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Valkyria Chronicles |OT| Beautiful art meets genre-redefining gameplay

Itchy//Tasty said:
Bought this game today, got about a few hours in. I was absolutely loving it until Chapter 4 wherein I've hit an absolute goddamn brick wall. I don't think I've ever personally encountered such a massive difficulty spike, and I don't know whether I just really suck at strategy games or what. It's the mission where they have to take the Bridge, and I've literally been digging away at it all night, attempting it over and over, from about 8pm to this moment (it's 1am here). I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but every single strategy I try fails, and even online guides don't seem to be helping. I might have hang this one up and accept defeat, but I don't want to because it's such a beautiful, likeable game. Any tips, GAF?

If you think Chapter 4 is bad, wait until you get to Chapter 7. That's where I'm stuck currently. The kicker is I know exactly what to do now but I've gotten my ass kicked so many times on that battle that I can't even bring myself to insert the disc -.-


Tolkienfanatic said:
If you think Chapter 4 is bad, wait until you get to Chapter 7. That's where I'm stuck currently. The kicker is I know exactly what to do now but I've gotten my ass kicked so many times on that battle that I can't even bring myself to insert the disc -.-

Leveling up your characters in skirmish battles can help.
Agh, Youtube guides! Why didn't I think of that? Thanks.

Visually, this game is beautiful, and I love all the characters. Just wish I was actually good at it.


cleared both those infamous missions on the first go, without faqs or anything. The seventh mission was easy once you know how to quickly distroy all the turrets.
le.phat said:
cleared both those infamous missions on the first go, without faqs or anything. The seventh mission was easy once you know how to quickly distroy all the turrets.

Yeah I don't have trouble taking out the turrets. My issue is being properly positioned when Selvaria arrives.


Strategy for Mission 7:

You shouldn't go past the trench going up the hill. Put a shocktrooper or two at the top of the hill crouching in the trench and they'll take care of most of the guys that come from the hill (maybe a sniper could take some out too). When Selvaria comes, retreat them behind the ruins or go down to the hill where your tank can block Selvaria and protect them.
Chapter 4... isn't that the mission where you have to go around destroying inactivated tanks? Why not take the long way around; don't take short cuts, and send a couple of scouts out to find the enemy, and a pair of lancers to take care of each tank you see.

When you reach the main road, use the Edelweisse for cover.

I'd recommend using mainly scouts, engineers, and lancers. I don't think I ever found much use for Shocktroopers in this mission.

As for Chapter 7, send a shocktrooper to kill the sniper up on the plateau, then have them face the enemies that are far away, as a turret against them. Then position 2 lancers in the trenches near the first base camp (south) and 2 more in the northern most starting camp, near the Batomys. Have an engineer on both sides.

When you have to destroy, well, you'll know, take out the one on the right side first; that'll be the one near Selvaria, and it'll be a real pain to get near to. Then take care of the sides and the back.

Always keep moving the Edelweisse. Only knock down obstructions with one shot; never destroy them outright. When you get the Edelweisse to your base camp, point it towards oncoming soldiers to jam them.

Worst comes to worst, you can take out the, uh, you'll know, with Lancers. It's the hard way, actually, but that's how I did it, and you can avoid Selvaria that way if she positions herself in a manner disadvantageous to you. It'll be a bit harder, but eh.

Then pummel the Batomys.

Edit: ianp622 also has some good ideas.
FlightOfHeaven said:
Yes, you can! Although you can use him as a kamikaze unit on any given map; just send him out to do something unpleasant where there's a high chance something... unfortunate can happen to him, oh ho ho ho.

I actually found Cezary kinda cool. I like his kinda emo-pale goth look.

FlightOfHeaven said:
Chapter 4... isn't that the mission where you have to go around destroying inactivated tanks? Why not take the long way around; don't take short cuts, and send a couple of scouts out to find the enemy, and a pair of lancers to take care of each tank you see.

I actually found that mission to be difficult to send scouts around because of the shocktroopers defending the tanks. I had to take the long way around too. You also don't need lancers for this, because you just blow up the fuel tanks next to the tanks.

It's better to go in with shocktroopers to take out the soldiers that are aware of you, and use scouts only for sneaking.

As far as Chapter 7 goes, I posted something on it a long time ago, so I'm tired of reposting. Everyone else has good tips too.
I just finished the Selvaria DLC and I wanted to go back and unlock the third mission. Do I have to receive an A again on the first mission? Will a lower grade overwrite my previous grade?


