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Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine |OT| No mercy. No retreat. No remorse.


I am so bad at Assault, so much better with Tac and Dev.

Also, I wouldn't confuse the environments for anything but a forge world for a second, but it would be cool if you could go somewhere that looked substantially different once in a while ;) Maybe the DLC will take us somewhere with a blue sky!


markot said:
I dont understand the problem with the location and style of the game >.> Its set on a forge world, and as such, its pretty damn awesome looking imo ^_^ Variety doesnt work there cause.... well, its a forge world, its basically one big factory for making military stuff, there are no jungles and the like. That said, I do think we go through abit of variety in locals within that. I was pretty :eek: when I saw the huge bridge.

Yeah I think people are wanting variety I guess, I am fine with it since the mission is to defend the factory on a forge world and that is what we are doing lol

I was pretty :eek: when I saw the big ass Titan for the first time
On another multiplayer note, I would love it if the game didn't keep putting me in servers where my ping sucks. Having the same number of assists as I do kills is a little telling of some lag issues...


daedalius said:
Maybe the DLC will take us somewhere with a blue sky!

Not the co-op DLC, by the looks of things.



Wonder what the lead time will be on more stuff - that is, stuff additional to the doubtless already underway/done MP maps.


daedalius said:
From the look of those shots...

maybe future-future DLC!

Have to wait for THQ to decide that it's worth it. Then Relic to make it.

And then for the pack of cognitively vegetative tosspots who "run" THQ/Relic PR and community management to dribble ambiguous details about it.
This is a much, much better singleplayer game than multiplayer. Did two different teams work on the different modes?

Like an A team and a... D team?
The Antitype said:
Yeah, sorry, that was poorly phrased.

My point is that the knife is so weak, and the bolter is so mediocre, that the tactical marine is basically underpowered in any situation. Ideally, if I meet a heavy marine (or whatever they're called) in close combat, I should have the advantage. But they can spam their weapon and kill me before my knife can kill them.
Unless you're assault you shouldn't be getting to close combat range with anybody.


GAF parliamentarian
I'm really enjoying the MP. Just wish I had an Onza, because I hate clicking down the joystick to run.

Tactical Marine is a blast.
Hellsing321 said:
Unless you're assault you shouldn't be getting to close combat range with anybody.

So exactly what range should I engage a heavy marine, since they obviously have the advantage at range?

In any-case, I haven't experienced more eye-rolling in a multiplayer game since Gears of War 2.

Oh what's that, I dropped in as a Raptor, meleed you three times, and you turn around to shoot me once with your heavy marine and I die? Awesome.

It's fun, but trashy. Nothing anybody could take seriously for competitive merit.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
The Antitype said:
This is a much, much better singleplayer game than multiplayer. Did two different teams work on the different modes?

Like an A team and a... D team?

My first session I thought the same thing. Once I started playing some territory capture it really started to click. Give it some time.
The Antitype said:
So exactly what range should I engage a heavy marine, since they obviously have the advantage at range?
Tactical marines are more mobile so you have to use that your advantage. Which is why using your knife is a dumb idea because it keeps you right in front of him in an animation that is hard to break out of. Use your rolls and corners. If the devastaor is using a lascannon he basically has to get lucky to hit you at close range so circle strafing them is your best bet.


GAF parliamentarian
The Antitype said:
So exactly what range should I engage a heavy marine, since they obviously have the advantage at range?
What would do against a heavy weapons guy who can fortify himself at the cost of mobility and turning speed?

Flank him?

You got that right. And if it isn't working for you, you're obviously doing it wrong.



hard and kb/m is the way to go for sure

game runs fantastic and also looks great for the most part

only complain is that it gets rather jaggie in the distance, things far away look kinda jaggie and the edges kinda move around and whatnot. Granted this happens in many games but yeah, anyone else noticing it?

Its definetly better than the demo though, there's some AF in there for sure.





The Antitype said:

It's so fun getting a .6 K/D cause my chainsword swipes do absolutely nothing, then 3 seconds later, the guy drops dead and I get an assist.

Also fun? Getting a message on-screen saying 'awaiting host' an suddenly being surrounded by 5 dudes shooting at me.

