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WaPo: Trump recorded bragging about his fame letting him violate women in 2005

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MSNBC said there were 12 to 14 more tapes

Hopefully the people with access with the 12 to 14 tapes are choosy about which ones they release.

We don't want the sickest shit like the first one getting lost in a sea of "she has a nice ass" clips.
Of course there's more.

No doubt about it. That's why his apology is so bad. There is bound to be more goodies. The Apprentice probably has a treasure trove of tapes. Apparently they aren't responding to requests.

Yes, and supposedly it's even worse.

Yep, and funny thing is when the reporter said it Micheal Steele said "Oh Yeah"

Fuck me sideways and call me Shirley. It's like motherfucking Christmas.
But spineless enough not to walk away.

See, that's the thing for me, do we really think that all these fuckers didn't know about shit like this? All these old rich white assholes throwing events or tv shows and shit while inviting Trump but didn't know anything?


All these spineless fucks were hoping that nobody would bring it up which is why they're all now trying to get away as far as possible for him in hopes that the stank doesn't stay with them.


But spineless enough not to walk away.

Nah, I think in the end he's bailing on this ticket. It won't be Trump that drops out, but Pence. It's the best way for the GOP to rally around the idea that Trump has "gone too far" and they can try to hold off the weird alt-right moving in to sleep on their political couch this election.

The real fun will be who's the bitch that has to take the VP spot on the ticket if Pence drops to finalize the designs of Master Mold. It's pretty much either Christie or Giuliani, as both of them know they don't have careers anymore.


One other thing that crosses my mind: there's been several instances through Trump's campaign where h's been asked things of the form "How will you convince people to do X?", such as getting the Mexican Government to pay for the wall, or army members to torture prisoners, and his response has been along the lines of "When *I* ask, they'll do it".

The most unsettling bits of the stuff on the tape? I think that might be his attitude to everything.


No Scrubs
Imagine a Disney movie where a woman is trying to be come first female president and her opponent is a reality tv show star who says he likes to grab women by the pussy.

Even Aaron Sorkin would be like "C'mon dude".

This whole thing would be way too on the nose for fiction, it'd never get published or made because it's just so unbelievable.

Nah, I think in the end he's bailing on this ticket. It won't be Trump that drops out, but Pence. It's the best way for the GOP to rally around the idea that Trump has "gone too far" and they can try to hold off the weird alt-right moving in to sleep on their political couch this election.

The real fun will be who's the bitch that has to take the VP spot on the ticket if Pence drops to finalize the designs of Master Mold. It's pretty much either Christie or Giuliani, as both of them know they don't have careers anymore.

I think if Trump fucks up the debate he drops. He mentioned the next debate for a reason, he didn't have to draw attention to it but he did.


Are you REALLY the same guy you were 10 years ago? I'm not saying I support Trump, but come on, 10 years is a long time to change
NEW YORK — In his years as a reality TV boss on "The Apprentice," Donald Trump repeatedly demeaned women with sexist language, according to show insiders who said he rated female contestants by the size of their breasts and talked about which ones he'd like to have sex with.

The Associated Press interviewed more than 20 people — former crew members, editors and contestants — who described crass behavior by Trump behind the scenes of the long-running hit show, in which aspiring capitalists were given tasks to perform as they competed for jobs working for him.

The staffers and contestants agreed to recount their experiences as Trump's behavior toward women has become a core issue in the presidential campaign. Interviewed separately, they gave concurring accounts of inappropriate conduct on the set.

Eight former crew members recalled that he repeatedly made lewd comments about a camerawoman he said had a nice rear, comparing her beauty to that of his daughter, Ivanka.
During one season, Trump called for female contestants to wear shorter dresses that also showed more cleavage, according to contestant Gene Folkes. Several cast members said Trump had one female contestant twirl before him so he could ogle her figure.

Randal Pinkett, who won the program in December 2005 and who has recently criticized Trump during his run for president, said he remembered the real estate mogul talking about which female contestants he wanted to sleep with, even though Trump had married former model Melania Knauss earlier that year: "He was like 'Isn't she hot, check her out,' kind of gawking, something to the effect of 'I'd like to hit that.' "

The Trump campaign issued a general denial. "These outlandish, unsubstantiated, and totally false claims fabricated by publicity hungry, opportunistic, disgruntled former employees, have no merit whatsoever," said Hope Hicks, Trump's campaign spokeswoman. "'The Apprentice' was one of the most successful prime-time television shows of all time and employed hundreds of people over many years, many of whom support Mr. Trump's candidacy." She declined to answer specific questions that were emailed and declined an interview request.

