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What happens when you die?

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I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Basically though, I think that everything is way to perfect in life sometimes for all of this to have just been created naturally. Thus, something had to have created us....
That I won't get into (at least now), but..
...Which leads to there having to be something after life on Earth.
Why is that? Again, even if we were created, what makes you think our consciousness, our existence in one way or another, continues after our body dies and our brain shuts off completely for eternity?
I honestly don't know, I believe in some sort of after life mostly out of fear of just ceasing to exist.

I don't know how you guys can just casually say we cease to exist. That seems like the worst fate imaginable to me.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>I dunno, I really don't have an answer for you. Basically though, I think that everything is way to perfect in life sometimes for all of this to have just been created naturally. Thus, something had to have created us. Which leads to there having to be something after life on Earth?<<<<

So you don't think man could have come about naturally, but God, who is supposed to be far more advanced/powerful than man DID? Seriously, this all gets back to the issue of the origin of the universe, and while science doesn't have a satisfactory explanation, Christianity has NO explanation.


well not really...yet
The last time I pondered the thought of what "emptiness" felt like....what its like after you die....nothingness?

.....dont try and wrap your head around what nothing feels like youll only end up fucking destroyed your mind....


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>I don't know how you guys can just casually say we cease to exist. That seems like the worst fate imaginable to me.<<<

Yes, it's the worst fate imaginable, but it's the only one that makes an logical sense to me with our present knowledge.


The Fronde said:
I don't know how you guys can just casually say we cease to exist. That seems like the worst fate imaginable to me.

Tell this to my grandpa. Now that we're young we don't understand that after you've seen and done everything you wanted you get kinda bored with life. Imagine how would be if you lived forever. I mean how much before you get bored? One hundrend, one thousand years? All these religious explanations seem to me childish attempts of some scared people.

PS. I never really understood reincarnation and sounds kinda silly to me. I mean if all your memories are erased you're a totally different person. So what's the point of being reincarnated?


This stuff is all bullshit stories to calm people down and give them a reason to live through all this stuff.

When you die, that's it.
Che said:
I never really understood reincarnation and sounds kinda silly to me. I mean if all your memories are erased you're a totally different person. So what's the point of being reincarnated?

There is no "point" to it. What people think of "reincarnation" is twisted by western religious views. It's more of a recycling of energy than say, your soul moving to another vessel to live again.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
shuri said:
This stuff is all bullshit stories to calm people down and give them a reason to live through all this stuff.

When you die, that's it.
Exactly. This sums it up perfectly...
The Fronde said:
I don't know how you guys can just casually say we cease to exist. That seems like the worst fate imaginable to me.
"We cease to exist? But how can you say that, it's horrible! We must live forever! Why? Because.......that's horrible!"

The only reason there is this mass belief in an afterlife is that to believe otherwise is an absolutely dreadful thought....how can a conscious being, who has only experienced consciousness from their beginning (of course), possibly fathom the idea of no longer existing for the rest of eternity? It's a horrible thought; and humans being the emotion-driven creatures that they are will cling to any belief that comforts that fear.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"Wow, no one here is religious at all? Pretty much every response has been "you die, you cease to exist.""

I have beliefs, and an open mind.

I once called myself a Christian until I realized how much hate and suffering organized religion creates. If there is a God, he wouldn't want us to argue, hate and kill each other over theories and beliefs. Your morals are up to you and you only.

On the other side, the scientfic side, I think our understanding of life and the universe is so primitive that we really don't have a basic grasp about what's really going on.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"So you don't think man could have come about naturally, but God, who is supposed to be far more advanced/powerful than man DID? Seriously, this all gets back to the issue of the origin of the universe, and while science doesn't have a satisfactory explanation, Christianity has NO explanation."

This is exactly what I'm saying about our primitive understanding of the universe. The whole idea of creation and beginning comes from the limitation of the dimension of time, something we still don't understand. Time can be manipulated by the other dimensions. We really know nothing.
teh_pwn said:
I once called myself a Christian until I realized how much hate and suffering organized religion creates. If there is a God, he wouldn't want us to argue, hate and kill each other over theories and beliefs. Your morals are up to you and you only.

I feel the same way... but I also feel I'm becoming Anti-Christian at times, some are just so closed minded and irritating to me. :(

If I am wrong may I burn in Hell...

