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What are you going to buy next gen?


Lisa Lashes said:
H)None at launch and will sit back and watch to see what happens over the first year.

I was going to write:
H) The games I like most, and the hardware than runs them.

Almost had forgot the "none at launch" part!


A) Playstation 3

C) Revolution

square_enix rpgs, the bulk of 3rd party games, and nintendo's AAA line up of mario/zelda/metroid/new ones is the best combo for me. I might get a DS if it's really different and refreshing to play. GBA2 I don't know-- I'm barely playing my SP. =\

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I can't see myself getting Xenon, mainly because I think my modded xbox will be good for the next 10 years.

Revolution probably, and maybe the DS


kinda funny that people what nintendo's new system without knowing anything about it. I mean REALLY knowing nothing about it.

I'll probably end up getting a PS3 and Xenon.
A) Playstation 3: It sucks that I am selling my PS2 collection because I could see myself playing those old games again on the PS3. Unlike PSX games, the majority of PS2 games I own still hold up graphically and will continue to look good down the line. Whatever game I have deemed to have good textures, good animation, and good use of polygons will still hold those qualities down the line. PS3 will have the games I will most want to play. This is my most anticipated next-gen console.

B) Xenon: Halo! To elaborate. I love playing Halo with my friends so I will buy whatever console for that multiplayer experience. I won't purchase it until the latest Halo is released.

C) Revolution: For some reason I am expecting big things from this console. I'm taking a wait and see approach on the Revolution. I'll probably end up buying it but not at launch.

And no portable gaming for me.


G. I will probably buy all of them.

However, what matters the most to me is which console would have best soccer game. (WE). Otherwise, I can see myself skipping all together in comparison. ;)

Well, definitely B, and probably A as well, but I won't be buying them upon release. I'll wait for the first 8 months to a year to pass, so I'll actually have some quality games to play when I buy the systems.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
element said:
kinda funny that people what nintendo's new system without knowing anything about it. I mean REALLY knowing nothing about it.
As opposed to what we REALLY know about the PS3 and Xenon?

Or are you trying to tell us something? ;)


element said:
kinda funny that people what nintendo's new system without knowing anything about it. I mean REALLY knowing nothing about it.

We know there will be games from EAD. That's enough for me. :p
Revolution will kick ass! Why? I don't know, but as Hot Rod said in Transformers:The Movie, "I just have this feeling."

cue Boston's "more than a feeling"


Scary Euro Man
I'm going to buy some games. If any of the above are required to play the games, I'll probably get them as well.


I'm going to be getting a Xenon for sure, and maybe a PS3. I really got screwed by sony's horribly made hardware, my ps2 was the first system I ever had that broke down on me.

On another note whats the deal with the Revolution? How the hell could anyone want that crap knowing that it'll be something like the DS (a gimmick)? If I really wanted to spend money on a Next-gen Nintendo console I'd probably wait until the true succesor to the Gamecube was introduced.


Depends on the games, but seeing as I like Nintendo, the most obvious options right now would be the Revolution and maybe DS and GBA2. Like the franchises on Sony's Playstation 2, and hope that the PS3 can deliver the same, so I'll probably choose that as well.

As far as Xenon goes... it'd have to have a KICK ASS Perfect Dark 0 at launch for me to buy it right away.

I also look forward to this thread being done 1,000 times more in the next two years.


What true successor? Revolution is the next home-based console by Nintendo period.

And Oxy, what is known about Xenon or PS3? Specs? Great...


Not buying anything until they get cheap and have well established libraries. Plenty of older stuff in the meantme!


fbcamp said:
On another note whats the deal with the Revolution? How the hell could anyone want that crap knowing that it'll be something like the DS (a gimmick)? If I really wanted to spend money on a Next-gen Nintendo console I'd probably wait until the true succesor to the Gamecube was introduced.

What Nintendo meant when they said the Revolution wouldn't be a GC2 is that it won't be a repeat performance of the GC, that it will be something completely different than the GC.

