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What happens when you die?

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I just saw an interesting flick called Brainstorm that deals with this at the end (starring Christopher Walken).

Reincarnation? Heaven? You just die? Haunt the living? You are forced to watch Corey Feldman movies for the rest of eternity? What do you think?

I'm inclined to believe that you just die, but I always find myself doubting that... The idea of heaven is a bit too much for me to swallow, but there are all of those near-death-see-the-light stories...

If I had to take a guess, I'd say reincarnation. Probably as a human again.

El Papa

Sounds like something the pope might say.
I guess, I'm interested in his reasoning for that though, since to me it seems like either way you would have to have some sort of system set up, requiring a "higher power".


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Well there's religious and scientific explanations. Neither of which are really sure about anything and have next to nothing to back up their ideas.

Then people argue about it and kill over it...even though it goes against many of the moral ideas behind both systems.


El Papa said:
Heaven is too much for you too swallow, but reincarnation isn't? How so?

I dunno. I'm willing to except the idea that people have souls, but I think that they remain in this physical world.


El Papa said:
I guess, I'm interested in his reasoning for that though, since to me it seems like either way you would have to have some sort of system set up, requiring a "higher power".

Well I agree with you there, I was just making pope humor because you are "El Papa", wasn't sure if you were just playing the part.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
but there are all of those near-death-see-the-light stories...
There are scientific explanations for that. Can't remember what exactly they are, tho. :p

My opinion? Nothing happens. Your brain shuts down and you lose your self-consciousness for the rest of eternity. Comfortable? Optimistic? No. Realistic? Logical? Yes.

El Papa

ballhog: I do at times:p


Pattergen: I'm not trying to slam you or anything, but isn't a soul fundamentally non-physical?


Pattergen said:
I dunno. I'm willing to except the idea that people have souls, but I think that they remain in this physical world.

Well whatever one thinks about the afterlife, it's pretty far fetched. I think the universe was created by a being known only as "Control Elf", and he changes the rules whenever it amuses him, or it. Which isn't very often as Control Elf is generally not amused. I'm just as likely to be correct as anyone else.
Same thing that happened to you before you were born. I don't really remember but I'm pretty sure it was nothing but unconcious blackness.


El Papa said:
Pattergen: I'm not trying to slam you or anything, but isn't a soul fundamentally non-physical?

Well. I believe in a higher being, but based soley on philosophical reasoning (like the first cause). I make no assumptions about the background or the role of this higher being. Like I said, I lean toward you just die, but I feel like there could be something more to it. So yes, a soul is a metaphysical idea. I guess it is just a hunch that I have, and it is pretty much as far as I am willing to step into that type of reasoning. I don't want to say that a heaven does not exist because it perfectly well could. I just don't believe in the existance of an entire metaphysical realm. Hell, it could be that ballhog's Control Elf decides what happens to us.


demon said:
There are scientific explanations for that. Can't remember what exactly they are, tho. :p

My opinion? Nothing happens. Your brain shuts down and you lose your self-consciousness for the rest of eternity. Comfortable? Optimistic? No. Realistic? Logical? Yes.

I agree with this.

Enjoy life while you can. I think once you're gone you're gone for good.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Gantz takes you away and makes you fight aliens...

Umm, I think we just die. Brain functions stop and thats it.


You die = Game Over.

You don't get to play again unless you've got another credit.

Credits ain't easy to come by.


You die, and you're worm food. Later, the worms shit you out & that circle of life song from the Lion King plays as they shit you out.


I don't have an answer to the question, but I just want to say that Brainstorm rocks, and has some vintage Walken in it.


lol what a bunch of foolish theories. Truth is you don't die, you just teleport to another galaxy where we start a new life. People like to call it heaven, but really its not.
Death would probably be like falling into a dreamless sleep. No pain, no thoughts, nothing...
I've always believed in reincarnation but being depressed for so long makes me think that isn't gonna happen and that we have no souls. :(


Prospero said:
I don't have an answer to the question, but I just want to say that Brainstorm rocks, and has some vintage Walken in it.