BarrelMakingPenguin said:
I just finished the Selvaria DLC and I wanted to go back and unlock the third mission. Do I have to receive an A again on the first mission? Will a lower grade overwrite my previous grade?

No. I'm not even sure if it's possible to get an A on the first mission while getting the branch (might be, I got a B), but as long as you've gotten an A in all 3 of the normal missions, you'll unlock the 4th.
radiantdreamer said:

I actually found Cezary kinda cool. I like his kinda emo-pale goth look.

I actually found that mission to be difficult to send scouts around because of the shocktroopers defending the tanks. I had to take the long way around too. You also don't need lancers for this, because you just blow up the fuel tanks next to the tanks.

It's better to go in with shocktroopers to take out the soldiers that are aware of you, and use scouts only for sneaking.

As far as Chapter 7 goes, I posted something on it a long time ago, so I'm tired of reposting. Everyone else has good tips too.

Well, I should have been more clear. I had the scouts for sneaking. I think I did have one or two shocktroopers for cleaning up.

Lancers were used in my run because tanks seemed to activate rather randomly.


:lol :lol :lol

her tits are as big as her head :lol :lol :lol

That's pretty epic though, looks really pro. I'd rather have a Marina or Alicia instead :p


radiantdreamer said:
News just in for this year's Wonderfest.

Manufactured by the reputable Alter.


Be excited. Be very excited.

That is pretty awesome, though I've been looking forward to any more news on this figure that was revealed by ebCraft/Enterbrain back in the spring:



Everything is moe to me
spoiler alert
http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c342/FallenOneRaZe/my junk/1.jpg
http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c342/FallenOneRaZe/my junk/2-4.jpg
http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c342/FallenOneRaZe/my junk/3-2.jpg
http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c342/FallenOneRaZe/my junk/4-2.jpg

I didn't think they'd actually do it.

on a related note, how are you supposed to beat barrious EX hard difficulty? it started in a sandstorm but two enemy snipers were still able to peg welkin from accross the map.

thats just cheap, you couldnt possibly see them.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I just put in an order for this game... It's been soooo rare in Vancouver and I've bitched about it for a long time! It's actually not in stock yet, but hopefully it comes in soon :lol I really want this game!!!


In addition to the earlier unfinished Alter figure, a new poseable Selvaria figure has shown up at Wonder Festival:


Decisions, decisions.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
I would love to have both of the Selvaria Figures, the problem (like the Yukiko figure from P4) is finding a place that would have it in stock.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Itchy//Tasty said:
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but every single strategy I try fails, and even online guides don't seem to be helping. I might have hang this one up and accept defeat, but I don't want to because it's such a beautiful, likeable game. Any tips, GAF?

If you read my posts earlier in this thread I almost quit as well, but now I'm more than halfway through the game and I love it a lot. It's one of those games you have to "learn" how to play before you really start to enjoy it. Anyways here's my n00b0rz tips: (they're all pretty obvious once you "realize" them but I didn't really pick up on certain things until a few missions in. Some of these will be stupidly obvious to you - so take it for what it's worth to you)

1. Lancers/Snipers CAN NOT counter attack! Man, I wish this had just "clicked" with me earlier in the game. This means if you see like three Lancers taking cover and all you have is a Scout = you win. Rush up on these assholes and spend all the turns in the world throwing grenades and capping them in the face - they won't counter with a lance shot. Any time you see a Lancer all by himself and all you have is a Scout or Shocktrooper, then you have them dead to rights. They can't counter attack you as you rush up on them so take advantage!

2. Level up Scout to Lv11 ASAP! Once they are Lv 11 they get the grenade launcher which I think is the most useful weapon in the game. This makes the Scouts DEADLY. They can kill almost any unit in one kill - and from distance! Don't bother doing equal XP distribution early in the game - get the Scouts to Lv 11 ASAP and rock with the grenade launcher.

3. Lead with your Tank on the battlefield and set screens! I always lead with the tank out in the battlefield. When you're in turn (offense) there's nobody capable of destroying your tank as you move into a battlefield. They'll just chip damage you a lot, but nothing that will KO you in a turn. (Unlike the Scout where if she runs up on a hiding Shocktrooper - they're dead) Keep your units behind the tank, especially an Engineer who can heal the tank, when progressing on the battlefield. If one of your units get in trouble, have the tank move to block it from targets when the enemy's turn comes (defense).

