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WaPo: Trump recorded bragging about his fame letting him violate women in 2005

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Let's be honest, his supporters probably agree with his actions.

His actual supporters are deplorable, we know this, but this is about the people in the middle, and who knows, there could be a ripple effect elsewhere on the right as well. If it gets even worse after Sunday Night, we could see one hell of a depressed turn out.


People on this forum have been fond of claiming that Trump will skip out on one or more of the debates, and I've always laughed them off. Trump wouldn't ever skip a debate because it would be a sign of fear or weakness, and his whole gimmick is about how fearless, powerful, and successful he is.

But this is bad enough and so close to the debate that I could honestly see him skipping out on Sunday. Claim that his airplane broke down, claim that Melania is in the hospital with some serious illness, claim that he'd rather tour the devastation in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. Make any excuse not to have to go on television and face the music.


I could see him trying to go to the debate and playing the "that was ten years ago, why won't you talk policy" card.

"But Donald, this goes to the core of your belief that women are nothing more than sexual objects for your own personal gratification. How can the American people trust anybody who has proudly admitted to sexually assaulting women to close the inequality in pay between genders? "


Let's be honest, his supporters probably agree with his actions.

The "deplorables", yes. However, the right wing religious folks SHOULD be turned off by this. Maybe not enough to vote for Hillary, but definitely to vote for a 3rd party candidate or perhaps abstain from voting all together.


Dude. This is deadly for a politician. Comments like "grab em by the pussy" are killers for a candidate, you basically lose ant and all women with any kind of self worth to not be considered a sex object for men.
So is insulting gold star families, and look where we are now. No doubt it's damaging, and possible quite so, but this isn't the campaign ending move people think it is. It's just another scandal that will further hurt his numbers.

The best thing Trunp did was keep his mouth shut with regards to this. He could have really screwed the pooch big time here. Luckily, Clinton's campaign likely has even more juicy stuff for the next two-three weeks.
Man, that "apology" is classic Trump.

I lost all respect I had for Ben Carson this cycle. I genuinely had a ton of admiration for that man before this election.

The GOP and its leadership can pound sand for being the type of party that can allow a person of this type to become its nominee.

I can genuinely say this election has made me slightly ashamed to be an American, which is something I thought I'd never say.

lol k I'm done.
The Clinton camp/DNC researchers have oppo so ugly on Trump that they're concerned that releasing it could have a negative impact on Hillary. As in, bombs so explosive that they're afraid it might be too negative/too much for voters.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Let's be honest, his supporters probably agree with his actions.

I think there were Evangelical voters who were hanging on by a thread. I imagine this is enough for some people to just stay home. He was already in hot water with his numbers among women, this just turned the water into lava. I don't even see The Trump bouncing out of this. If the best October Surprise they have against Clinton is just more email mumbo jumbo, it's done right here.

One of the only things Trump has walked back from was during the primaries when he was swearing and some of his conservative supporters complained. This...whew. It's candid, and filthy, and has sex. People can understand this.


This makes Romney's "binders full of women" comment look so cute by comparison.



It's actually kinda crazy that we're talking about these two things in the same context. Romney's comment sounds bad because it's poorly worded and lacks context. Trump is straight up bragging about how he can grab women by the pussy because he's a star. And we're not even sure how badly it'll affect his campaign. It'd be completely over for any other politician.


Believe it or not, that's how a lot of men talk amongst other men about their sexual conquests and exploits.

You and Fitts must be buddies. I've never talked about my previous past of forcing myself on women, but that's probably because I never have. Guess I must not be man enough... /s

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I think there were Evangelical voters who were hanging on by a thread. I imagine this is enough for some people to just stay home. He was already in hot water with his numbers among women, this just turned the water into lava. I don't even see The Trump bouncing out of this. If the best October Surprise they have against Clinton is just more email mumbo jumbo, it's done right here.

One of the only things Trump has walked back from was during the primaries when he was swearing and some of his conservative supporters complained. This...whew. It's candid, and filthy, and has sex. People can understand this.

Its crazy how clear the audio is on this too. There's no way to misinterpret anything
Republicans and the GOP in general should be smart and jump ship now. More is going to come out and they know it. You really want to defend this asshole? Just look at Ted Cruz. If Paul Ryan shows up tomorrow with Trump, oh boy. lol

Believe it or not, that's how a lot of men talk amongst other men about their sexual conquests and exploits.

Sorry, no they don't. I've know plenty of "dogs" that don't give a damn about if a woman is married or not. NONE, have ever talked about just going up to attractive women and laying one on them or grabbing at their pussy unwanted. Then again, I didn't grow up 50 years ago and what you see Trump doing and saying is shit that he got away with in the 80's and 90's. That his celebrity allowed him to continue doing into the 2000's. This isn't normal, this is a pervert getting away with sexually assaulting women because of his celebrity.


The Clinton camp/DNC researchers have oppo so ugly on Trump that they're concerned that releasing it could have a negative impact on Hillary. As in, bombs so explosive that they're afraid it might be too negative/too much for voters.
What, source???
This is what I was talking about, BTW. This isn't game ending for Trump, but Clinton's team has a steady stream of more shit, while Trump's has that Clinton talked to Whitehouse members...


Fail out bailed
No way, nothing close to just grab them by the pussy.

Ummm... Really? I have heard worse small talk from strangers, and I work entirely around liberals.

BUT that doesn't make it right. AND it shows an incredible lack of media savvy and foresight to do it with a lav on.

I do sound on stuff like this, and people know to be careful with a lav on. There is literally an expression, "The sound guy hears everything" that people use to remind you of it.

He is a sexist frat boy who brags about assault... in his old age... while married. Not fit to be president.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The link in the OP contains the clip of the tour bus driving through the parking lot (with audio), and then letting them out to meet their host.

And from how parts of the video and audio sync up its inarguable that the audio was being recorded 1:1 with the video footage
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