Quality product. Definitely stands a chance when Gears of War 3 comes out.

I'd say I've had about 1 game like that out of the last 20 on xbox, but yea, it is really annoying. Their host migration and selection isn't exactly Halo quality.


GAF parliamentarian
But at least we got drop-in drop-out matchmaking games, thank the Emperor! Can't tell you how many other games on 360 I've had ruined because of leavers.
For a future game I would suggest a Hive World. For locations you get the underhive, the factory/generator area, the hab blocks, the walls and defense complexes, the noble houses in the upper hive, and the spires above the clouds. Thats a huge amount of varity right there. For example in the nobles houses you could fight through one of those trippy nanobot gardens. Or defend a church alongside Battle Sisters. Go looking for Genestealers hiding in the sewers (Space hulk!). The tunnels between the various hives. The open air hangers and landing pads above the clouds in the spires. The geothermal vents that provide power. A ton of cool posibilities would be opened up.

For enemies I would have tyranids. This allows you to fight both humaniod enemies (Genestealer cults and gangs), aliens, and the nasty hive creatures. Plus the infestation would provide a bit of foliage that could offset the metal and plastic of the city. A downside would be that they would be nowhere near as entertaining as the Orks. Could be offset by bringing forth the really alien aspects that the Nids embody though.

It would also allow you to interact with a ton of people in the Imperium such as normal citizens, hive gangs, Imperial Guard, Mechanicus, Sisters, Eclesiarchy, Arbites, Inquistors, and nobles alloowing for a good look at the universe works.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I'd love to see them bring the Necrons in as the villains for the next one.

Maybe start off fighting the Eldar then be forced to team up when the real threat hits. They could have the Necrons keep reviving themselves unless hit with an execution attack.


GAF parliamentarian
Sinatar said:
I'd love to see them bring the Necrons in as the villains for the next one.

Maybe start off fighting the Eldar then be forced to team up when the real threat hits. They could have the Necrons keep reviving themselves unless hit with an execution attack.
I'd like something similar to that. Allying with Eldar, and having EVERYONE on the Imperial side completely against it and visibly discomforted (some green guard nauseous and dizzy!) whenever they're in Eldar presence.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I think a game fighting the nids would too closely resemble Red Faction Armageddon which I'm sure THQ is trying as hard as possible to forget.


Trucker Sexologist
Sinatar said:
I think a game fighting the nids would too closely resemble Red Faction Armageddon which I'm sure THQ is trying as hard as possible to forget.
RF:A was fun. It just wasn't the sequel RF:G fans wanted and no one else cared about it. I wouldn't mind seeing a Warhammer game from Volition.
The Raptor would be so much more fun and intuitive if the ground-pound simply launched you right where your reticule was pointing, instead of forcing you to look down for that stupid landing icon.


SapientWolf said:
I wouldn't mind seeing a Warhammer game from Volition.

So long as the approach involves adding stuff to this combat template. It doesn't even need that much. Maybe some ripping/grappling stuff like lightning claws.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
SapientWolf said:
RF:A was fun. It just wasn't the sequel RF:G fans wanted and no one else cared about it. I wouldn't mind seeing a Warhammer game from Volition.

Oh I certainly enjoyed RFA, but I don't think THQ is going to want to release a game that looks like it again any time soon.
Sinatar said:
I'd love to see them bring the Necrons in as the villains for the next one.

Maybe start off fighting the Eldar then be forced to team up when the real threat hits. They could have the Necrons keep reviving themselves unless hit with an execution attack.

You're in luck then since the Necrons are currently the front runner to be the next Codex updated this November after the Ogre Army Book and the new Dread Fleets game releases. From what I've heard it's going to be sick!
The best part about this game's multiplayer is that you can quit out of a match and nothing that happened affects your stats.

So when the bullshit gets just a little too thick, I can back out, play some single-player, remember why I would pay $60 for this product, then try again.

Example of such bullshit:

I see a Raptor on the other team. I am an assault class myself. I shoot at him with the pistol a few times. He hits the jets, but we're in an enclosed area, so he doesn't get far. I hit the jets and boost backwards abit, his ground-pound misses entirely.