4. "Stand up" your enemies before rushing/attacking! Again this is something that did not click with me until several hours and missions into the game. When an enemy is in "Crouching" - you aren't going to be able to kill them in a turn and you'll only do chip damage to them. Basically when you see an enemy crouching behind sandbags - you need to "stand up" them first before you can do a head shot in hopes of killing them. There are some effective ways to do this. By far the most is to use your Tank. Have your tanks run over enemies that are crouching and destroy the sandbags. Ironically you won't damage them, but you'll destroy their cover and make them "stand up" so you can rush up to them and do a head shot or kill them with a grenade.

Here's an example of this > You see a Lancer crouching behind sand bags. You rush up on them and try to head shot them with a Scout. You BARELY do any damage. What you should've done is lobbed a grenade first to destroy their cover and stand them up. Then on the next turn, rush up for the head shot kill.
Or while you're leading the front with your tank, you see a group of enemies crouching. You run them over, destroying their cover and standing them up. On the next turn you have a Scout or Shocktrooper lob a grenade killing them.

5. Don't use up all your CP (command points/ character turns) if you don't HAVE to! You can always save CP for the next turn. Usually I like to save one or two CPs per turn where I am just setting up positions, and save them for when I go on an "offensive turn". Do strategic things like flank an enemy and stack up three or four units against a wall out of sight. Then save for your next turn and have all characters rush the base or enemies you're trying to kill. Remember to take out the defensive units first: Tanks, Shocktroopers, Scouts... and then rush up on Snipers and Lancers when there's nobody there to protect them.

... That's all I have for now! I hope at least one of those will help. :D
Giolon said:
In addition to the earlier unfinished Alter figure, a new poseable Selvaria figure has shown up at Wonder Festival:


Decisions, decisions.

hmmm... looks like a figma. Figmas are pretty damn small. Not really interested in that one.

The EbCraft one looks hella cool. I would not mind that one over the Alter one simply because of the better pose.


Knightfall said:
I really want this game but can't find it anywhere... where should I look to get it on the cheap?
$40 on Amazon (if you're in the US?). This game is easily worth $60, let alone less.

radiantdreamer said:
hmmm... looks like a figma. Figmas are pretty damn small. Not really interested in that one.
The shoulder joints don't look like the joints on any figma I've owned or seen, but you're right it does look similar in concept.
Giolon said:
$40 on Amazon (if you're in the US?). This game is easily worth $60, let alone less.


Special offer in Spain, last month, in a big mall (MediaMarkt). It's not a magazine scan, it's a standalone shop ad.

That shop don't ship by mail, but if you look for valkyria chronicles in spanish ebay, maybe you'll find good prices.
DangerousDave said:

Special offer in Spain, last month, in a big mall (MediaMarkt). It's not a magazine scan, it's a standalone shop ad.

That shop don't ship by mail, but if you look for valkyria chronicles in spanish ebay, maybe you'll find good prices.

This add is like a "What is different to the others / does not belong here" puzzle-question :(
Playing through this now.. reminds me a little of that old game Future Tactics, just quite a bit better.

All in all, I'm digging it a lot, but it feels like I'm spending more time watching cut-scenes than I am playing it, and why do they gotta break them into 15 different segments that each have to load? A little annoying.


LocoMrPollock said:
Playing through this now.. reminds me a little of that old game Future Tactics, just quite a bit better.

All in all, I'm digging it a lot, but it feels like I'm spending more time watching cut-scenes than I am playing it, and why do they gotta break them into 15 different segments that each have to load? A little annoying.

yeah... just gotta tolerate that the first playthrough is all :/

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
LocoMrPollock said:
Playing through this now.. reminds me a little of that old game Future Tactics, just quite a bit better.

All in all, I'm digging it a lot, but it feels like I'm spending more time watching cut-scenes than I am playing it, and why do they gotta break them into 15 different segments that each have to load? A little annoying.

Yeah there's a lot of watching but I don't mind at all. I feel like I am watching a really interesting episodic anime that I get to play the "action" scenes through. I like the story a lot, the characters are all very interesting, the dialog is very well written, voice acting is top notch I think. Depending on your feeling towards anime (I watch a little) you might not like it very much, or like it as much as me!

Chapter 12-14 spoilers

Alicia is a badass Valkyrie! I did not see that coming! This story is really starting to pick up. I can't believe that Welkin's sister died. That was sad, and it's nice to see the change in Rosie occur over the course of the game. Seriously though after the end of chapter 13 you would think this unit would finally learn to keep themselves down and not stand around in the open after a battle... :lol

Really digging the story and characters a lot (especially the interactions between Welkin and Alicia. Seems very "real" and not too cliche or forced), very interested to see where it goes and how it ends. This might be one of my favorite (J)(S)RPGs I've played in a long time. :D
The story annoyed me at the beginning because I just wanted more gameplay. The gameplay was just so good, but so brief.

