Really now? Sony's been losing more money per console since the very beginning, that's a very well known fact, and yet they dropped the price twice in PS3's first year, globally. That made the main PS3 SKU's price $399, down from $599 (the 20 GB $499 model was always rare and it mainly existed so that Sony could say that they had a $499 console; it was discontinued after just two quarters on the market). Sony's been more aggressive in pricing for the whole duration of the generation, globally, and they only started making profit recently (quarterly profit, that is, PS3 will probably never cover its huge initial losses).
This kind of revisionism would be funny it it wasn't a bit worrying.
I think they only dropped the price once in the first year unless you are counting each SKU drop, which would be weird ($599 to $499 for the 60-80GB and $499 - $399 for the 20-40GB SKU). I don't think they hit $299 until 2009 and then $249 in 2011 IIRC and that's where we stand now.
Anyways, I have a feeling that they are pretty profitable on their 2 SKUs ($279 for the 250GB bundle and $299 for the 500GB bundle). I'm guessing the price to make the PS3, with shipping, etc included is probably below $199, my guess is around $170-$180 right now, so they're making a pretty penny on each console sold. Everyone thought they would drop the price this year for the holiday, and they did the opposite, but I'm guessing with the PS4 virtually a lock for Fall 2013 (unfortunately) now and with the major 1st/2nd party (GOW, TLOU, Beyond) and 3rd party (GTAV, Bioshock Infinite, Dead Space 3, MGS:R) games hitting in the spring that they will need to drop the price early in the year, possibly february or march. The only major game without a set release date is MGSV/GZ/PP/whatever. What's everyone's guess as for the price drop and what kind of bundles they will have?
My guess is price drop to $199/$249 for the 250/500GB SKUS, possibly $169 if they introduce the 12GB in the US. Similar price drops in EU/JP. I'm guessing 250GB and below will be core (i.e. no games bundled) and 500GB will always be bundled with games, top choices for bundles are GOW:A, Bioshock Infinite, TLOU, GTAV, maybe Beyond.
Also, for fun, guesses on Sony's studios and what they're doing for PS4 with guesses on release dates.
- GG team 1 - WRPG fantasy IP. Probably 2015.
- GG team 2 - Killzone 4 for PS4. Launch window game, Fall 2013 to mid 2014.
- MM non tearway team - New creative IP doing whatever the hell it does, Fall 2014 at the earliest
- ND team 1 - Finishing up TLOU and then working on DLC while some of the team starts working on TLOU2 or a new IP for PS4 which will be a 2015 title.
- ND team 2 - Uncharted 4 or new IP Mid/Fall 2014.
- SSM team 1 - Stig's team. New FPS IP. I have a feeling that their involvement in starhawk was really to test out vehicles for this IP. Launch title, Fall 2013.
- SSM team 2 - Finishing up GOW:A then work on DLC for it while part of the team starts working on GOW4 for PS4. Probably 2015.
- Sony Bend - no ps4 games, unfortunately. Either Uncharted GA2 or Syphon Filter game for psv
- SP team 1 - Rumored to be 2 teams, so team 1 working on new IP for PS4's launch, Fall 2013.
- SP team 2 - infamous 3 for ps4. Mid 2015.
- PD - should have been 2 teams as well, but they're not. GT6P for PS4 launch, GT6 release Fall 2014/Mid 2015.
- SCEJ - Finishing Rain and Puppeteer for PS3. Ideally they would have some JRPGs cooking, new IPs, Dark Cloud, LoD, etc, but can't expect much from them, just some more patapons and locoroccos. Or maybe The Last Guardian in 2017.
- Sony San Diego - Finishing MLB 13 for ps3/psv and working on next generation engine for ps4. MLB14 will be on ps4/3/v in March '14.
- SCE London - more casual stuff. Home, Singstar, Buz ps4
- SCE Cambridge - Finish Killzone mercenary for vita after that, help out the other teams
- Evolution - My guess is wipeout PS4 for launch, Fall 2013.