I do the sprint-attack and start wailing on him. I hit him several times, yet he still comes out on top, even after being hit with the pistol to deplete his shields and absorbing damage from my sword before he even gets his first attack in.


I take back what I said about the D-team handling the multiplayer. This was clearly coded by special needs kids as some kind of program with the 'Make a Wish' foundation.


Did they really have to put martyrdom...an even more powerful version than the one in CoD, in to multiplayer?

Oh, and is there anyway I can disable my mic?


erotic butter maelstrom
The Antitype said:
I take back what I said about the D-team handling the multiplayer. This was clearly coded by special needs kids as some kind of program with the 'Make a Wish' foundation.

sounds like you're mad because you're not doing good
I can't even play 30 minutes into the game without it crashing to desktop. Happens at the exact same place every time. Anyone else experiencing this?
Snuggler said:
sounds like you're mad because you're not doing good

Nah. I don't mind losing.

My problem is consistency. The same weapons should work the same way, in the same scenarios.

Going through the exact same sequence of events and having completely different outcomes is indicative of shoddy multiplayer design.

Oh, and they brought back MARTYRDOM, as if the game needed more things wrong with it.


Zaptruder said:
Enjoying the shit out of the MP, warts and all.

So what was the reasoning for not allowing dedicated servers again?

Don't believe they have said anything more than "we are excited to be using Steam; should be easy to organise matches; party support is cool, hey".

My contempt for some aspects of this game's promotion and production is inexhaustible. I don't know if it's entirely or always a case of Relic being fucked by THQ.


Just gonna say, this is the worst matchmaking I've seen in I don't know how long. Now with the game released world-wide it's a total cluster. When it works, it's completely awesome, which is about 20% of the time it seems.


GAF parliamentarian
I haven't experienced any problems all night.

Martyrdom - yes it has to go. Where has Relic been since Call of Duty 4 came out? That shit was being slammed as a bad idea everywhere since.


Getting much better with assault, only had a spot of lag in one game out of about 15ish today. 360 matchmaking seems pretty good, but when you get a bad host, you're stuck with 'em :(


erotic butter maelstrom
...and roll credits. I liked it, a lot. It didn't change the way I look at videogames, and it's probably not gonna be on many GOTY lists, but it's a damn good action game.

It does one thing, but it does it great. It's may not be elegant or super deep, but the combat is empowerment fantasy at it's best. You are a human war machine, and you will fuck shit up. It strikes the right balance between ranged and melee. The melee combat, whether you're charging a crowd of Ork's head-on or crushing your foes from above with the hammer, prevents it from feeling like yet another stop n' pop third person shooter. And on the flip side, the ranged combat options kept it from feeling like a shallow and limited melee action game. One or the other may not have been satisfactory on their own, but they come together like chocolate and peanut butter.

I didn't really follow the story, but the production values were respectable. The art was consistently great, the sense of scale was impressive, and the music set the right tone (tribal drums fuck yeah). Aside from some shitty textures, the graphics were impressive. This was my first experience with the Warhammer universe, and I'd like to dig deeper now that I've had a taste.

It hit most of the right notes, but it has plenty of room for improvement. I'm fine with the lack of variety in the campaign, since variety usually means clunky vehicle missions or mind-numbing puzzles in games like this. However, I think it could have benefited from a persistent XP system that unlocks upgrades for your abilities and weapons. It would add layer of substance to the single player as well as giving us a good reason to revisit it. I also wish that there was a bit more effort behind the multiplayer, since it had potential to be great, but I'll likely struggle to find active matches a few months from now.

I have my fingers crossed for a sequel, but something tells me that there probably won't be one. THQ seem to have no confidence in Space Marine, even though it's a very solid game. I guess they're still reeling from going full-retard over Homefront, a product that actually deserved to be sent out to die. I look forward to mentioning it in GAF underappreciated games of 2011 thread!

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
The Antitype said:
Nah. I don't mind losing.

My problem is consistency. The same weapons should work the same way, in the same scenarios.

Going through the exact same sequence of events and having completely different outcomes is indicative of shoddy multiplayer design.

Oh, and they brought back MARTYRDOM, as if the game needed more things wrong with it.