As the chapters got lengthier and more difficult, I started enjoying the story more.

Oh, buy the interviews on CastleFront street. They pay for themselves when you play through them, and you get neat boosts for your leaders as well.

Except for the beach/vacation one. It's just a front to see Alicia in a bikini. > : |


Sega of America
Hey there GAF,

First up, nice to meet you all. I go by RubyEclipse, and I'm the the community manager for Valkyria Chronicles here at SEGA of America. Just wanted to drop in and say thank you for all the support you guys here have given the game! Likewise, to all the people who are just recently picking it up, enjoy: you're in for a treat.

Those Selvaria figurines are pretty cool (even if the proportions are a little awkward); I'll ask around and see if I can get some shipped in to give away. I also have a couple unopened Series 1 Valkyria figurines that I plan to send out soon.

Anyways, might as well make the first post a good one, so: the first person to reply to this post gets a free code for their choice of one of the Valkyria DLC packs! The only rule is that I'd like it to be someone who has already posted in this thread once before, to make sure it goes out to a fan.

Thanks again, good luck, and I'll catch you guys around. :)


RubyEclipse said:
Hey there GAF,

First up, nice to meet you all. I go by RubyEclipse, and I'm the the community manager for Valkyria Chronicles here at SEGA of America. Just wanted to drop in and say thank you for all the support you guys here have given the game! Likewise, to all the people who are just recently picking it up, enjoy: you're in for a treat.

Those Selvaria figurines are pretty cool (even if the proportions are a little awkward); I'll ask around and see if I can get some shipped in to give away. I also have a couple unopened Series 1 Valkyria figurines that I plan to send out soon.

Anyways, might as well make the first post a good one, so: the first person to reply to this post gets a free code for their choice of one of the Valkyria DLC packs! The only rule is that I'd like it to be someone who has already posted in this thread once before, to make sure it goes out to a fan.

Thanks again, good luck, and I'll catch you guys around. :)

Thanks for the offer! Keep up the good work!:D
RubyEclipse said:
Hey there GAF,

First up, nice to meet you all. I go by RubyEclipse, and I'm the the community manager for Valkyria Chronicles here at SEGA of America. Just wanted to drop in and say thank you for all the support you guys here have given the game! Likewise, to all the people who are just recently picking it up, enjoy: you're in for a treat.

Those Selvaria figurines are pretty cool (even if the proportions are a little awkward); I'll ask around and see if I can get some shipped in to give away. I also have a couple unopened Series 1 Valkyria figurines that I plan to send out soon.

Anyways, might as well make the first post a good one, so: the first person to reply to this post gets a free code for their choice of one of the Valkyria DLC packs! The only rule is that I'd like it to be someone who has already posted in this thread once before, to make sure it goes out to a fan.

Thanks again, good luck, and I'll catch you guys around. :)

yo :)
damn you! ^


RubyEclipse said:
Hey there GAF,

First up, nice to meet you all. I go by RubyEclipse, and I'm the the community manager for Valkyria Chronicles here at SEGA of America. Just wanted to drop in and say thank you for all the support you guys here have given the game! Likewise, to all the people who are just recently picking it up, enjoy: you're in for a treat.

Those Selvaria figurines are pretty cool (even if the proportions are a little awkward); I'll ask around and see if I can get some shipped in to give away. I also have a couple unopened Series 1 Valkyria figurines that I plan to send out soon.

Anyways, might as well make the first post a good one, so: the first person to reply to this post gets a free code for their choice of one of the Valkyria DLC packs! The only rule is that I'd like it to be someone who has already posted in this thread once before, to make sure it goes out to a fan.

Thanks again, good luck, and I'll catch you guys around. :)

Good to hear from a community manager! (and too bad I'm late :'( ) Sorry if I come off as a broken record, but is there any possibility at all of trophies for the game?
RubyEclipse said:
Hey there GAF,

First up, nice to meet you all. I go by RubyEclipse, and I'm the the community manager for Valkyria Chronicles here at SEGA of America. Just wanted to drop in and say thank you for all the support you guys here have given the game! Likewise, to all the people who are just recently picking it up, enjoy: you're in for a treat.

Those Selvaria figurines are pretty cool (even if the proportions are a little awkward); I'll ask around and see if I can get some shipped in to give away. I also have a couple unopened Series 1 Valkyria figurines that I plan to send out soon.

