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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Death Prophet
I've noticed this in the past, but I just started p90x and I'm really noticing it with Ab Ripper X. Whenever I do sit ups and crunches I get light headed (sometimes with a bit of dizziness) and if I continue to do them, I feel a bit nauseous and have to stop. I'm not holding my breath, I made sure of that last night, and it still happened. Perhaps this isn't the best place to ask, but do you think this is because of low blood pressure? Has anyone else ever experienced this?


I've got a question: will you make lots of noise doing this program? I have many neighbours under me, and want to be a little careful with that. An hour of constant thuds and knocks would be out of the question here.


Fantastical said:
I've noticed this in the past, but I just started p90x and I'm really noticing it with Ab Ripper X. Whenever I do sit ups and crunches I get light headed (sometimes with a bit of dizziness) and if I continue to do them, I feel a bit nauseous and have to stop. I'm not holding my breath, I made sure of that last night, and it still happened. Perhaps this isn't the best place to ask, but do you think this is because of low blood pressure? Has anyone else ever experienced this?

You may be straining your neck? You said you just started, so maybe you're just not used to this regimen. Give it until the 3rd week, and see if it persists. It doesn't seem serious, and I can't imagine it's low blood pressure so play it by ear and see how it progresses.

funkmastergeneral said:
What kind of equipment is required for this program?

It's been posted and easily google-able, but chin up bar, mat, resistance bands, and dumbbells.

thomaser said:
I've got a question: will you make lots of noise doing this program? I have many neighbours under me, and want to be a little careful with that. An hour of constant thuds and knocks would be out of the question here.

Plyometrics is an exercise that has you jumping up and down constantly, and one focus is to work on landing softly, which takes coordination as well as strength. So if you aren't used to jump training, you may be thudding quite a bit in the beginning.


funkmastergeneral said:
Would it be a bad idea to start this, knowing full well I'll be missing 5 days of the program about a month into it? Is it easy to start up immediately again?

luckily for you, after 3 weeks, there's the rest week (4th week of program) which is mostly stretching.

so you'll be fine. if your week away is during the 5th week you may want to redo the work week one more time to let the rest week land on your time away.
LCfiner said:
luckily for you, after 3 weeks, there's the rest week (4th week of program) which is mostly stretching.

so you'll be fine. if your week away is during the 5th week you may want to redo the work week one more time to let the rest week land on your time away.

Awesome! Time to do some grocery shopping and investing in a set of resistance bands. not looking forward to all the fish in the diet guide :(


winnarps said:
Day 1 starts today for me.

Did all my food/equipment shopping yesterday.

I have a feeling this is going to suck.
I did my first day this morning. I didn't plan as well as you though. I had my equipment but I didn't get the first round of shopping done until right after my first session.

To vets: How important are pill supplements and recovery drinks? I looked at the stuff that was advertised in the actual video but jesus christ they are expensive. Are there cheaper alternatives that you can recommend?

And anybody have a good link to a diet guide? I have extremely shitty taste buds so eating pretty much any vegetable that isn't dipped in ranch or nacho cheese is kind of a problem. Lettuce is ok and I kinda like peppers and carrots but that is about as far as I can go. This problem is compounded by the fact that I'm a relatively shitty cook unless I can barbecue 100% of my food. I'm screwed, aren't I?


funkmastergeneral said:
Awesome! Time to do some grocery shopping and investing in a set of resistance bands. not looking forward to all the fish in the diet guide :(

Fish is wonderful. Once your body starts adapting to the workouts, it will crave delicious nutritional food such as fish.


Wrekt said:
To vets: How important are pill supplements and recovery drinks?
Not a vet, a week in, but I can say that the recovery drink is nothing more then a high protein drink, but it does help a lot in muscle development and recovery right after you work out.

I would simply drink a chocolate milk - has the same benefit since it is high in protein. A lot of chatter about it on the last few pages.

