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What Bush feels makes him more "accomplished" than John Kerry.

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Bush said he has achieved:

# An education policy that has improved reading and math skills.

# Prescription drug care coverage that had been promised for years.

# Better health care centers for low-income Americans along with new tax-free savings plans.

# Success in building military alliances while taking charge of national security decisions.

LMFAO. Yeah, those low-income Americans love going to those health care centers after they work their second job for the day. Haha. Stupid twit. Success in building military alliances? Oh COME ON. The UK is their only significant partner in crime. This man makes me sick. If he thinks that is enough to make him look better than Kerry, he's a fool. Of course, we already knew that since he was sworn into office.



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
# Prescription drug care coverage that had been promised for years.

Wow, really!?
He must be talking about the 2 thousand differnt cards you can get, that each cover differnt things
Haha, NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND. I can't believe he'd be stupid enough to put THAT disaster on his resume. MY mom's a hard-line conservative, but as a teacher, she can't vote for Bush after the havoc that awful program has wreaked on her school district.
No Child Left Behind has done much, much, much, much more harm than good. Kids STILL don't give a fuck and teachers and administrators are sweating the bullets.
# Success in building military alliances while taking charge of national security decisions.

UK, Italy, Poland, Korea and Australia (plus some others) but pissing off a hundred others.

Meh, he's probably talking about son of Star Wars, when he talks about 'taking charge of national security decisions.' Guess that's gonna work out great like the rest of his policies concerning defence.


Can someone just summarize the No Child Left Behind initiative? Were they trying to legislate class size or was it more than that?
Bush said:
Bush said he has achieved:

# An education policy that has improved reading and math skills.

Too bad this policy wasn't in place while Bush was "attending" school.

# Prescription drug care coverage that had been promised for years.

Yeah, that is why our drugs cost 20 times more than in other countries.

# Better health care centers for low-income Americans along with new tax-free savings plans.

WTF, Bush has cut funding from Medicaid, Medicare, Student Loan Program and other programs that low income Americans depend on, so he could give the wealthy large tax breaks twice during his 4 year run.

# Success in building military alliances while taking charge of national security decisions.

You're fucking joking, right? They should have taken "charge of national security" before 9/11. And exactly what new "military alliances" did we build? We got help from who we already knew would lend their forces. Other smaller countries, who we may have not expected help from, are pulling their troops out of Iraq due to terrorist threats. Those are some great alliances. And we shouldn't even be in fucking Iraq anyway, so this is moot.
Lathentar said:
These threads are getting so annoying.

Hey Lath... can you thank your dad for the following?



My take on his claims:

# An education policy that has improved reading and math skills.
I do not mean to sound immature here, because I'm not a genius myself. But for god's sake, Dubya is a like a C student. A C student should not be responsible for helping come up with an act that is intended to "leave no child behind" in school. No wonder the stupid thing has tanked, is it any surprise? :D

# Prescription drug care coverage that had been promised for years.
Aww how nice, too bad it's so expensive even some middle-class families are probably breaking the bank to afford their pills.

# Better health care centers for low-income Americans along with new tax-free savings plans.
Oh, this is justification for treating low-income americans so poorly otherwise? What a prick.

# Success in building military alliances while taking charge of national security decisions.
It's comments like these, guys, that truly makes me believe that Bush thinks he is 100% accurate in everything he believes in. I don't know what is more sad: the fact that Bush has messed up so many things ever since he became president, or the fact that he is so stupid, that despite the devistating effects of his actions, he thinks he still has the perfect idea for everything. I cannot believe people in this country elected this man.

Anyone care to go into detail on why No Child Left Behind sucks so much? I'd love to know.

I know these threads are annoying, but so is Dubya. I mean those "accomplishments" really floored me when I read them. His behavior is unacceptable and we should all be ashamed of our leader. I respect people's opinions, but I cannot fathom how some people still stand by Bush and think he has the right idea for most things. Believe it or not, even people that admit the war was a mistake still feel Bush is qualified to do everything else, and thus don't mind giving him another chance. It's almost like for EVERY issue Dubya has fucked up, the media and anti-Bush people would have to put just as much energy into educating people about it as they did for his poor excuse of a war.
Diablos said:
My take on his claims:

# An education policy that has improved reading and math skills.
I do not mean to sound immature here, because I'm not a genius myself. But for god's sake, Dubya is a like a C student. A C student should not be responsible for helping come up with an act that is intended to "leave no child behind" in school. No wonder the stupid thing has tanked, is it any surprise? :D

# Prescription drug care coverage that had been promised for years.
Aww how nice, too bad it's so expensive even some middle-class families are probably breaking the bank to afford their pills.