It was pretty good. Kind of slow, but really strange. Good plot line with some cool twists along the way. Walken was good in it, sporting his Dead Zone coolness.


tree fiddy said:
Death would probably be like falling into a dreamless sleep. No pain, no thoughts, nothing...
I've always believed in reincarnation but being depressed for so long makes me think that isn't gonna happen and that we have no souls. :(

Oh buck up sonny, that depression was just your logic trying to get free.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>What happens when you die?<<<

My best guess is... NOTHING. No brain = no thought = nonexistence. The idea of a soul is beyond ridiculous IMO.


I'm not a very spiritual person. I see the human body, everything that encompasses it, as a system. A system that completely stops once we die. We cease to exist in any form because there was just the one.

It would be comforting if I believed in some sort of after-life, but I'm mostly convinced this is all there is. Life is science.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Firest0rm said:
lol what a bunch of foolish theories. Truth is you don't die, you just teleport to another galaxy where we start a new life. People like to call it heaven, but really its not.
ROOFLES MCDOOFLES. I can't tell if this is seriously or a joke post. If you're really being serious, I'd love to hear your reasoning. Honestly, I'd like to believe it. Even if I did believe that were true, I wouldn't believe that we would retain our current consciousness, so it really wouldn't matter. (but then again, how else could that happen without retaining your consciousness?)

jobber said:
you respawn
If that's true, I better kille the spawn-spot snipers while I have the chance...


demon said:
ROOFLES MCDOOFLES. I can't tell if this is seriously or a joke post. If you're really being serious, I'd love to hear your reasoning. Honestly, I'd like to believe it. Even if I did believe that were true, I wouldn't believe that we would retain our current consciousness, so it really wouldn't matter. (but then again, how else could that happen without retaining your consciousness?)

If that's true, I better kille the spawn-spot snipers while I have the chance...

lol, I'm just joking. I believe in a heaven. :) but that roofles mcdoofles... very strange thing to say.


I think that when you die, you *die*. No afterlife, no reencarnation, no nothing. You cease to exist. However, I hope that I'm wrong when I die. :p
demon said:
There are scientific explanations for that. Can't remember what exactly they are, tho. :p

My opinion? Nothing happens. Your brain shuts down and you lose your self-consciousness for the rest of eternity. Comfortable? Optimistic? No. Realistic? Logical? Yes.

One of which I remember. There's a region of the brain that brain surgeons can stimulate and you get a similar NDE to a naturally occurring one. IIRC, someone used that as a reason for all NDE and that we had evolved this hallucination in order to ease our passing.

I'm hardly someone that'll vehemently defend any kind of religious explanation but that pseudo-scientific idea seemed like the dumbest bull crap I've ever heard. Ever.
Wow, no one here is religious at all? Pretty much every response has been "you die, you cease to exist."

I believe there has to be some kind of afterlife, but I have no idea what it's gonna be like. We have to be here for a reason, there has to be something after this.
Interesting Google ad at the bottom. What the fuck is so "surprising" about the Bible, which has been around for almost 2000 years last I checked?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Idle Will Kill said:
Wow, no one here is religious at all? Pretty much every response has been "you die, you cease to exist."

I believe there has to be some kind of afterlife, but I have no idea what it's gonna be like. We have to be here for a reason, there has to be something after this.
Why do we have to be here for a reason, and if such a reason exists, why must it involve an ever-lasting consciousness that continues once our bodies and brains cease to function in any way, shape or form? Is there any logic behind your reasoning, or just hopefulness? Seriously, I'd like to know. I'd like to have a reason to believe in an afterlife. I just need more than a sense of comfort from it to believe in it.
I dunno, I really don't have an answer for you. Basically though, I think that everything is way to perfect in life sometimes for all of this to have just been created naturally. Thus, something had to have created us. Which leads to there having to be something after life on Earth.

I guess that answer is highly religious, but it's the best I can manage at this point.


If you go to heaven when you die do you stay in the shape you are currently in forever? Because if so then wouldn't it be better to die when you're young so can stay young forever?
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