I played the first 2 acts of g5 at launch on pc maxed out and it was nowhere near sm2, i doubt that a graphic update made much of a difference tbh unless they completely rewritten the whole game (which i doubt) but i'm a bit biased, i never thought g5 looked that impressive even in the past gen, especially for being a small non-open world game.
Btw caved in and bought the game, first impression are ok i guess, for better or worse the game feel EXACTLY how i expected, kinda messy when you get attacked at the same time by small cunts, bigger cunts and green shooting cunts, it feels like losing health and armour is part of the game and not really avoidable and you just have to outdone the enemy damage output before they kill you, at least on veteran.
So, you also caved in ?

The hype got to me and bought yesterday, 1st impressions :
This belongs to the "Games that give the BEST 1st impressions" category", everything is bombastic, hyperbolic, manly®, loud and bloody, amazing melee and movement feel thanks to the very well implemented vibration, good GFX (although a little bit blurry on PS5) and corny but very well delivered lines thanks to the good voice acting.
It's everything that I hoped for and I'm no WH nerd.
Yes, it appears to be a horde shooter most of the time and you can clearly see that it's made for co-op but...it's still tons of fun (I'm halfway through the 2nd mission).
Attention to detail is very good with lots of breakable and interactive stuff in the background/environment (foliage sways, chains move when passing under them, lots of breakable parts/crates etc, steps sound FX change depending on the surface you're walking/running etc).
It's a very nice looking and pleasing game which was made by people that love and respect the source material and it shows.
Now, unto the bad parts :
- Yeah, the framerate is not good on the PS5, 1st chapter/intro runs well but after that, every time there's a horde the game dips into the 30s, it's a friggin' shame since it can detract from the whole experience, here's hoping for an improvement patch, although, who are we kidding, the "performance patch" is going to be the PS5 Pro, still, something tells me that it's a bug/optimization thing and not necessarily a power difference one (much like DD2) - shit is just too weird for there to be such a framerate difference, and yes, I know that it's a CPU heavy game.
if I had an Xbox I'd get it for that personally.
- Battle flow is kind of weird, there's shit shooting at you from miles away while at the same time you're button mashing through the hordes, just like Gymwoolf said, there's no way apparently to survive a battle unscathed, maybe that's part of the game or maybe, it's "me"/skill issue.
- Sound : Goddamn, the sound mixing is AWFUL, everything sounds muffled (but not tinny as I've read online), meaning, as soon as there's A) music, B) speech and C) shooting/explosions at the same time it turns into a bloody cacophony where you can't distinguish neither the music track playing in the background nor the weapons firing and/or explosions nor the dialogue, everything just sort of melts together and it's just not good...tried different sound profiles but it's still shit, apparently this is a general problem with the game since there's many people crying about it no matter the platform of choice.
All in all, and always talking about the PS5 version, what could have EASILY been a 8.5 - 9/10 game is brought down by the various technical problems and in the end it's an (almost) 7 out of 10 (for the time being), this game obviously needed some more time in the oven.
I should have waited until they fixed it