It seems like you really do mind.. at least in the last 4 or 5 posts you've made. One of my friends tried the Assault Marine at first and basically told me that he just couldn't make the melee click. Tried a couple times but it just wasn't his thing .. kept losing fights... ect. ect. Changed to Tactical and has been moping people up with the Multi-Melta and the Stalker.

I on the other hand love the assault marine. I regulary kill multiple people when get into melee range of a small group. I regularly kill raptors/AMs who are 10+ levels higher than myself via a little cunning and a lot of fancy foot/jetpack work. Remember to use stun attacks.. even tho you can't execute they still do good damage. The chainsword should kill someone without any perks to up armor or life in about 2-4 swings depended on if you dropped in on them with a ground pound or prefaced your attack with some grenades (which you should almost always be doing). To me... it sounds like you're frustrated because you're dieing and that you may be dieing because of a spotty connection.

Also... wtf is with all the gears baiting? Different games... perhaps you aren't thinking enough like a Space Marine. ;)
I only care in terms of the fact that I paid $60 for it.

The melee clicks fine.

The problem is that while I can be killed with two swipes, I can hit a guy three times, only to be blasted by a meltagun and killed immediately.

Actually landing and hitting people is simple. Killing them depends on the lag, sun spots, magic 8 ball predictions, who the fuck knows what else.

It's inconsistent. Fun, but pretty trashy.

EDIT: ...annnnnnnnd now the game just froze. Awesome.
Is there a camera shoulder switch? I didn't see one in the options. I feel practically naked moving left around the map.

And I get a hard crash fairly often. Anyone else?


markot said:
I dont understand the problem with the location and style of the game >.> Its set on a forge world, and as such, its pretty damn awesome looking imo ^_^ Variety doesnt work there cause.... well, its a forge world, its basically one big factory for making military stuff, there are no jungles and the like. That said, I do think we go through abit of variety in locals within that. I was pretty :eek: when I saw the huge bridge.
For me the problem just comes from the fact that everything is so bland and flat looking. Hardly any detail to the environment at all compared to a lot of games out there.

I'm on Chapter 3 and right now I'm feeling that the complaints about the game getting old fast are valid. It just doesn't feel like there's much at all to the compared other shooters and I feel it's mostly the fault of extremely bland level design. Pretty much all the encounters are "run in straight line, wave of Orks rush you, rinse and repeat". There's hardly any verticality or any other environment interaction at all and using the couple of weapons I have now is getting kind of old. Feels like a one trick pony.
Any other time of any other year and I would be contemplating keeping this game, but in light of what's up ahead, it's a no-brainer: it's going back. That's not to say it's bad; I actually REALLY like it, but once Gears is unleashed upon the world, I honestly don't think I'll ever need to put another disc in my 360's tray (well, maybe BF3 here and there).

And that wasn't mean to incite a Gears/SM war; the comparison alone makes my head hurt.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
The Antitype said:
I only care in terms of the fact that I paid $60 for it.

The melee clicks fine.

The problem is that while I can be killed with two swipes, I can hit a guy three times, only to be blasted by a meltagun and killed immediately.

Actually landing and hitting people is simple. Killing them depends on the lag, sun spots, magic 8 ball predictions, who the fuck knows what else.

It's inconsistent. Fun, but pretty trashy.

EDIT: ...annnnnnnnd now the game just froze. Awesome.

Are you on Xbox, ps3 or PC? I only ask because all of the issues you talk about i've never run into (besides lag earlier in the day). Some guys have armor. Some guys have fucking thunderhammers man. I don't know. I've never felt entirely ineffectual in this game... and it sounds like that has been the majority of your experience. I kill people consistently because i'm actually hitting them, softening them up and then hopping out of the way to throw down a nade and cover my escape before going right back in for round two.

But. Whatever. I won't try and argue with you if your obviously not having fun with the online.. but it still seems like your trying to blame the game when the issue sounds more like your skill level compared to the people your playing with. Chainsword is the first melee weapon you get for christ sakes. Expecting to cut up opposing Marines like you do the orks in the single player game could seriously bugger your expectations. Git gud.
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