If that doesn't interest you and you want to go for it, I would simply go buy some Whey Protein from your local grocery or health store, and just mix that stuff in with other drinks like water, milk, or juice. Make sure to check the nutrition facts - I suggest a whey protein low in carbs and fat so it doesn't mess up your ratio, and actually helps it during the first phase of the diet! For me, the hardest part has been getting enough protein and limiting carbs. Whey Protein is like NOS - gives me a super boost on my phase 1 ratio! :)


LCfiner said:
luckily for you, after 3 weeks, there's the rest week (4th week of program) which is mostly stretching.

so you'll be fine. if your week away is during the 5th week you may want to redo the work week one more time to let the rest week land on your time away.
I sort of disagree with this point. The 4th week isn't really a "rest" week, it's a recovery week. It's true that there's a lot of stretching (yoga twice and X Stretch), but there's also Core Synergistics twice and Kenpo, both excellent workouts (<3 Core), so for that reason I don't think the recovery week should be missed. If you do miss a week, or a majority of a week, I think the best plan of action would just be to re-do that week.


I found Kenpo to be worthless as the program went on (in the beginning I liked it, but it got too easy and boring after Phase 2). I found Cardio X to be a much better replacement and workout instead.


bionic77 said:
I found Kenpo to be worthless as the program went on (in the beginning I liked it, but it got too easy and boring after Phase 2). I found Cardio X to be a much better replacement and workout instead.
Yeah I'm kind of in the same boat. I loved it at first but now I'm on the last week and doing Kenpo this past Saturday felt like a drag. Intensifying and adding reps helped though. I'm glad I only have to do it once more this week. :lol I'm gonna be starting another round in a couple of weeks and will be substituting Kenpo X+ into the program.
How bad is the soreness when first starting? At my job I'm on my feet walking around for 8 1/2 hours straight, 5 days a week and wouldn't want to feel miserable the entire time working.


Nightz said:
Yeah I'm kind of in the same boat. I loved it at first but now I'm on the last week and doing Kenpo this past Saturday felt like a drag. Intensifying and adding reps helped though. I'm glad I only have to do it once more this week. :lol I'm gonna be starting another round in a couple of weeks and will be substituting Kenpo X+ into the program.

I agree. Kenpo is worthless. Now I have just been running instead. I can burn twice as many calories in the same amount of time.

How bad is the soreness when first starting? At my job I'm on my feet walking around for 8 1/2 hours straight, 5 days a week and wouldn't want to feel miserable the entire time working.

I remember being extremely sore the first week or two into the program. But I hadn't worked out in any way for at least a year prior to that so if you have been working out you may be okay.


I'll add a new question on to the pile.

On days with multiple workouts (Chest & Back/Ab Ripper X) do you do both of them back to back? I did Ab Ripper directly after Chest & Back this morning but I was so exhausted that I couldn't keep up. I had a limited amount of time so I didn't pause it until I was capable of doing 25 of each set. I just did what I could in the time it took the trainers to do 25.

So now it is 5 hours later. My arms/chest/back still feel like I worked out this morning yet my stomach feels absolutely normal. I'm not sure if that is normal or if I should run Ab Ripper again when I get home from work.


Today was my first yoga day. I did not expect to sweat as much as I did... I had to put a big towel on top of my yoga mat because the sweat made it all slippery. Might have been the humid weather but my apartment is kind of cool so I doubt that. Couldn't do some of the poses but I just do my best and forget the rest!!!


Nightz said:
I sort of disagree with this point. The 4th week isn't really a "rest" week, it's a recovery week. It's true that there's a lot of stretching (yoga twice and X Stretch), but there's also Core Synergistics twice and Kenpo, both excellent workouts (<3 Core), so for that reason I don't think the recovery week should be missed. If you do miss a week, or a majority of a week, I think the best plan of action would just be to re-do that week.
You have a point. Core is a really tough one. I suppose I was just thinking that if you have 5 days away where you won't have weights or bands to do the resistance exercises, you can still do cardio by running or swimming and get the stretching in there as well. But, yeah, you do miss core a couple time and that one's a doosey and doesn't show up anywhere else.


Wrekt said:
I'll add a new question on to the pile.

On days with multiple workouts (Chest & Back/Ab Ripper X) do you do both of them back to back? I did Ab Ripper directly after Chest & Back this morning but I was so exhausted that I couldn't keep up. I had a limited amount of time so I didn't pause it until I was capable of doing 25 of each set. I just did what I could in the time it took the trainers to do 25.