Hell is something I lost the FEAR of...
I also lost the FEAR of GOD.

I see some people who ask me sometimes, Are you a God FEARING MAN?

I'm like, why would God want me to FEAR?

I have no idea anymore of what I believe will happen when I die
I just know I want to find ways to make this world a better place to live
can't do that alone so that leaves me depressed often


Like i said, the universe cares fuck all about us. We're on the outer fringes of a huge galaxy that is just one of countless galaxies. Just because we like things to be defined and explained doesn't mean there are definitions or explanations. The sun will expire, earth will be charred if not vaporized altogether. This planet is doomed regardless if we develop the technology to travel to another solar system or not, and whether we ever find another inhabitable planet or not.

If God created us, who created God, and if God spontaneously spawned into being, then why is it so hard to accept that the Big Band theory? Belief in an afterlife is how people cope with little babies dying and losing loved-ones.


i hope that when we die we just die and that's that, because if there really were a heaven and a hell then a substantial portion of people would be screwed.


OmniGamer said:
If God created us, who created God, and if God spontaneously spawned into being, then why is it so hard to accept that the Big Band theory? Belief in an afterlife is how people cope with little babies dying and losing loved-ones.

EXACTLY my thoughts man.

I once called myself a Christian until I realized how much hate and suffering organized religion creates. If there is a God, he wouldn't want us to argue, hate and kill each other over theories and beliefs. Your morals are up to you and you only.

On the other side, the scientfic side, I think our understanding of life and the universe is so primitive that we really don't have a basic grasp about what's really going on.

Hey this is me!


Physically, the atoms in our bodies get recycled billions of times over. In fact, I read somewhere once that the amount of atomic recycling going on is so prolific, that it is practically a given that everyone on the planet has at least SOME atoms that once belonged to William Shakespeare.

The real question is, what happens to consciousness after death? Personally, I think it just ends. You can't have consciousness without the brain's chemical reaction. No chemical reaction, no consciousness, no afterlife.


On a more serious note, perhaps you get what you believe.

Personally, I think that life consists of more than just physics and chemical reactions.

I don't have all the answers, and I haven't tried to think it through. But I'd like to think that there's another "plane of existence" that we just haven't quite figured out yet.

If a paradise should happen to exist (not saying that it does), then my idea of paradise is getting to know the answers to everything you always wondered during life. Especially questions like "I wonder what she'd be like... ?"


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
But I'd like to think that there's another "plane of existence" that we just haven't quite figured out yet.
And once again, "+1 afterlife" reasoning that boils down to mre hopefulness.
This is what happens:
God hates you. This is why he made you to feel pain. This is why there are wars, famine, abuse, prisions, mental illness. God is not satisfied with the little torturous span of existance you have endured thus far. God wants more. When you die you come back to existance crumpled in an old coal oven. You're actually inside an oven. God throws in some coals and lights a match and smokes his pipe as he and his kinky girlfriends watch you burn. God then proceeds to drug his hos and enjoys a session of coitus with them as you are charred. He's an orgy kinda guy who also likes some necro stimuli on the side. If an actor were to play god it would be John travolta circa Disco Fever replete with disco fever wardrobe. If John is not available then Don Johnson will suffice.
From here you go to the first stage of hell. This is where red guys who kind of look like Dave Navarro wink at you and make passes before poking you with their red pitchforks.
Then you proceed to your cell where you must spend eternity with Merv Griffin, Abe Vigoda, and Ernest Borgnine all of whom are weaing bikini bathing suits.




Tekky said:
On a more serious note, perhaps you get what you believe.

I've contemplated that possibility too...that an afterlife could exist for those that believed in it...but that's more of a "open-to-all-possibilities" guess rather than logic, since logically i believe we just die.

What's depressing to me though is not the thought of death(well somewhat), but the thought of some people devoting their whole lives to something or to a way of living, that pretty much takes the life out of life itself, because they believe it's neccessary to ascend to a higher plane of existance after death, and their belief turns out to be just that, a belief.
I believe the universe was created because of the big bang theory, and as we speak the universe is expanding beyond what we as human beings on this planet will ever see or learn. I don't believe that a higher being created all of this, or that we're gods children, because we are simply a very small part of the universe. I think a lot of religious people like to believe "God" has a very intricate plan, that is very well thought out. I don't see the universe as very well thought out, it's a very random and expansive place that is not meant for us to control.

