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US expels Russian diplomats over cyber attacks

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It's going to be hard for him to reverse this without looking bad.

A large number of his voters are too stupid to care if he looks bad, plus they love Russia now

They did not tamper with ballots/ ballot boxes. Both candidates had leaked info about them.

Anyone remember that comment during the 2012 election when Obama called out Romney for living in the Cold War? Kinda ironic now.

Also thread music here for the laughs:

What info about Trump was leaked, comrade?
A large number of his voters are too stupid to care if he looks bad, plus they love Russia now

What info about Trump was leaked, comrade?

Please don't call me a comrade. I'm just trying to see things from another perspective.
As for the leaks there were the lewd tapes. They weren't leaked by Russia but they were leaked by the media.

Leaking info is a big problem. I don't think we can disregard that it effected both sides, even though it may have interrupted one side more than the other.
Please don't call me a comrade. I'm just trying to see things from another perspective.
As for the leaks there were the lewd tapes. They weren't leaked by Russia but they were leaked by the media.

Leaking info is a big problem. I don't think we can disregard that it effected both sides, even though it may have interrupted one side more than the other.
Those Trump tapes weren't the results of hacks. And the involvement of another nation state in the DNC hack makes that leak much worse then the other.


Please don't call me a comrade. I'm just trying to see things from another perspective.
As for the leaks there were the lewd tapes. They weren't leaked by Russia but they were leaked by the media.

Leaking info is a big problem. I don't think we can disregard that it effected both sides, even though it may have interrupted one side more than the other.

Maybe not by wikileaks but both had leaked info about them by different sources. Trump had his leaks by the media with the tape/ comments.

This is irrelevant nonsense.


Maybe not by wikileaks but both had leaked info about them by different sources. Trump had his leaks by the media with the tape/ comments.

Funny that the incompetent, corrupt media could find dirt on Trump, but apparently Wikileaks just didn't have anything worth leaking for Trump and the RNC.
Please don't call me a comrade. I'm just trying to see things from another perspective.
As for the leaks there were the lewd tapes. They weren't leaked by Russia but they were leaked by the media.

Leaking info is a big problem. I don't think we can disregard that it effected both sides, even though it may have interrupted one side more than the other.
Please don't call me a comrade, I'm just going to do both sides bs and post a music video about Putin while I laugh along to this thread


Maybe not by wikileaks but both had leaked info about them by different sources. Trump had his leaks by the media with the tape/ comments.

Are you serious?

You think someone from Access Hollywood leaking a tape to the media is the same as Russia hacking the US and giving the information to Wikileaks?

What the hell are you even talking about.

We aren't talking about the media.

We are talking about a foreign government messing with our shit and getting all up in our business and how US citizens and elected officials are totally fucking cool with that.

This is a fucking problem, no matter who it favors.

Jesus christ.


Maybe not by wikileaks but both had leaked info about them by different sources. Trump had his leaks by the media with the tape/ comments.

Both sides amiright?

B-roll dug up from some video archive of a non politician by the media vs state sanctioned espionage against the American government.
Please don't call me a comrade. I'm just trying to see things from another perspective.
As for the leaks there were the lewd tapes. They weren't leaked by Russia but they were leaked by the media.

Leaking info is a big problem. I don't think we can disregard that it effected both sides, even though it may have interrupted one side more than the other.

. . .
Please don't call me a comrade, I'm just going to do both sides bs and post a music video about Putin while I laugh along to this thread

I apologize for that I guess we can't just casually discuss something. I guess looking at both sides is not fair.

I apologize.


I apologize for that I guess we can't just casually discuss something. I guess looking at both sides is not fair.

I apologize.

Eat shit. When Donald Trump gets his shit hacked by China and people play it off like it's a fucking civil service, then you can play both sides.
Please don't call me a comrade. I'm just trying to see things from another perspective.
As for the leaks there were the lewd tapes. They weren't leaked by Russia but they were leaked by the media.

Leaking info is a big problem. I don't think we can disregard that it effected both sides, even though it may have interrupted one side more than the other.

False equivalence. Russian hackers illegally obtained access to DNC computer systems. Wikileaks published stolen emails obtained via spearphishing. You're out of your element.
I just read up on the bullying that has happened to US diplomats in Russia--geez. So my question is did they get the notice to leave before the announcement?

