Itazan is playing online matches on the Godsgarden stream now:
I think a lot of people are favoring ranked matches and regular player matches right now, because waiting for the timer to count down between matches makes lobbies kind of a hassle. Hopefully Sega will update the game and allow people to skip the timer or at least make make the countdown shorter.
both of these points are wrong, but the bolded one is more wrong-er than the other.
First: standing punch will not connect with an opponent 10 above the ground.
second: okizeme in VF5 is incredible, you just have to know what to do
Most people have their characters picked out within a few seconds. It rarely takes anybody the full length of the timer to select a character. There should at least be some kind of "ready up" feature that skips the countdown once both players have indicated they're ready for the game to start.I wonder if people that have a problem with the timer realize you're bypassing character selection. It's really not that much longer than SF4, if at all.
No luck with playing (eu/it).. a lot of wait, found a room, a few matches, the host disconnects an recreates another room... if I follow him, he disconnets again... looking for another room, another long wait pressing square here and there to update... do-loop :/
Well, I'll try later, after dinner.
Edit: and I found just two "same area" rooms in three days... :/
It's not true oki in the meaning I explained. In VF opponent that get's up has tons of invincibility frames and whenever opponent gets up with a sweep, mid kick or nothing you react accordingly, backdash and attack, dodge-sidestep, jump etc. but you can't hit him while he's getting up, rolling or pop him up from ground, you must wait for him. Reaction on opponent that gets up safe and offense on opponent that's not safe while getting up. That's the difference.
And VF does have weird hitboxes in juggles. I extracted few frames from this combo.
I wanted to make few gifs but somehow my tools stopped recognizing images I saved. Wtf.
I love VF but I don't have to pretend it does everything right. Be cool.
Set it to "Worldwide". I am form Turkey and tried "Same Area" few times and couldnt find any games in 30 mins. I guess same area radius is like few blocks around where u are located
In worldwide i was expecting massive lag but 80% of the matches i played (around 70 now) was lag free.
All the matches I had were "worldwide" except those very few matches in two "same area" rooms (just for the lol, in one of these two room there were a boy and a girl chit-chatting... I left embarassed).
Well, let's see if I'm more lucky this time!
Edit: no luck at first! no worldwide and no same area rooms available :/
Edit 2: found one ww!
Combos in VF has always been like that, there is nothing new.
And I'm still a little confused by what you mean about wakeup. Are you saying that if they are getting up and do nothing, you can't do anything until they are fully standing?
If they take too long to get up and you do a down attack as they are standing up, you will knock them to the ground. This will force opponents to quick recover or roll back. If they choose to roll back, you can crouch dash towards them and start the oki game.
If that makes any sense.
Thats weird...i probably waited for like maximum 10 secs in worldwide. Even if i pick custom matches before i can pick any lobby from list i get in to a fight automatically. Maybe its a port problem?
I might be wrong, but I think you can throw someone when they're rolling to the side on wakeup.I mean the frames from lying position until they are up on their feet are invincible, rolling to the side too. It's made so opponent could get up. Eg in tekken you can hit opponent who's rolling to any direction or while getting up, no invincibility.
I had zero problems with sf4, ssf4, sf3ts and mvc3...
I meant rolling while grounded with G not tech recovery with pkg.I might be wrong, but I think you can throw someone when they're rolling to the side on wakeup.
Combos in VF has always been like that, there is nothing new.
Actually it's only been like that since VF4. The older VF had almost perfect hitboxes :
They obviously wanted to make VF4 a more combo-oriented fighter, which was a small disappointment for me.
Actually it's only been like that since VF4. The older VF had almost perfect hitboxes :
They obviously wanted to make VF4 a more combo-oriented fighter, which was a small disappointment for me.
My God that VF1 Lau combo.
Anyone got tips on beating spamming punch and turning elbow Brad?
Yeah, but it has to be timed pretty well in order to beat them. You can also backdash or jump away to make them whiff.Can you still stuff wakeup atks with moves that do more dmg?
It's not true oki in the meaning I explained. In VF opponent that get's up has tons of invincibility frames and whenever opponent gets up with a sweep, mid kick or nothing you react accordingly, backdash and attack, dodge-sidestep, jump etc. but you can't hit him while he's getting up, rolling or pop him up from ground, you must wait for him. Reaction on opponent that gets up safe and offense on opponent that's not safe while getting up. That's the difference.
And VF does have weird hitboxes in juggles. I extracted few frames from this combo.
I wanted to make few gifs but somehow my tools stopped recognizing images I saved. Wtf.
I love VF but I don't have to pretend it does everything right. Be cool.
Umm I meant to ask how do I use special items on win animations? I bought only Jean customization.
Like if you equip bottle he sometimes cut it after a fight, with lantern he's supposed to smash it, I saw on youtube but nothing happens here. Should I hold PKG on replay or something?
Again, you dont know okizeme in VF5.
Going through command training w/Goh at the moment. Having difficulty with Haritsuke (->K, then P+G during hit). I see a little bubble that seems to refer to a video, which I'm assuming will show me the timing/execution, but I don't know how to actually play it! I tried pressing all the buttons and everything. :|
On PS3, you press start to bring up the menu, then triangle to play the demo.
Just noticed they took out the nice rain effects from the city stage. Anyone noticed other graphical downgrades?
Yeah the city stage in VF5:FS is missing the wet reflective look from VF5.
Also besides changing the time of day, Wolf's stage snow mountain doesn't have snow on the ground anymore. It used to be piled up like the sand in the ruins stage.
Also, didn't VF5 have a cage level where the floor was covered in water ? Was that the old ruins stage ?
It's impossible to search for specific stage videos on youtube as all that comes up are the soundtracks.
A few levels like Arena and Island could be an improvement but it's hard to compare since I don't have VF5 anymore.
Overall, I think VF5 stages were better. I don't like most of the changes. Like Shun Di's river stage, they made it all cloudy and overcast out. Lau's Great Wall looked better in VF5 too IMO.
And didn't Lei Fei's stage used to have tiles that would crack, or was that VF4 on PS2 ?
I've played Aoi almost exclusively online, but I want to get started with Vanessa and Jean too. From the characters I've done the movelists with, I like them the most. Vanessa is ridiculously brutal at times, but I wonder if the special prone stance will be useful when people catch on.
Fun game, but online can be very laggy. Also it's kinda weird that some moves do not connect, especially when the enemy is on the ground. (sometimes the sweep magically goes through them lol)
But my favorite is the 'might maaaakes riiiiiiiiight'
Oh hey, I think I just met Daigoro's Shun with my Pai.
I get so nervous when playing online that I forget every move I have. I even tried to limit myself to only using a handful of moves, but not even that I can even remember. Maybe I should limit myself to just the punch and block buttons, but I have a feeling even that will be too much for me.
oh cool. i played a few Pai's earlier, what's your gt again? gg.
My tag is tumvante. I was the white Pai who figured it was a good idea to give you plenty of time and space to drink.
ah yes. do not do that. especially as Pai.
also keep playing. the more you play, the less nervous you get. we all are gonna have losses. lots of em.