Former producer Katherine Walker said Trump frequently talked about women's bodies during the five seasons she worked with him and said he speculated about which female contestant would be "a tiger in bed."
Contestant Poppy Carlig, who performed the twirl, said she considered Trump's request "playful banter." She added: "I don't immediately jump to the conclusion that people are having bad intentions with what they are saying. He said I reminded him of his daughter and I thought that was really touching because I know how much he values his family."

Twelve former contestants or members of the crew spoke on the record about what they described as Trump's inappropriate behavior. Another nine spoke to the AP about their concerns regarding Trump's treatment of female colleagues but said they did not want to be identified because they signed non-disclosure agreements, or were concerned about wrecking their careers or retaliation from Trump.

Most offered no opinion on the November election in the course of their interviews, but the majority of those who did said only that they were not supporting Trump.



Couldn't have happened to a nicer aids victim killing, gay hating bigot.

Apoplectic. Had to look that one up. Guess I learned a new word today.

Pence and his team didn't do their due diligence in vetting who they were jumping in bed with. Not at all feeling bad for them.
Out of everything Trump has done in the last year, this, some TMZ-level shit, is what sinks him (seemingly). That isn't to say what he said isn't vile and terrible--it most certainly is--but this is what makes the GOP step away from him. It's amazing really.

Are you REALLY the same guy you were 10 years ago? I'm not saying I support Trump, but come on, 10 years is a long time to change

You know, maybe, just maybe, they might have a point if they [the Trump supporters] weren't constantly shitting on Hillary for her past decisions.
Yeah I don't think you do.

But I'm not going to argue with you any longer because I think your point is that the worse things that have come out should have sank him, and I agree. If you're argument is though that this here will have no lasting effect, I disagree. Like it or not, people are taking this far more seriously.

Of course I think this will have a lasting effect. There is an audio clip of him saying "Grab them by the pussy" that will get run on every news station and talk radio up until election day.

It's just this isn't anywhere near new information, and the fact that we had to hear it from Trump himself rather than the scores of people who know him personally is a fucking disgrace.

Velcro Fly

If I wasn't a Hoosier and didn't know Mike Pence and his tactics I'd almost feel bad for him.

I figured this was exactly the kind of misogynist rhetoric he would get behind.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I can't with Trump's response 😂 It's basically... 'Remember how I was such an asshole to John McCain and got away with it?' This guy... The Republican Party has to prove him wrong here. Failing that, the people!


One other thing that crosses my mind: there's been several instances through Trump's campaign where h's been asked things of the form "How will you convince people to do X?", such as getting the Mexican Government to pay for the wall, or army members to torture prisoners, and his response has been along the lines of "When *I* ask, they'll do it".

The most unsettling bits of the stuff on the tape? I think that might be his attitude to everything.
This reminds me of something fun I read today:
Three years before, Trump had offered his services as the United States’ chief negotiator with the Soviet Union on nuclear disarmament. “Some people have an ability to negotiate,” Trump told the Washington Post, in 1984. “It’s an art you’re basically born with. You either have it, or you don’t.” Did it matter that he didn’t know anything about nuclear warheads or the capacities of missiles? No, because he could learn so fast you wouldn’t believe it. “It would take an hour-and-a-half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles,” he said. “I think I know most of it anyway.”

Trump never did become a negotiator during the nuclear-arms-limitation talks under the Reagan Administration. But in October, 1987, eyeing the election of 1988, he went so far as to give a stump speech before the Rotary Club of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He arrived by helicopter and was greeted by “Trump for President” placards. “He’s very exciting,” Judy Taylor, the wife of a former club president, said. “Money is power and power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” “I’m not here because I’m running for President,” Trump said. “I’m here because I’m tired of our country being kicked around.” He promised to eliminate the budget deficit. He had a plan. He said he’d make countries like Japan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait pay it off: “There is a way you can ask them and they will give it, if you have the right person asking.”
I'm bothered by this.

People are holding this against Donald Trump, a 10 year old sexism video, and he's completely going to lose the election because of it.

But not all the shit he said for the past 2 years while running for office?

I don't understand life anymore.
Trump's supporters are politically ignorant economically trapped white people who buy into the demagoguery. That's why this hurts him and the other things he said don't. The people who found the other things he said deplorable were already opposing him.

People have great potential to not be uncaring assholes. You just have to bring them to a place where they have the knowledge and context to empathize. Also, propaganda is an important factor here. Hillary Clinton is very much a she-devil to these people, and it's because of decades of conservative media reinforcement.
Saw this on FB
In regards to republicans wanting Pence to replace Trump

"In what passes for morality in the Republican Party, leaders are calling for the presidential candidate who hates women to be replaced by the vp candidate who hates gays..lol"
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