# Better health care centers for low-income Americans along with new tax-free savings plans.
Oh, this is justification for treating low-income americans so poorly otherwise? What a prick.

# Success in building military alliances while taking charge of national security decisions.
It's comments like these, guys, that truly makes me believe that Bush thinks he is 100% accurate in everything he believes in. I don't know what is more sad: the fact that Bush has messed up so many things ever since he became president, or the fact that he is so stupid, that despite the devistating effects of his actions, he thinks he still has the perfect idea for everything. I cannot believe people in this country elected this man.

Anyone care to go into detail on why No Child Left Behind sucks so much? I'd love to know.

Is there an echo in here? :D


Cerebral Palsy said:
Is there an echo in here? :D
:D I'm just really pissed. What you're reading is me unable to understand how a man with so much power in this country, demonstrating so much stupidity, can still be so respected.


Somebody needs to slap Bush, shake him like a British nanny, point out the window and yell LOOK!!! really loud in his ears.

Diablos said:
:D I'm just really pissed. What you're reading is me unable to understand how a man with so much power in this country, demonstrating so much stupidity, can still be so respected.

There are a lot of people that vote straight ticket no matter who the candidate is. I have a good friend who happens to be a card carrying republican, he will vote for Bush again even though he also agrees that he's a complete dumb ass. He votes for the Republican ideal, although the current admistration (and many before) have strayed greatly from it. It's about Republican versus Democrat, way more than Bush versus Kerry to him.

But I do agree with you. I have no respect for the Bush family as a whole.


rollin' in the gutter
Gek54 said:
If we have no buisness in Iraq then whe have no buisness there.

There is a difference between saving thousands and killing thousands. The Iraq war was not declared in order to liberate the people, despite what the Bush administration spewed after they couldn't find WMDs.


border said:
Can someone just summarize the No Child Left Behind initiative? Were they trying to legislate class size or was it more than that?

It's foundation is a system of national testing, starting from elementary school.

"Under No Child Left Behind, each state must measure every public school student's progress in reading and math in each of grades 3 through 8 and at least once during grades 10 through 12. By school year 2007-2008, assessments (or testing) in science will be underway."

Here's one summary:

"The law sets deadlines for states to expand the scope and frequency of student testing, revamp their accountability systems and guarantee that every teacher is qualified in their subject area. NCLB requires states to make demonstrable annual progress in raising the percentage of students proficient in reading and math, and in narrowing the test-score gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students. At the same time, the new law increases funding in several areas, including K-3 reading programs and before- and after-school programs, and provides states with greater flexibility to use federal funds as they see fit."

Here's the gov't site for the act: http://www.nochildleftbehind.gov/

Here's the full text: http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/index.html

The main complaints against the act are that all the annual testing and studying for the tests takes a lot of time away from other educational activities, that the testing requires a lot of monetary resources, and that the funding being provided by the federal budget for the act is less than the amount actually authorized by the act. (Republicans claim that the schools have plenty of money for NCLB.)

What I don't like about the act is its focus on "accountability". It seems that law makers are much more concerned about knowing who to blame for failures rather than figuring out how to make successes. I don't deny that accountability has some importance, but I don't think it should be the primary focus of improving education.
People who complain about these threads are probably the same folks who actually mourned the death of Regan. Most in my generation only remember him as that kindly old guy on TV in out very early youths, and forget all the shit that he did, like suppress AIDS awareness, tried to get ketchup recognized as a vegetable, etc.

People this George W is like his dad, but I think he has more in common with Ronnie. Both are equally retarded.


Unconfirmed Member
I just really can't even imagine another 4 years under this clown. It's not even like I'm particularly pro-Kerry or pro-Democrat even. I just can't stand this nonsense and bullshit any more. I may just have to excuse myself from the country somehow after I graduate in the spring.