Anyways, might as well make the first post a good one, so: the first person to reply to this post gets a free code for their choice of one of the Valkyria DLC packs! The only rule is that I'd like it to be someone who has already posted in this thread once before, to make sure it goes out to a fan.

Thanks again, good luck, and I'll catch you guys around. :)
I already own all of the DLC, but welcome to GAF :D. See you around.


I really liked the game. But I stopped at the level where you get the 2nd tank.
For some reason I haven't played it for a couple of months and now I'm doubting to start again all over or try if I can still play my save game and understand the story and game-mechanics.


RubyEclipse said:
Hey there GAF,

First up, nice to meet you all. I go by RubyEclipse, and I'm the the community manager for Valkyria Chronicles here at SEGA of America. Just wanted to drop in and say thank you for all the support you guys here have given the game! Likewise, to all the people who are just recently picking it up, enjoy: you're in for a treat.

Those Selvaria figurines are pretty cool (even if the proportions are a little awkward); I'll ask around and see if I can get some shipped in to give away. I also have a couple unopened Series 1 Valkyria figurines that I plan to send out soon.

Anyways, might as well make the first post a good one, so: the first person to reply to this post gets a free code for their choice of one of the Valkyria DLC packs! The only rule is that I'd like it to be someone who has already posted in this thread once before, to make sure it goes out to a fan.

Thanks again, good luck, and I'll catch you guys around. :)

Welcome to GAF! Love VC, though the direction VC2 is taking concerns me greatly. Congrats to the guy who won that DLC code!
RubyEclipse said:
Hey there GAF,

First up, nice to meet you all. I go by RubyEclipse, and I'm the the community manager for Valkyria Chronicles here at SEGA of America. Just wanted to drop in and say thank you for all the support you guys here have given the game! Likewise, to all the people who are just recently picking it up, enjoy: you're in for a treat.

Those Selvaria figurines are pretty cool (even if the proportions are a little awkward); I'll ask around and see if I can get some shipped in to give away. I also have a couple unopened Series 1 Valkyria figurines that I plan to send out soon.

Anyways, might as well make the first post a good one, so: the first person to reply to this post gets a free code for their choice of one of the Valkyria DLC packs! The only rule is that I'd like it to be someone who has already posted in this thread once before, to make sure it goes out to a fan.

Thanks again, good luck, and I'll catch you guys around. :)

Hi RubyEclipse! Welcome to GAF! As the thread shows, we all really appreciate the awesomeness that is VC, and look forward to more DLC, and the upcoming sequel.

A give-away for those Selveria figures would be SO awesome. Being a huge anime figure collector, I'm swooning! Since they're WonderFest debute prototypes, the figures probably won't get official releases until early next year.

Actually, I'm curious, and maybe this is a question you can answer - Red Entertainment seems to have a hand in the Valkyria Chronicles IP, and I know for certain they have ties with the people at Good Smile Company since they released the Shiraki series. Any reason why GSC never picked up the IP for figures?
Great game!

However, I was upset that
didn't die a most gruesome and painful death. Loudmouth little fucker.

Anyone struggling with it will do well to A) upgrade and B) move throught the map as a unit.


radiantdreamer said:
Actually, I'm curious, and maybe this is a question you can answer - Red Entertainment seems to have a hand in the Valkyria Chronicles IP, and I know for certain they have ties with the people at Good Smile Company since they released the Shuraki series. Any reason why GSC never picked up the IP for figures?
I've always thought that Needa from that series would fit in perfectly in VC:


RubyEclipse said:
Hey there GAF,

First up, nice to meet you all. I go by RubyEclipse, and I'm the the community manager for Valkyria Chronicles here at SEGA of America. Just wanted to drop in and say thank you for all the support you guys here have given the game! Likewise, to all the people who are just recently picking it up, enjoy: you're in for a treat.

Those Selvaria figurines are pretty cool (even if the proportions are a little awkward); I'll ask around and see if I can get some shipped in to give away. I also have a couple unopened Series 1 Valkyria figurines that I plan to send out soon.

Anyways, might as well make the first post a good one, so: the first person to reply to this post gets a free code for their choice of one of the Valkyria DLC packs! The only rule is that I'd like it to be someone who has already posted in this thread once before, to make sure it goes out to a fan.

Thanks again, good luck, and I'll catch you guys around. :)

I already have all of the DLC, but thanks for coming by and introducing yourself. Make sure to let us know when you receive VC2 info.
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