Basically, it'd be like saying, "Dolphin is not the true successor to the N64. It will not play carts and it will not have less than 200 games."


Revolution is definite (Nintendo first party always delivers), PS3 probably when the first good RPG comes out, and the rest are unlikely (although I always say that about GameBoys and get them anyway).


I'll definitely buy Revolution at launch, but I'll wait for the prices to go down on PS3 and/or Xenon before I get them. I'll probably get suckered into buying DS if the new Mario 2D platformer for it is good. FUCK PSP.


AniHawk said:
What Nintendo meant when they said the Revolution wouldn't be a GC2 is that it won't be a repeat performance of the GC, that it will be something completely different than the GC.

Basically, it'd be like saying, "Dolphin is not the true successor to the N64. It will not play carts and it will not have less than 200 games."
I hope that's what they meant, anyway. Otherwise... they're screwed.


I'm going to buy more PC games and new PC parts as I need them. Maybe I'll waste money on a DS or a PSP... Maybe.


As long as Nintendo is making systems, I'll buy them for their games. That simple. The other two systems I'll buy whenever there is a game I want for them that I simply cant miss and then go from there. I might buy a DS although I may just hold off till GBA2. Not planning on getting a PSP.


PSP, PS3 and GBA2 at launch. Revolution after first price drop, and Xenon when it hits 199. Unless, of course, either of those consoles have some awesome RPGs that I must have immediately.
It all depends on free time and money at launch, but I will definitely get the Revolution for the Nintendo games and the PS3 for RPGs, especially Square games.

I want a DS and a PSP, but I love the 2D world of the GBA, so I really wish neither were coming up. The games will tell when I buy them. If the new Super Mario Bros is what I hoped for and comes out at launch, I will probably get a DS then. I will get the PSP when good RPGs come out for it.

I skipped XBox initially for a hatred of Microsoft, and I do not have time to play all the games I curretly have, so I have no need for an XBox now. Xenon is bound to be the same, although I might have bought it if it were backwards compatible to play Fable, KOTOR, and Jade Empire.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Travado said:
PlayStation 3, PSP and Xenon!

Probably the same here. But for the consoles I'll probably wait for the first price drop on hardware and for there to be a solid $20 software lineup. I don't buy nearly as many full price games now as I did a few years ago.


Lisa Lashes said:
H)None at launch and will sit back and watch to see what happens over the first year.

Same thing I do with every generation. 90% of launch games such anyway, and I know numerous other "fools" who will buy early, so I'll mooch off them.
Probably Revolution for shizzle nizzle, at launch, and possibly Xenon too. Though I doubt I'd be buying two consoles and games on launch day. The Xenon might have to wait a few weeks.
H. new Sega system :)

Alright, just kidding, that's stretching it a bit. Actually, I'll probably wait until a killer title comes out that I absolutely can not live without. More than likely though I'm gonna stick with my Gameboy Advance. It's not that I haven't gotten some enjoyment out of my Gamecube and X-Box, its that no system this generation has really lived up to my inflated expectations. It has more to do with my personal tastes than anything Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft has or hasn't done.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
G overtime.. I doubt I will get all on their respected launch dates...but I will have all...
I can only say that I'll be getting a DS for sure. PlayStation 3 is incredibly likely, since I'll want a new home console as well.

What is this about a "GBA2?" I was under the assumption that GBA would eventually give way to DS, and that Nintendo would only be supporting GBA while the DS userbase grows.


A & B at launch probably. Well, unless the lineups are really poor.
Yeah, i'll be ripped off.
But when you start seeing those consoles displayed in every shop it inevitably spoils the surprise and the amazement when you turn it on for the first time...well, the graphic whore in me is willing to pay that extra money for that moment.
It's not the wisest thing but...oh well.

I'll end up buying all consoles, but i don't see myself buying more than one handheld...
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