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Unpopular opinion (?): Doom Eternal is much less fun than 2016


Gold Member
So a few years ago (but several years after it was released) I played Doom 2016, and had a great time. Nothing too deep or all that memorable, but it was a very fun, action-filled romp.

Recently I started playing Eternal, and for some reason I'm not having nearly as much fun. I can't quite put my finger on why. Maybe it's the added "fluff" with the ship and all the stuff to unlock, maybe it's how they've changed the combat to require more careful weapon usage instead of just mindlessly blasting your way through everything, maybe it's that it feels like just arena after arena of enemies to clear (but I think the last game was a lot like that too).

I'm not sure, but about a third through the game (I think) I just thought "nah, I'm not gonna spend more time on this". So I quit and started playing Kena instead, and I'm having 10x more fun with that.
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Gold Member
Nah im with you on this one. Loved 2016. Whilst I appreciate they tried to evolve the formula somewhat I preferred the more simplistic combat in the 2016 reboot. I didn't get very far in Eternal, although I can also see why some might prefer it.

Shit was near perfect as is.
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Oh god, not another topic where everyone who says they liked Doom Eternal best (like me) comes in to say that Doom Eternal is one of the best shooters of all time, while people who liked Doom 2016 best come in and say they liked that game better and then probably something like "I kept running out of ammo?!"

This is how it goes every time.
I still liked Eternal a lot, but they leaned too heavily into how finishers/grenades/chainsaws and whatnot change what drops you get to force you to use most weapons evenly. I like the idea, but there were too many times, one boss in particular about halfway through, that the use of the mechanic felt like the game had a very intended run they want you to take and it can be frustrating.


What time is it?
Oh god, not another topic where everyone who says they liked Doom Eternal best (like me) comes in to say that Doom Eternal is one of the best shooters of all time, while people who liked Doom 2016 best come in and say they liked that game better and then probably something like "I kept running out of ammo?!"

This is how it goes every time.

Dislike them both like your favorite robot.
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Agreed, Eternal is just a kill room crawl with extra steps and less flexibility instead of just a kill room crawl. Has a predetermined rigid optimal resource management loop that shoehorns you into a singular playstyle that feels more work than fun, like a shitty mandatory puzzle mini game layer slathered on. Some like that more, i do not. Oh and the platforming sucks. Bet you guys the new doom will walk back a lot Eternal's fluff and be closer to 2016 even if it is mechanically much simpler.


This is not an unpopular opinion at all. A lot of people, me included, prefer 2016 to Eternal. The issue I have with Eternal is that it doesn't really feel like Doom anymore. Also too much stuff added on top of what was already there, and it made it unpractical with a controller in my opinion.

Doom 3 was much simpler, less buttons and all, no missions nor skills nor upgrade nor whatever. Why all the complex shit ? To make me feel smart while I make choices that aren't choices to begin with ? Stop wanting to make me feel smart, I am dumb. Give me good weapons a ton of enemies and let me have simplistic fun about survival and blasting things.
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Gold Member
OP you're not wrong. Loved Doom 3, played Eternal in the hopes it would reach 3's epicness. It didn't.

But it's still a good game.
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Unpopular maybe, but still 100% CORRECT.


I forgot to repeat what I've said in the last several '2016 vs Eternal' threads...

Doom 2016: "Get in there, have fun, fuck shit up, go nuts!"

Doom Eternal: "First do your chores and finish your homework, then you can have fun."
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Gold Member
Doom 2016 feels like the classic DOOM fully realized into a badass, modern, generation defining shooter experience.

Doom Eternal is a baffling, incoherent sequel that prioritizes DOOM's trademark platforming (this is a joke, why is there platforming?) into a middle of the pack, forgettable experience.
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No I ultimately found Eternal to be the better game. Bar the boss fights and ammo limits that is. I advise against playing it on Hard on console though, but Normal to me was easier than 2016 in fact. It has a more steep learning curve, but you'll find out the arena battles are much smaller in scope and drag out far less in Eternal. The problem with Eternal is that if you want to stick with one weapon you will need to kill fodder zombies every few seconds over again. And the platforming I first wasn't sold on but it was actually okay to me.

Doom 2016 to me felt like too much arena battles with increasing tiers every wave. In Eternal this is kind of left for the optional slayer gates.


So a few years ago (but several years after it was released) I played Doom 2016, and had a great time. Nothing too deep or all that memorable, but it was a very fun, action-filled romp.

Recently I started playing Eternal, and for some reason I'm not having nearly as much fun. I can't quite put my finger on why. Maybe it's the added "fluff" with the ship and all the stuff to unlock, maybe it's how they've changed the combat to require more careful weapon usage instead of just mindlessly blasting your way through everything, maybe it's that it feels like just arena after arena of enemies to clear (but I think the last game was a lot like that too).

I'm not sure, but about a third through the game (I think) I just thought "nah, I'm not gonna spend more time on this". So I quit and started playing Kena instead, and I'm having 10x as much fun with that.