I apologize for that I guess we can't just casually discuss something. I guess looking at both sides is not fair.

I apologize.

That's a weird apology for something you don't actually feel apologetic about GrizzlyLover


False equivalence. Russian hackers illegally obtained access to DNC computer systems. Wikileaks published stolen emails obtained via spearphishing. You're out of your element.

His element is to derail discussion with spreading a false narrative through false equivalences that attempt to paint some sort of balance.

He's succeeding by having people do anything more than laugh and ignore. One person responding and shooting down his bullshit is enough, he doesn't need more attention than that.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Please don't call me a comrade. I'm just trying to see things from another perspective.
As for the leaks there were the lewd tapes. They weren't leaked by Russia but they were leaked by the media.

Leaking info is a big problem. I don't think we can disregard that it effected both sides, even though it may have interrupted one side more than the other.

So what you're saying, is that both sides are the same!

Important info. Thanks.


Ding ding ding.. k everyone take a 30 sec breather.

I must admit. It is a very interesting time in us history with the 180 on Russia, coming from the Republican party. So strange to witness.
I apologize for that I guess we can't just casually discuss something. I guess looking at both sides is not fair.

I apologize.
You can look at both sides and then come to the conclusion that one side is much worse than the other.

Why did you get offended when someone called you comrade when you were normalizing a Russian cyber attack and then posting Putin memes? With your post I figured comrade would be a term of endearment for you.

I scanned through the document, is the "Russian hack" basically they sent out 1000 emails with a link to a fake google password reset page, and only the DNC was dumb enough to actually click it? No Mr. Robot style virus insertion or zero day android exploits or crazy ass high tech physical intrusion hacking, literally Nigerian prince level of "hacking"...

Russia totally sucks for leaking all this stuff and trying to influence elections, but goddamn DNC who the hell is running your IT. Why is the DNC using gmail...

Also were there any post election reports/polls on whether or not the wikileaks stuff actually changed anyones minds, especially in the key 4 battleground states? I don't really see it switching voters from undecided to Trump, but I could see it getting some democratic voters to stay home instead of going out to vote. Same with the FBI stuff. Still, feels like way too many people are going off "feels" instead of actual hard data on what impact these things had on the election.


The fact that wikileaks and some of its followers think this will be overturned on the 20th, and that Obama isn't probably going to layer even more pit-falls for Trump, is cute.

Far too many hawks in the Senate (and some of the House caucuses) are going to ram this shit up Trump's ass if he tries to peddle it back on the 20th. It will either take a lot of slow maneuvering, or Trump's going to walk into a landmine if he goes full-force on a repeal but even that attempt I think will be made impotent by the Senate.

If Trump doesn't act, conversely, he will very much lose his favor with Putin because these sanctions hurt no matter how much Russia may want to downplay them.


The fact that wikileaks and some of its followers think this will be overturned on the 20th, and that Obama isn't probably going to layer even more pit-falls for Trump, is cute.

Far too many hawks in the Senate (and some of the House caucuses) are going to ram this shit up Trump's ass if he tries to peddle it back on the 20th. It will either take a lot of slow maneuvering, or Trump's going to walk into a landmine if he goes full-force on a repeal but even that attempt I think will be made impotent by the Senate.

If Trump doesn't act, conversely, he will very much lose his favor with Putin because these sanctions hurt no matter how much Russia may want to downplay them.

I'd take a bet. Trump has Rome behind him. A very active base that he can galvanize into action. " I don't know what's up with these other so called Republicans but maybe we should get them out of politics. Something is up." In comes the death threats, letters... everything.

I never thought I'd heard conservatives saying give Russia a chance, considering our military and damn near identity is tied into being a Russian counterweight. But we are in that weird ass timeline now.


Trump gave an official Statement finally.

Not surprised by the content of it
I wish Obama would go one step further and actually give us the proof that Trump was involved in all of these hackings.

We all know he was, but Obama is more concern "smooth transition" than integrity.


I scanned through the document, is the "Russian hack" basically they sent out 1000 emails with a link to a fake google password reset page, and only the DNC was dumb enough to actually click it? No Mr. Robot style virus insertion or zero day android exploits or crazy ass high tech physical intrusion hacking, literally Nigerian prince level of "hacking"...