So now it is 5 hours later. My arms/chest/back still feel like I worked out this morning yet my stomach feels absolutely normal. I'm not sure if that is normal or if I should run Ab Ripper again when I get home from work.
I usually wait about 30 minutes to do Ab RipperX as I am usually gassed after the initial workout.

And it is normal not to feel sore after Ab Ripper X the next day. That is why the stretching is so minimal for that workout.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Wow, just started week 9 and it is a repeat of week 1-3. Today was pushup/pullup day and in week 3 out of the 10 sets of all-you-can-do pushups I did 10 real and the rest on knees. Today I did 80 real.

I have lost about 10 lbs and went from a 36 (almost 38) waist to 34 again.

Only downside is my small spare tire won't go away. You never could see it with a shirt on, but being that my grandpa and uncle are overweight and those are my genes it is a bit harder to lose the tire. My bro takes after my dad who is 50 and built like a pro d-back or something. :lol

Anyways, was surprised to see the actual improvement in the 6 weeks between 3 and 9. I plan to go through the program again after too. :D


allright just finished day 1 of p90x. this is my THIRD attempt. im soooo determined to finish this program. the last two attempt, i got sick halfway for like a month.

tomorrow is plyo day.. but im gonna go hiking early in the day! hopefully i still have enough energy to do plyo


Hey guys, wanted to update:

I have seen MAJOR changes from doing p90x and changing my diet. Within a month, I have lost a lot of my weight and look great, theres barely any fat left, but I wasn't even really fat when I began. Oh yea I recommend this program to anyone, if you're already kind of fit, it is not that bad at all. I need to start doing extra cardio too :/

My major concern is that for the past 2 weeks i have literally stopped because of school and work. My diet has been fairly good, no junk food, but not eating 5 times a day. I haven't gained weight, but was just wondering if i should go from where I left off in my program or start again?


How important is the food component of this program? Like if you ignored it and just did the workouts, but maybe ate a little healthier.


NYR said:
Can someone provide some input on Whey Protein?

I am thinking about buying some to add to my protein intake, but I want to do it for one reason: weight loss.

Does it work for that purpose, in terms of meal supplements/snacks? Is it a good idea to use Protein powder for the purpose of weight loss?

I was thinking about getting one of these:



For Whey Protein, I just buy a full tub of it (same kind you've linked), and everyday after my workout, blend the following together:

2-3 cups skim milk
1 cup frozen fruit (peaches or strawberries work great)
2-3 scoops of protein (i only use vanilla flavor)

Makes for a pretty damn good smoothie. Plus it should keep you full for 2-3 hours.

To answer your question though: protein shakes in general are used to promote muscle growth, not weight loss.


MiniBossBattle said:
What kinda of food/supplements/diet am I supposed to do in tandem with p90x? I eat fairly healthy but I never been a protein shake kind of guy.

when you get the kit, there's a substantial nutriion guide that comes with it.

the gist of it is simple: eat healthy. eat vegetables, eat lean meat, have more carbs if you're already thin, fewer carbs if you're overweight. lentils and chick peas are good. krispy creme and coca cola is bad.

the guide gives a very detailed menu plan if you choose to prepare your own food and there's also a pretty well made "portion plan to determine how much of your daily diet should be carbs/ sugar/ protein/ fat if you tend to buy more food than you prepare.

Oh, and it's not a low calorie diet plan. assuming you're somewhat active outside the p90 routine each day, you'll need a decent amount of calories to stick to their plan.

the only supplement that is recommended strongly is the recovery drink after the workout (hi carb/ high protein) but you can take pills.


on another note, I'm back into the routine. starting up phase 1 again. had some false start attempts the last couple weeks and couldn't get into it properly but now I have the time to do it right again. I'm hoping to drop another 15 or so pounds in the next 3 months and move down another pants size.

I've been doing this for almost a year now and I'm damn happy with my results but now I'm in the home stretch and I gotta BRING IT for the next 6 months to finish up strong and get into proper shape.


NYR said:
Can someone provide some input on Whey Protein?

I am thinking about buying some to add to my protein intake, but I want to do it for one reason: weight loss.

Does it work for that purpose, in terms of meal supplements/snacks? Is it a good idea to use Protein powder for the purpose of weight loss?

I was thinking about getting one of these:



I suggest taking a look at Optimum Nutrition 100 percent Whey Gold Standard. It's arguably the best Whey protein powder on the market.

