Couldn't have been more on the money.
Eerily accurate.
When you've read these GAF threads long enough you learn to see the patterns. It was obvious during election, and it even happens in other non-politics areas of the forum.
Couldn't have been more on the money.
Eerily accurate.
So... did Russia provide Wikileaks with John Podesta's e-mails then?
But wasn't John Podesta the victim of a phising scam?
But wasn't John Podesta the victim of a phising scam?
If Trump reinstates the diplomats, he'll look guilty as hell.
It'll make him look like he's returning Putin's favor for helping him get elected.
And it's more evidence for congress to ratify articles of impeachment with.
So if the election was messed with, why is there no re-election? Surely the result needs to be overturned as it is deemed non accurate?
That account is insane. Has posted the weirdest stuff in the past.
So how long do you think it will take for Trump to shoot his mouth off on Twitter re this? I bet it'll be less than 24 hours. That narcissist cannot stand not being the center of attention.
This seems minor tbh though it could easily blow up if Trump doesn't shut up about it
It sounds like a completely separate but a 'good of a time as any' to do so kind of thing to me.
The compound in Maryland that the Soviets bought in 1972 being closed down is probably the most interesting part of this to me.
Oh wow. The hackers' names and faces have been plastered all over the news and "wanted" by the FBI.
Not to mention the approval of Trumps cabinet picks, some of which seem very pro Russia.I'm honestly shocked he hasn't said anything yet off the cuff.
But when you have a statement from Ryan in support of this and no doubt your McCains and Graham's are happy about this. If Trump goes off attacking Obama or appearing sympathetic to Russia it just won't look great. Sure his supporters won't care, but a lot of Americans aint down with this Russian shit.
oh please
Why does gaf jump to this conclusion every time
Are you going to actually respond to anyone who quotes you orYou mean the Obama Administration should have done something when Russia raped the Ukraine over Crimea?
Just like the Israeli settlements vote: too little, too late.
Honestly, what will actually be accomplished at this point? The incoming president is a Russian stooge, and literally no one gives a fuck. The Republicans won, they aren't going to fuck over themselves by turning against their winning candidate.
No one will care if Trump reverses all of this.
The Obama administration should have acted against Russia far earlier. Had they sufficiently shared information regarding Russia's activities they would've built up some sort of anti-Russian sentiment and Trump's relationship with the Kremlin wouldn't fly. But oh no how could we, we made fun of Romney for that shit!
Ah, fuck this.
Hindsight is always 20/20
Are you going to actually respond to anyone who quotes you or
Worth mentioning that the FSB (KGB successor) and GRU (Col. Volgin's lot) have been added to the sanctions list.
Did this even happen during the First Cold War?
Why not? We didn't need them interfering with our election.we don't need this.....
What in the fuck.
How did wikileaks become a governments best buddy, committed to helping them?
What in the fuck.
How did wikileaks become a governments best buddy, committed to helping them?
This gives Donny a really tricky issue on day one.
He can roll it back and suckle at Putin's dry teat - his blue collar fans didn't vote for that. The alt-righters did. This is going to create a weird schism in his base from day one.
And it means the Senate (Congress is literally just scum) have to be the grownuypsd in the room.
Donny is going to inherit a mess of his own making, Augean Stables, in fact, and he has no idea how to clean them up. Because he is not, in the end, the Hercules he imagines himself to be.
Bad move, Obama
What in the fuck.
How did wikileaks become a governments best buddy, committed to helping them?
Honestly, what will actually be accomplished at this point? The incoming president is a Russian stooge, and literally no one gives a fuck. The Republicans won, they aren't going to fuck over themselves by turning against their winning candidate.
No one will care if Trump reverses all of this.
Why do you people jump to this immediately? Every time.
If Trump reinstates the diplomats, he'll look guilty as hell.
It'll make him look like he's returning Putin's favor for helping him get elected.
And it's more evidence for congress to ratify articles of impeachment with.
He actually did.Trump is a bit of a pawn in all of this. He didn't ask for Russia to hack the election right?
Trump is a bit of a pawn in all of this. He didn't ask for Russia to hack the election right?