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WaPo: Trump recorded bragging about his fame letting him violate women in 2005

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Surely you see how video evidence changes things in our society? Ray Rice got suspended for a couple games for domestic violence but as soon as the tape of it leaked, he got suspended indefinitely. That's quite a swing for a tape that supposedly the NFL already had in their possesion.

It's about perception, and you can't hide or really spin the perception that a video creates.

Like, I get it. We now have a sound clip of him saying that he uses his fame to sleep with women. Grab them by the pussy, on a hot mic, that's a scandal. That'll sink someone.

When victim after victim come forward and that doesn't sink him, when he goes up on stage and slanders minorities and that doesn't sink him, when he talks about pointless bloodshed in the middle east and that doesn't sink him, it says those things are acceptable. Fuck victims, fuck the poor, fuck brown people. A scandal doesn't repudiate that mentality or those views.


Are you REALLY the same guy you were 10 years ago? I'm not saying I support Trump, but come on, 10 years is a long time to change
10 years ago I still respected women and didn't think it was cool to sexually assault them, and I was only 20. TRUMP WAS 59 YEARS OLD.
I don't get it. :(


You truly know nothing..😛

Caja 117

Are you REALLY the same guy you were 10 years ago? I'm not saying I support Trump, but come on, 10 years is a long time to change

This is not if people could change in 10 years or not, is that He has shown this behavior trough this campaign, the video is just a confirmation of this. not to mention that the older you get the less you change during the years.


Because 59 year old men are totally known for making massive changes to their character. At 50+ someone is set into their ways and the only way to change at that age is with serious introspection, and probably therapy, something of which I can not imagine Trump doing ever in his life.

He was a 60 year old man. also, have you not been paying attention? He's never been acceptable on any level.

The dude was 60. At that point you are who you are. It's not like he was 20 and now he's 30.

a) Most of us here probably weren't 60 10 years ago. There's a big difference between yours teens and twenties and twenties and thirties than 60 and 70.

b) He's got a history of this. This is nothing new. There have been allegations of sexual assault and creepy behavior from him for awhile. This is only sticking because it's a nice short clip of him admitting it.

How much do you think a 59 year old man changes in 10 years time? Seriously.
I didn't realize he was THAT old. Ya'll are right


Are you REALLY the same guy you were 10 years ago? I'm not saying I support Trump, but come on, 10 years is a long time to change

If he was a teenager or even a college student 10 years ago, you'd have a point. He was a 60 year old man. And he clearly hasn't changed since.
There was a report a month or 2 ago about how it has tanked all his business; Because big money folks don't want to be associated with him
He always brags how his biggest business asset is his name. Once all is said and done, and most people see him for the miserable failure of a brutish conman he really is, it's going to have a negative value.


CNN though...


"Ok class, now launch your history App and swipe to chapter 5, "The Pussygate of 2016". I want you to look at the embedded GIF and write a short report describing the different reactions you can see and how they represent the American electorate of that time period. Due tomorrow."

Future History Class


Like, I get it. We now have a sound clip of him saying that he uses his fame to sleep with women. Grab them by the pussy, on a hot mic, that's a scandal. That'll sink someone.

When victim after victim come forward and that doesn't sink him, when he goes up on stage and slanders minorities and that doesn't sink him, when he talks about pointless bloodshed in the middle east and that doesn't sink him, it says those things are acceptable. Fuck victims, fuck the poor, fuck brown people. A scandal doesn't repudiate that mentality or those views.

But this isn't one singular scandal. This is piled ON TOP of those other things you mentioned. This isn't being viewed in a vacuum, it's being viewed on top of the fact that Trump has been getting damaging leaks at a constant pace and this is the tip of the iceberg (so far) as well as the shit he's said himself.

His grasp on the woman vote was already hanging by a thread as he was sitting on as bad of numbers of married white women as George H.W. Bush had going agaist Bill Clinton BEFORE this tape came out.


Amazing they keep these tapes for rainy days. Just to make sure Trump doesn't win. Post election for Trump will be something if the government is holding back at the moment before they come down like a tonne of bricks, should have a long time ago but who knows how slimy Trump is to have evaded everything so far and for the government to avoid it's a conspiracy for taking out Trump before final voting.
I'm bothered by this.

People are holding this against Donald Trump, a 10 year old sexism video, and he's completely going to lose the election because of it.

But not all the shit he said for the past 2 years while running for office?

I don't understand life anymore.

As bad as all the things he has said and done since his run began, I don't care what the scandal is that brings him down, as long as he fails.

Someone on Twitter had pointed out that this is the first job that Trump has ever had to apply for. I like the idea that Trump could have a 100% failure rate at something.


Imagine a Disney movie where a woman is trying to be come first female president and her opponent is a reality tv show star who says he likes to grab women by the pussy.

Even Aaron Sorkin would be like "C'mon dude".


Are you REALLY the same guy you were 10 years ago? I'm not saying I support Trump, but come on, 10 years is a long time to change
Why do people always try to defend trump by talking about each of his flubs as if they are happening in a vacuum? There is a long pattern of behavior that keeps reinforcing that he is not a good person, a good businessman, or a good... anything really.


Like, I get it. We now have a sound clip of him saying that he uses his fame to sleep with women. Grab them by the pussy, on a hot mic, that's a scandal. That'll sink someone.

When victim after victim come forward and that doesn't sink him, when he goes up on stage and slanders minorities and that doesn't sink him, when he talks about pointless bloodshed in the middle east and that doesn't sink him, it says those things are acceptable. Fuck victims, fuck the poor, fuck brown people. A scandal doesn't repudiate that mentality or those views.

Yeah I don't think you do.

But I'm not going to argue with you any longer because I think your point is that the worse things that have come out should have sank him, and I agree. If you're argument is though that this here will have no lasting effect, I disagree. Like it or not, people are taking this far more seriously.
No doubt about it. That's why his apology is so bad. There is bound to be more goodies. The Apprentice probably has a treasure trove of tapes. Apparently they aren't responding to requests.

And it will leak. Sooner or later, someone iw going to leak that footage. Media won't make the same mistake that the people holding to the bus video made.
Are you REALLY the same guy you were 10 years ago? I'm not saying I support Trump, but come on, 10 years is a long time to change

All you'd have to do is have paid the tiniest bit of attention to him throughout this run to realize he is the exact same guy he was 10 years ago.
I'm bothered by this.

People are holding this against Donald Trump, a 10 year old sexism video, and he's completely going to lose the election because of it.

But not all the shit he said for the past 2 years while running for office?

I don't understand life anymore.

Don't be bothered, he was never going to win and this isn't the sole reason he's losing. All this is just icing on the turd cake that represents what's left of Trump's tattered reputation.


Are you REALLY the same guy you were 10 years ago? I'm not saying I support Trump, but come on, 10 years is a long time to change

Trump has been this same festering scumbag for DECADES... and he was demonstrating this same personality flaw this whole campaign as well.

He's not going to change overnight. He's NEVER changed, because he always felt he was never wrong in the first place.


He always brags how his biggest business asset is his name. Once all is said and done, and most people see him for the miserable failure of a brutish conman he really is, it's going to have a negative value.

I am gleefully awaiting the shutdown of the new Trump International hotel here in D.C. It just opened and no one wants anything to do with it.
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