This is exactly why I disliked Eternal after loving 2016. Combat became a “puzzle” in which you need to use the right weapon at the right time or the game punished you. I don’t like that.

If I want to spend the entire game blasting every enemy with the shotgun I should be able to. Eternal made that impossible by restricting ammo so much and making each weapon ineffective against some subset of enemies.

Also 2016 did a really good job of respecting the player — fuck your story, I’m here to blast shit. The game acknowledges this in the first 15 minutes. Eternal tried way too hard to have a “story” for….reasons?
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Loved 2016, hated eternal.

To me its because the game feels less cohesive, the story jumps all around, I was lost from the start.

Gameplay wise, too many cooldowns and weapons and most feel like shooting pellets.

I still don't get why we need a sword, the chainsaw and the BFG... It's too much. I liked the simplicity of 2016.


Loved both.
I do appreciate the more focused and straightforward approach of 2016, but I also enjoyed the ways in which they expanded the scope and gameplay in the sequel (I also liked having some more platforming).


Neighbours from Hell
I liked 2016 more. I don't remember a ton about either, I just remember feeling 2016 was a more methodical experience with a bit more exploration and more interesting areas and Eternal was just non-stop frantic fighting which I don't enjoy in my shooters. I like when games give me time to breathe.


I loved the overall vibe of 2016 more, but there were subtle things done to combat in Eternal that I really loved. But I think as a whole, I loved 2016 more. ESPECIALLY the multiplayer content. But I did love both in the end, just 2016 a bit more.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Oh god, not another topic where everyone who says they liked Doom Eternal best (like me) comes in to say that Doom Eternal is one of the best shooters of all time, while people who liked Doom 2016 best come in and say something like "I kept running out of ammo?!"

Eternal is one, if not, the best shooters of all time.

If I want to spend the entire game blasting every enemy with the shotgun I should be able to. Eternal made that impossible by restricting ammo so much

Thanks Thank You GIF by BET Awards
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Yeah, the additions like all the platforming didn't add much and just detracted from the pure fun Doom loop. I liked 2016 better but Eternal was still good.


I still really love Doom 2016, but man Eternal is fucking phenomenal, I was surprised how much more I liked Eternal over 2016. Not trying to put 2016 down, but I really like all the gameplay additions that Eternal introduced. The only thing about Eternal I wasn't a big fan of were some of the platforming sections, 2016 has a bit of these too, but there are more in Eternal, just get rid of those and I wouldn't have a single complaint about the game.
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Eternal is the superior game in everything but tone for me. I love both games, and they’re two of the best modern FPS games in existence… But Eternal is the better title over the already masterful 2016.


Dunno why you considered unpopular since Doom Eternal was a total downgrade in terms of gameplay, going for the route of making combat cheesy "radical" looking, with unnecessary plataforming. 2016 Doom still pretty faithfull to what Doom is about, just put some extras here and there.
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Eternal is the superior game in everything but tone for me. I love both games, and they’re two of the best modern FPS games in existence… But Eternal is the better title over the already masterful 2016.
That's what i also think. I really loved Doom 2016 but Eternal was even better. Also i miss the disintegration of enemies in 2016 Doom.
If there is a disintegration mod for Doom 2016 i would gladly play again.
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Gold Member
Remember when Doom Guy was just some random badass that showed up and kicked demon ass?

Yeah eternal decided that was too cool, so instead just turned him into some generic super soldier created by angel technology.

Sometimes less is more, with every cutscene that eternal had explaining doomguys origin the less interested I became.

It turned a kick ass avatar of vengeance into some boring generic space marine
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I played Eternal for 18 minutes and I obviously had something more interesting as I haven't returned to it since.
Not a fan of the gameplay loop. Sometimes I just want to shot stuff, not have a complex DPS rotation à la World of Warcraft.


It turned a kick ass avatar of vengeance into some boring generic space marine
I think you’ve got that one backwards. Doom guy/Doom Slayer went from a generic green space marine, to an avatar of perpetual rage and vengeance. Plus, there were, what, 3 cutscenes that vaguely explained parts of his origin? The rest you needed to research and read yourself if one was so inclined and interested, whether in both 2016 and Eternal’s story logs, or online.

2016 turned the protagonist into an avatar of vengeance, Eternal simply knuckled down on it.
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I remember TotalBiscuits video on Doom 2016. He really liked it. I'll bet he would have liked Doom Eternal also.
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I wouldn't know. I owned a copy for three years and I didn't launch the game once.
I keep saying "I'll finish Doom 2016 first" but I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that it may never happen.
I'm with you on this; they took all the good ideas from 2016 (optional plot, clean monster design) and threw it in the bin.
Too big an emphasis on ammo management and those dumb melee kills, plus all the forced plot that I was NOT there for.

If there's a third nu-DOOM, I hope it's the opposite of Eternal.

Also fuck that DLC cube boss fight, it was NOT balanced for controller use on Ultra Violence and above.
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