The truly sad part is that there are people out there who actually BELIEVE anything that Bush says.

If I had to list his major accomplishments while in office, they would be:

-Turning a surplus of 5 trillion into a projected 5 trillion deficit

-Appointing the most draconian, fundamentalist man possible to the office of Attorney General. Compassionate Conservatism ahoy!

-Taking a big ole Crawford, Tejas shit all over the Constitution of the United States of America.

-Taking Sen. Joe Liebermann's pre-9/11 proposal for a Dept. of Homeland Security and then sticking riders on it that wouldn't protect any of the employees in the new Dept's rights, thus causing Dems to vote against it and appear "unpatriotic"

-Pissing off 85% of the world when we had the opportunity to capitalize on almost unprecedented sympathy towards us as a nation after 9/11

-Gutting his own moronic "No Child Left Behind" act of funding

-Misleading the people on why we were going to war. He wanted the war in Iraq and didn't care how we got there.

Quite the sterling reputation you've got there, buddy. I'm glad you're a Uniter and not a Divider, or maybe you would have REALLY pissed some people off. And since you're now the Peace President, I shudder to think of what you would have accomplished as a REAL War President. Thanks for looking out for us, George Dubya!


What's wrong with the DNC thread?

You aren't going to change any Bush supporter's mind with a thread like this Diablos. Why aren't you still banned broken record?
Tekky said:
It's foundation is a system of national testing, starting from elementary school.

"Under No Child Left Behind, each state must measure every public school student's progress in reading and math in each of grades 3 through 8 and at least once during grades 10 through 12. By school year 2007-2008, assessments (or testing) in science will be underway."

Here's one summary:

"The law sets deadlines for states to expand the scope and frequency of student testing, revamp their accountability systems and guarantee that every teacher is qualified in their subject area. NCLB requires states to make demonstrable annual progress in raising the percentage of students proficient in reading and math, and in narrowing the test-score gap between advantaged and disadvantaged students. At the same time, the new law increases funding in several areas, including K-3 reading programs and before- and after-school programs, and provides states with greater flexibility to use federal funds as they see fit."

Here's the gov't site for the act: http://www.nochildleftbehind.gov/

Here's the full text: http://www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/esea02/index.html

The main complaints against the act are that all the annual testing and studying for the tests takes a lot of time away from other educational activities, that the testing requires a lot of monetary resources, and that the funding being provided by the federal budget for the act is less than the amount actually authorized by the act. (Republicans claim that the schools have plenty of money for NCLB.)

What I don't like about the act is its focus on "accountability". It seems that law makers are much more concerned about knowing who to blame for failures rather than figuring out how to make successes. I don't deny that accountability has some importance, but I don't think it should be the primary focus of improving education.

Yeah, from what I understand, it puts additional burdens on teachers. IIRC, one thing that it doesn't allow is teachers to teach out of their subject area unless they have been teaching it for a while. Of course, that sounds great, but really many schools don't have that great selection in teachers. For instance, physics teachers are not easily found, and in my personal experience, my physics teacher (with a BS in Math) taught me fine. The high school level isn't really that hard, and restricting teachers to just one area isn't all that great. While I worked at a school, NCLB was one thing they loved to complain about.
Fjord said:
You guys sure hate Bush quite a bit considering the parties are so similar.

Take the issue of gay marriages. The Republican party is definately trying to prevent it from happening, even at the state level, with the admendment. Although the Democratic party has members opposing gay marriages, it is definately more liberal on the issue. It's leaders do not support the admendment, and more liberal members like Gavin Newsom support gay marriages.

I don't know what you use to determine similarity, but to me they are significantly different in the issues I care about.


Indeed. I have long suspected that joining a political party in America requires you to check your brain and free will at the door.

But this isn't about political parties. This is about quite possibly the worst American President, and how his attempting to run on any sort of "record" is a laughable, insane notion.


Fjord said:
You guys sure hate Bush quite a bit considering the parties are so similar.

That demonstrates quite a bit of ignorance.

You can call the parties "similarly bad", but you can't by any means call them "similar".

In any case, Bush isn't exactly a model Republican, and I think it safe to say that most of our hate is directed at Bush and members of his administration, and not at Republicans in general.
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