Simply put... after life, heaven, hell are all tools created to keep us in control by men from many ages ago. It's fabrication that has been tinkered with time and time again by men who think they are all knowing and powerful. People are sheep, and a lot of people believe in heaven and hell because they are hammered at a very young age into thinking you must live a good life, you must live for a REASON otherwise you will be banished to hell. It's mind control, it's nothing more than dogs gathering sheep.

In this day and age, men like The President are the pen holders that create these tools and write the rules. They create fear to keep us in control and on their side. It's logical and realistic, but I know a lot of people are more optimistic than that. Everyone is entitled to believe what they wish.


DSN2K said:
You die...


no heaven or hell but you just ceast to exist.

shuri said:
This stuff is all bullshit stories to calm people down and give them a reason to live through all this stuff.

When you die, that's it.

TAJ said:
Yes, it's the worst fate imaginable, but it's the only one that makes an logical sense to me with our present knowledge.

demon said:
And once again, "+1 afterlife" reasoning that boils down to more hopefulness.

I feel sorry for people like you. It's unfortunate that you were brought up this way. If you had an ounce of rational thought and did some research, you'd see that it is impossible for the world to have been created without some form of devine entity.

God is all powerful and I am going to tell you this for your own good....

You *will* be judged one day and if you dont change your ways and beliefs, you will reap what you sow. That is all I have to say.
isamu said:
I feel sorry for people like you. It's unfortunate that you were brought up this way. If you had an ounce of rational thought and did some research, you'd see that it is impossible for the world to have been created without some form of devine entity.

God is all powerful and I am going to tell you this for your own good....

You *will* be judged one day and if you dont change your ways and beliefs, you will reap what you sow. That is all I have to say.

A perfect example of what I was just talking about. Pathetic, and sad.


I'll put myself in the "you cease to exist" crowd. There's certainly some question of what you experience as the body shuts down, but I see strong reason to believe that our minds are entirely the product of our brains, and so once the brain shuts down, that's the end of the mind.

Depressing? WEll, I didn't feel bad before I existed, so I doubt I'll feel bad about it after. In the meantime, I find life far more interesting than death.

God is all powerful and I am going to tell you this for your own good....

It's not like we haven't heard all this many times before, you know. But if your god has a different idea about the afterlife, send him over to my apartment, and he can tell me about it.


isamu said:
I feel sorry for people like you. It's unfortunate that you were brought up this way. If you had an ounce of rational thought and did some research, you'd see that it is impossible for the world to have been created without some form of devine entity.

God is all powerful and I am going to tell you this for your own good....

You *will* be judged one day and if you dont change your ways and beliefs, you will reap what you sow. That is all I have to say.

Care to point us to some of this "research" instead of spieling out the "You will one day be judged!" doctrine?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Mumbles said:
I'll put myself in the "you cease to exist" crowd. There's certainly some question of what you experience as the body shuts down, but I see strong reason to believe that our minds are entirely the product of our brains, and so once the brain shuts down, that's the end of the mind.

Depressing? WEll, I didn't feel bad before I existed, so I doubt I'll feel bad about it after. In the meantime, I find life far more interesting than death.

It's not like we haven't heard all this many times before, you know. But if your god has a different idea about the afterlife, send him over to my apartment, and he can tell me about it.

Thats why it doesn't depress me, you don't have any thoughts so its not like you would notice the difference. Just peace...


As for my own views... I took a first year philosophy elective on the mind, so I don't claim to be an expert but man, it made for some quite depressing realisations. It wasn't directly related to God but there was often talk of if "souls" (or some equivalent) were possible.

The best answers from those who wish to save the soul were all along the lines of "Maybe we don't know enough physics" - which is a valid argument but a weak one all the same. It's true, there could be non-physical "mind-matter" (or some other explanation beyond physics) but what we know about science thus far seems to indicate other wise - doesn't prove but certainly, doesn't seem favourable for those who want to save the soul from being neutered by physics.

