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What are you going to buy next gen?


GAF's Bob Woodward
I have a good tradition of picking up Nintendo home systems at launch, and I'll continue to do that next-generation. My next preference will prob be PS3 unless Sony messes up royally, and then closely followed by Xenon. I'll get all the home systems at one point or another.

Re. portables, I'm not sure about any of them yet. DS over PSP right now, but who knows closer to launch.


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
I'll wait at least a year after launch on all of the above. There hasn't been a whole lot of software which has excited me this gen and I'm not terribly optimistic about that changing.
I'll get a ps3 as long as Square, Capcom, Konami continue to support the system.
PS3 will probably have a lot of support and the hardware will likely be a huge step up from ps2 technology. I'm betting that PS3 will be the system to really inaugurate the next gen with games that are undeniably 'next gen', even if xbox next strikes first.
I am really interested to see what Sony first and second parties could do with new hardware too.

I'll get a Revolution as long as Nintendo can deliver top notch releases and then punctuate that with some capcom and namco games. If they could bring konami on board a little more and get some of squares AAA stuff then I'd seriously consider it as a first choice.

Xbox next? Well a Ninja Gaiden sequel might have me. Otherwise I find most of Microsoft's first and third party stuff unappealing. Their third party support generally is a lot of PC ports and multi console releases and if PS3 is the most powerful then the ps3 would be the system for your splinter cell, eh? Wait and see, for sure.

El Papa

C at launch, A after a price drop, D and F after I see some games. B if I have some extra money I don't need and there's more than 5 games I absoluetly need and can't get on PS3.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Well, I'll sit back and wait, unless there's a "must have" game upon release for me... PS3 (for the RPGs) and Revolution (for the Nintendo games - a new Mario, new Zelda, new Smash Bros, new Metroid will own) look like definites, I'm really curious about the DS, PSP might be good if it has more than just ports of old PSX games on it, and it has longer battery life. Have to see some more about the GBA2 before I decide. Xenon will be worthless to me, much the same way as the Xbox was this generation.


Xenon since it comes first and will easily have the most quality titles available at launch. I want next generation ASAP.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
G (C,A,B,E,D,F)

I'm not 100% sure that I'll get the DS and GBA2, but if they come out at least 2 years apart, then I probably will.

User 406

A) Playstation 3 -- Day one.

I went ahead and did a quick count. I skipped over all answers that didn't fit the original question, or had qualifiers like "maybe", "probably", "wait and see" and so on that applied to anything other than inevitable things like waiting for price drops.

A) Playstation 3 - 43
B) Xenon - 21
C) Revolution - 32
D) DS - 11
E) PSP - 18
F) GBA2 - 12
G) All of the above, I like being poor. - 11


Queen of Denmark
Sea Manky said:
A) Playstation 3 - 43
B) Xenon - 21
C) Revolution - 32
D) DS - 11
E) PSP - 18
F) GBA2 - 12
G) All of the above, I like being poor. - 11
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