to die of greyscale now.
I feel like I remember reading that Targaryens are immune to disease as a general rule...
Unless Sam fucked up and Danny is going to die of greyscale now.
Yeah, I can see now, when the things are settled, Daenerys, or whoever supposed to be leader of the Seven Kingdoms (there is still a chance that Dany could die) will appoint Gendry as lord of Storm's End and Samwell as lord of Highgarden. I wonder who will get other Banner houses, Riverrun, Vale and Dorne are still lord-less.
In book, probably Aegon will be the King and of the Seven Kingdoms, Jon will be Lord of the North and land beyond the Wall, Edmure will have Riverrun, Arianne will have Dorne, Theon will have Iron Islands, Samwell will have Highgarden. I'm still not sure about Stormlands and Vale. Seaworths could be a good candidate for Stormlands for books, but there is no better candidate for Vale than Sansa.
I feel like Berric is going to die just to up the tension. The lord of light has no power here. But then we'll never find out why he kept getting resurrected in the first place.
Also, how did Gendry get Robert's hammer?
He was even wearing the Baratheon colors with the yellow/gold tunic and black apron.The son Robert always wanted.
He was even wearing the Baratheon colors with the yellow/gold tunic and black apron.
I like how excitable Gendry is. Just an adventurous kid that wants to smash things with a hammer.
Just wait until he gets to Winterfell.the hammer is his penis
Jon: i really need soldiers
Jorah: for Dany
Tormund: to help Jon
Gendry: hes never seen ice and thinks you need a rowboat row cross it
Hound: fuck the wall, fuck the dead, give me chicken
Thoros: beer is good
Beric: i lost me mind I did
Sounds like a fetishthe hammer is his penis
The Sam/Jorah scenes have been my favorite thus far. So they definitely did matter as they were very entertaining.He also saved Jorah, I guess.
But that plotline was a giant nothing too. All it did was send Jorah away for a few episodes and... thats it.
Like, it didn't matter at all.
Unless Sam fucked up and Danny is going to die of greyscale now.
The episode 6 trailer was better than this episode.
How good will next week be?
Just wait until he gets to Winterfell.
He will die an earned stupid death, because of her. His death should be a joke.Every fucking time I think Jaime will come to senses something happens and his relationship with Cersei becomes stronger.
There's no saving him now.
I wonder if Cersei will get the same treatment the Freys gave Talisa in the red wedding.
Every fucking time I think Jaime will come to senses something happens and his relationship with Cersei becomes stronger.
There's no saving him now.
I wonder if Cersei will get the same treatment the Freys gave Talisa in the red wedding.
Chaos is a ladder says otherwise. Bran, as the actor has said in some interviews, is basically living in 4D, moving through time as if it was a physical dimension. He's living everywhere, and seeing everything.
I hope this isn't what GRRM had planned for Littlefinger in the books. They really did his character dirty, and that's saying something in a show where multiple characters have become parodies of themselves.
I like how excitable Gendry is. Just an adventurous kid that wants to smash things with a hammer.
The son Robert always wanted.
Trailer spoilers:
The Hound has Gendry's warhammer at one point in the trailer, they broguht him back just to kill him north of the wall, huh?
Arya is almost as good at hiding as Dexter Morgan.
They brought Rickon back to put an arrow through his heart without even letting him speak, and then none of his brothers or sisters ask about him. I'm kind of surprised Gendry made it through tonight's episode.
Trailer spoilers:
The Hound has Gendry's warhammer at one point in the trailer, they broguht him back just to kill him north of the wall, huh?
They brought Rickon back to put an arrow through his heart without even letting him speak, and then none of his brothers or sisters ask about him. I'm kind of surprised Gendry made it through tonight's episode.
that's a good point, why doesn't Arya ask about Rickon
I mean...his name is literally mentioned on the show twice this season so it's not like the character is completely forgotten
They're going to have the weirdest sex imaginable.
Trailer spoilers:
The Hound has Gendry's warhammer at one point in the trailer, they broguht him back just to kill him north of the wall, huh?
Throw another one onto the pile with
*Tyrion and Danaerys stand on the beach, watching Jon Snow pull in a rowboat with several undefined men*
*As they finish pulling the boat up, Jon turns to the queen, a mournful look in his eyes*
*He begins the walk up to her, slouching in that armor that he clearly doesn't have the silhouette for*
*He arrives*
"Just you? No one else?" the Queen asks the returning King, with an anxious look in her eye(brow)s.
*Jon sadfaces at Tyrion, and extends a closed fist towards him, palm down*
*Tyrion reaches his own hand to meet it, spreading his fingers wide under Jon's gloved fist.*
"The King in the North opens his grip, dropping a single slaver's coin into Tyrion's outstreched fingers*
*The faces of everyone around..*
Trailer spoilers:
The Hound has Gendry's warhammer at one point in the trailer, they broguht him back just to kill him north of the wall, huh?
that's us, the fans/viewers, making up an excuse for another forgotten but arguably, relatively, yet short-lived important character.She probably learned off screen.
Bringing a Zombie will surely change things no? Maybe not for her, but I'm pretty sure Jaime will start seeing things in different light, if he isnt already with the dragons.
Is the horn to bring down the wall still in play?
What if Arya knew that Little Finger was playing her.
there are only four people running from the dead out of the Magnificent Seven and two are Jon and Tormund...
thoros and beric will obviously die
who will be the third, gendry or jorah?
You know it was a dud of an episode when we're more concerned with next week already.
Is the horn to bring down the wall still in play?
There wasn't even a "Bad Poosey" quotable line :-(