Yet, I hope that there is some sort of life after death. It's all too beautiful and I want to know what's behind it, I want to know whys and hows, I hope there are people I admire that are now dead that I can talk to when I pass away. But it's the sort of hope you have when in the back of your mind you know the opposite will happen... Depressing but, eh, whatcha gonna do? :)


isamu said:
I feel sorry for people like you. It's unfortunate that you were brought up this way. If you had an ounce of rational thought and did some research, you'd see that it is impossible for the world to have been created without some form of devine entity.

God is all powerful and I am going to tell you this for your own good....

You *will* be judged one day and if you dont change your ways and beliefs, you will reap what you sow. That is all I have to say.

im doomed!


isamu said:
I feel sorry for people like you. It's unfortunate that you were brought up this way. If you had an ounce of rational thought and did some research, you'd see that it is impossible for the world to have been created without some form of devine entity.

God is all powerful and I am going to tell you this for your own good....

You *will* be judged one day and if you dont change your ways and beliefs, you will reap what you sow. That is all I have to say.

Good lord...talk about shoving one's beliefs down your throats. See, this is my main problem with so-called religious people...I don't go around telling people "you're NOT going to heaven, there IS no God"....when i speak about what i believe, i TREAT IT AS A BELIEF. Not as a definitive FACT. But here you go, "You *will* be judged". Well then, I guess you must be said divine entity. Roll eyesx20,000.

I love your reasoning...like i said earlier, it's "irrational" for the world to have been created without some form of divine entity, but "rational" for an all powerful God to just "be" and create everything else?


ourumov said:
Like turning out the TV, closing the lights, stopping the REZ Trance Vibrator...

But what about the elecrticity that continues to flow and for the potential for that to be tapped into again? :p


Religion is just essentially an early form of science for the early people who didn't have as much knowledge and understanding of the universe as we do today. As we know more and more, we changed our thoughts from just assumptions and beliefs to actual, verifiable information.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"I feel sorry for people like you. It's unfortunate that you were brought up this way. If you had an ounce of rational thought and did some research, you'd see that it is impossible for the world to have been created without some form of devine entity.

God is all powerful and I am going to tell you this for your own good....

You *will* be judged one day and if you dont change your ways and beliefs, you will reap what you sow. That is all I have to say."

It's this kind of crap that initially led me away from organized religion. Judging, hating, loathing....ironic because it's against the teachings of religion.


I used to really focus on the afterlife, then one day when I was 11 or 12 I thought about a scenario where science found a way to freeze a body and revitalize it 2000 years later. What would happen? Would my soul in heaven be sucked back into my body? arghhhhhhhhhhh!


I think I believe in the "I cease to exist once I die" theory. I mean its the only logical answer since we won't have much of an existence without our brains right?

However, thinking about it is really scary. I mean, its like I will CEASE to EXIST? All my thoughts, ideals and thinkings down the damn drain??


Can a person commit a crime in heaven?And if so, where does that person go for his punishment,could earth be a prison<hell> of heaven.If so maybe that's how you explain reincarnation.You stay here on earth until you get it right.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
the thought of nothing after death scares me more than anything in the world. just reading this thread depresses me, as it makes me think about the possibilities of what if...? what if my beliefs are wrong? what if there is nothing, and i just disappear?

not existing is a terrifying revelation.


OmniGamer said:
If God created us, who created God, and if God spontaneously spawned into being, then why is it so hard to accept that the Big Band theory? Belief in an afterlife is how people cope with little babies dying and losing loved-ones.

As God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. The beginning cannot be fathomed, because God has always existed, He created time, that is why there can be no beginning.

Also there is no hell, just the grave, where you do cease to exist. I believe in God, and no where in the bible does it say anything about hell. Hell was invented by man for control, there is no hell (the same can be argued for religion as a whole as well). I don't believe in organized religion, but it may work for some people. I don't force my beliefs on anyone, just tell them my faith, and let them make up their own mind. Only a select few go to heaven (144,000 check the bible), the rest stay on Earth, raised from the dead (if they are to be) else they stay in the ground, ceasing to exist, for 1000 years. After the thousand years Satan is released again, we see what happens, and then Satan is destroyed forever. And everyone left will live forever as perfect humans.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>As God is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. The beginning cannot be fathomed, because God has always existed, He created time, that is why there can be no beginning.<<<

Again, if you're willing to believe that god came from nothing, why not the universe?
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