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What are you going to buy next gen?


When the next gen of consoles comes around, will you buy...

A) Playstation 3
B) Xenon
C) Revolution
G) All of the above, I like being poor.

For me, I'm gonna say A&C right now.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
A and C
I'm going to once again take the wait and see aproach on B


Junior Member
No matter what I say i'll probably end up bying all of them - just like I did this gen. Never play my Xbox though..


I might be leaving my Nintendo-Only system status and just get a PS3, and get all the Nintendo games I can't live without (Zelda and Metroid, mainly) when all the prices have gone down.


Hates quality gaming
(A) is pretty much guaranteed for the backwards compatibility, but I seriously doubt I'll even buy it within the first year of launch. No idea about B or C.

D, E, and F can go fuck themselves.


Chili Con Carnage!
Im gonna wait and see what games are coming out on them first...

Depending on my job situation when the next gen systems come around im probably gonna wait for price cuts this time round, launch prices are such a rip-off


Matlock said:
When the next gen of consoles comes around, will you buy...

A) Playstation 3
B) Xenon
C) Revolution
G) All of the above, I like being poor.

For me, I'm gonna say A&C right now.

A, B, C, F are definates

D and E i'll probaby skip but a good price, good battery, and good games (something neither are looking to have at the moment (HA!)) will sway me to possibly buy one of the two...but most likely not both


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I plan on getting C and maybe D if I see people truly utilizing it's potential.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I didn't get any of the current systems (except the DC if that counts) at launch and I kinda regret it. It used to be that if I didn't buy a system at launch, chances are I wouldn't buy it ever. Sure, there aren't many titles to choose from but nothing beats launch madness.

I will buy a PS3, Revolution, and GBA2 at launch. The rest are wait and see.

Xenon - I want to see if Team Ninja sticks w/ MS first. They say that they will but who knows.

DS - I want to see more unique games for it first. Right now I haven't seen anything that I would consider to be a system seller.

PSP - If Sony allows Capcom to bring over Vampire Savior and any of the other 2D fighting game ports that they have up their sleeves then I will buy one for sure.

Edit: BOE, your avatar is some trippy shit.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I will pray in front of the holy EA shrine in my basement and then look to their divine guidance to guide me towards my console purchase(s).


Queen of Denmark
C - At launch if at all possible.
F - Will buy at some point, but when that is depends on the price and games.
D - Might buy. It depends on the games and how much support the device receives.
A - If I somehow have a lot more time and money on my hands sometime during its lifespan, sure!


Totally depends on software man, so its impossible to say. I learned hard way being huge supporter of coming 64 when I worked retail, boy no one got burned more then me on that.
When the prices come down then i'll be able to get it.

1. Revolution
2. GBA 2
3. NDS
4. maybe PSP (since i never own playstation console)

Someone please clarify what "Xenon" is?


Queen of Denmark
suikodan said:
I don't know if I am ready for the next-gen consoles yet. I like my current machines...
Same here. I answer in these types of threads, but truth be told, I'm in no hurry to go to the next generation. I'm quite glad Sony and Nintendo are waiting until 2006 -- I hope it's late 2006, at that.

Ranger X

The first console i'm gonna buy is the one who will promise me the more games and support. Something tells me it's gonna be the PS3 that i'll buy. My second console will be the next more promising one. Xenon? Revolution? -- i don't know yet!
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