Barack Lesnar
Anyone know how many parts/chapters total? I'd look at the achievements but I don't wanna spoil anything. Currently on Part II Chapter 6 after 110 mins of play.
Heavy said:Anyone know how many parts/chapters total? I'd look at the achievements but I don't wanna spoil anything. Currently on Part II Chapter 6 after 110 mins of play.
Lostconfused said:This one of the laggiest game I have had the misfortune of playing in recent time. If only such a thing as dedicated service existed and that devs would be able to take advantage of such a miraculous device to make their game better.
ironcreed said:Tomorrow for me. Amazon shipped it out finally. Kind of bummed to hear that it is so short, but I know I will enjoy the ride and the multiplayer will add some value as well.
There isn't much beyond a fluid mix of hack-and-slash and third-person shooter gaming to admire.
Salazar said:Maybe if you just stroll everywhere like a hardass and don't run at all, it will stretch it out nicely.
Like Arkham Asylum, when you see a giant pack of bruisers charging your way, all you can do is crack your knuckles, plant your feet and smile.
That running tackle never gets old does it?Snuggler said:and then charge + melee into the crowd, I deal with my problems head on
Yeah, I liked that in the demo. You kinda 'feel' like you can wade in and just kick ass, but you really have to mix it up in order to survive. (I died like 5 times in the demo >.<)NullPointer said:That running tackle never gets old does it?
My main problem is that I kick so much ass that I think I'm untouchable, only to get cut down in moments by biting off more than I can chew. I like that though. It keeps things interesting just when you think there's nothing more to learn. The name of the game is brutality, audacious brutality, balanced by poise.
Replaying this on harder difficulties may be a humbling experience.
NullPointer said:Replaying this on harder difficulties may be a humbling experience.
Snuggler said:I'm really looking forward to the co-op missions, hopefully Relic can get them out soon because it sounds so good right now.
Salazar said:
Jet pack looks so great ^_^ they pulled it off so well, could have been a clunky pos but it just works, and its so satisfying.Salazar said:
Salazar said:
Keiician said:I've yet to test the multiplayer on Friday, when the game unlocks in Poland and I'll be able to use the online mode again.
Somehow I really doubt that they'll fix the multiplayer so fast (if at all).Salazar said:Sounds like it might be a good thing to wait. The matchmaking is apparently a bit crap. Relic are reiterating that dedicated servers are an impossibility.
I think that is a british thing.Fjordson said:Campaign is so fun. Only played five chapters, but man, it's a total blast.
Completely random note: In the 40K universe, lieutenant is pronounced "left-tenant"? Never knew that until now.
Yeah, from some random wiki article:derFeef said:I think that is a british thing.
"Lieutenant" is generally pronounced in the British manner, /lɛfˈtɛnənt/ ("left-tenant")
Holy shit yes! can you roll like that in SP?jediyoshi said:thread needs more customizer shots
No.remz said:Holy shit yes! can you roll like that in SP?
remz said:Holy shit yes! can you roll like that in SP?
Sucksglaurung said:
But hopefully this will happen on PC so FUCK YEAH!Salazar said:If someone can work up a crazy mod so I can do all this white knight planet saving shit while looking like Abaddon, that would please me.
derFeef said:I think that is a british thing.
Oh, haha. Had no idea!Keiician said:Yeah, from some random wiki article: