I think you'll see info before E3 for everybody. But one quite a bit sooner than the other.
MS seem like they could announce any time they wanted from what I gather.
It was originally targeting 2012 and Kinect gave them some extra time so they took it.
It has been in the hands of 3rd parties for a long time. Since at least 2010, maybe even earlier for the big guys with is kind of crazy compaired to previous gens when developers didnt get anything until 6 - 8 months before release and would work off guess work and vague target specs until then.
The ps4 on the other hand has been a mystery up until the last year and it has slowly been made available through out this year.
With all that MS seem like a lock for 2013 but I still would not bet my house on Sony have the PS4 out in time.
What about you. Would you say its a safe bet that both system launch before the end of 2013?
The amount of time and money spent on the production values I bet it was at some point. At least it was used as a test bed to get there tool chain next gen ready.
Also AC3 and Far Cry 3 seem like games barely able to run on current systems so I bet they probably had next gen in mind at some point.
AC3 at least. That game looks crazy at times. No way someone thought current systems could do all that without thinking a head.