Russia totally sucks for leaking all this stuff and trying to influence elections, but goddamn DNC who the hell is running your IT. Why is the DNC using gmail...

Also were there any post election reports/polls on whether or not the wikileaks stuff actually changed anyones minds, especially in the key 4 battleground states? I don't really see it switching voters from undecided to Trump, but I could see it getting some democratic voters to stay home instead of going out to vote.

This kind of shit seems simple, but a hell of a lot of people don't pay attention to this stuff. And it also talks about them working into websites and jacking shit up there, I'm not exactly a pro with any of this stuff, but it seems it went beyond just emails with fake/hijacked websites, etc.

But really over the course of a day, maybe out of hundreds of emails you get fooled by one, or go to a website and don't realize its off, then they are in, and installing programs and malware and getting access.

At a job of mine they did a phishing test, and it got like 60% of the people working there including me, its not like our IT department wasn't trying.

The human element is hard to protect against.

I'm sure the RNC would have failed just as poorly if they were gone after so hard.

Or they were, did fail just as poorly, and folks just camping on that side of things.

Edit; That Trump response... jesus. This country is an insult to my intelligence.


I'd take a bet. Trump has Rome behind him. A very active base that he can galvanize into action. " I don't know what's up with these other so called Republicans but maybe we should get them out of politics. Something is up." In comes the death threats, letters... everything.

I never thought I'd heard conservatives saying give Russia a chance, considering our military and damn near identity is tied into being a Russian counterweight. But we are in that weird ass timeline now.

This is a real possibility, but as I said it would take time and maneuvering, and there's a major risk here: he forces the GoP to actually toss him because he becomes too dangerous. I can't even imagine how McCain or Graham would respond to being threatened and mobilize against by Trump, but I don't think they'd take it well.

If he tries to reverse many of these actions by Obama, he's going to walk right into the articles of impeachment. The Senate isn't all that "secure" for him even if the House is partially controlled by lunatics.

Yes, Trump can mobilize the loons and that is a real threat going forward.

I wish Obama would go one step further and actually give us the proof that Trump was involved in all of these hackings.

We all know he was, but Obama is more concern "smooth transition" than integrity.

There is nothing "smooth" about this transition. This is a mine field.


Trump gave an official Statement finally.

Not surprised by the content of it

Wait. You saw content in there? I keep rereading it.

This is a real possibility, but as I said it would take time and maneuvering, and there's a major risk here: he forces the GoP to actually toss him because he becomes too dangerous. I can't even imagine how McCain or Graham would respond to being threatened and mobilize against by Trump, but I don't think they'd take it well.

If he tries to reverse many of these actions by Obama, he's going to walk right into the articles of impeachment. The Senate isn't all that "secure" for him even if the House is partially controlled by lunatics.

Yes, Trump can mobilize the loons and that is a real threat going forward.

There is nothing "smooth" about this transition. This is a mine field.

I think he has the base feeling enthused more than the gop will admit. I think their greatest fear is loosing the base. Without a base, the gop is nothing. Not just the loons, you know? Time will tell.


Obama is making Trump explicitly own any actions Trump takes on Putin's behalf (like lifting these sanctions). Trump benefited massively, and indeed encouraged, Russia's hacking of the DNC. But so far Trump hasn't paid a price for this. These sanctions are a way of holding Trump accountable. Any impact they have on Russia is secondary. You're mistaken when you say that people won't care if Trump reverses these sanctions. Democrats will care and will pound Trump on it every chance they get in the 2020 election. There are also a few honorable Republicans left who think it's bad idea for Russia to be intervening to shape the results of the U.S. elections.

I'm not sure why you're talking as if ANYONE will hold Trump responsible to anything he does.
The people who will care when he reverses all of this for daddy Putin are us. Liberals who want Democrats in power. Republicans don't care, and the "honorable Republicans" you speak of will be ousted in the same way the Tea Party ousted "RINOs."

Unless there are consequences to Russia's actions that are beyond helping Trump get elected, consequences that are so easy to explain to an already indifferent electorate, this won't actually matter much in 2020.
As far as they're concerned, Russia did them a favor by "saving" them from Evil Hillary. That's if they even remember it happening in the first place.
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