Also, yes Whey Protein helps in weight loss. Just use it differently then someone bulking up. Use a single scoop with Water after a work out and for a snack later in the day. This helps replace a meal, and gives you roughly 48g of extra protein per day you weree not getting before.

Only start adding skim milk, yogurt, fruit, peanut butter, multiple scoops etc.. if you plan on bulking. Otherwise use a single scoop and water. A couple scoops with water if you feel your diet is lacking in protein.
Just finished day 1. Jesus fucking christ I want to die. The diet change is fine except for eating fish, but the Ab Ripper X. fuuuuuuuuuuck.

When he says its ok to take a break, is the expectation to pause it while i recover a bit?


funkmastergeneral said:
Just finished day 1. Jesus fucking christ I want to die. The diet change is fine except for eating fish, but the Ab Ripper X. fuuuuuuuuuuck.

When he says its ok to take a break, is the expectation to pause it while i recover a bit?

for ab ripper? at the beginning? no, the expectation is that you'll do fewer reps of a particular set and then come back and start up the next set.

you can also pause it, but I find that's less useful for ab ripper than it is for the resistance/ cardio workouts.


Does maths and stuff
LM4sure said:
I agree. Kenpo is worthless. Now I have just been running instead. I can burn twice as many calories in the same amount of time.

Kenpo is pretty laid back but at least it's a change of pace and interesting (at least for me). Running is boring as hell.

Korey said:
How important is the food component of this program? Like if you ignored it and just did the workouts, but maybe ate a little healthier.

If you mean can you go from 5 cheeseburgers a day to 1 cheeseburger, then no. :p

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
I just started this. As in, just got finished with Chest&Back. What in the fuck, I'm supposed to do Ab-Ripper X today as well?! Oh lordy! I can barely walk, I feel sick to my stomach, and feel as if I ran a marathon.

And to top it all off, I could barely keep up with anything on the Chest & back, even pausing for breaks. I knew I was totally out of shape and a fatbody, but christ. I'm 6'2", 215 lbs. so I guess I'm not that bad, but I have a 38" wasteline and basically sit in a chair 80% of the day.

Ok, I'm gonna catch my breath for about 30 minutes or so and go try to fumble my way through Ab-Ripper.

On the pull-ups, I was using a pull-up bar mounted on a door, and since I'm so tall, I couldn't really use a chair, at least not under me. So what I did was move it away from me, rest both feet on it, and do modified pull-ups that way, and even then I couldn't get my bulk over up high enough to get my chin over the bar.

Edit: Just finished Ab-Ripper X. Sick to my stomach big time. I could hang with some of the exercises (not on reps, obviously), but I'll be damned if I can't lie completely flat on my back and do a sit up properly. Could be because of my gut or being out of shape, or both.


Fraull said:
My major concern is that for the past 2 weeks i have literally stopped because of school and work. My diet has been fairly good, no junk food, but not eating 5 times a day. I haven't gained weight, but was just wondering if i should go from where I left off in my program or start again?

Can anyone give me some advice on taking a long break on whether I should start again or just continue where I left off?


Fraull said:
Can anyone give me some advice on taking a long break on whether I should start again or just continue where I left off?

I honestly don't know but I would probably redo the last week I was at when I took the break. Just see if you are still up to it. Starting over new wouldn't hurt either imo.

Yesterday was legs and back, couldn't do all the routines to my full satisfaction - I just have no power in my knees at all. But I just do what I can and I'm sure over time I will get better. Currently I'm thinking if it might be good to expand phase 1 for a week so I get another week of the current set.

Kind of looking forward to Kenpo tonight, really looking for a change of pace.

Btw. who here does stretch x ? I'll be on the road tomorrow and won't be home before 10pm so I wonder if it's worth it to do it when I get home.

Last night was my first time at Core Synergistics. I've known for years that my core is weak, but I could barely do half of it and felt like I'd been hit in the gut with a bat repeatedly.



megashock5 said:

Last night was my first time at Core Synergistics. I've known for years that my core is weak, but I could barely do half of it and felt like I'd been hit in the gut with a bat repeatedly.

It's a beautiful workout isn't it? Don't worry about not being able to do much of it in the first recovery week. By the second recovery week you should be strong enough to do a lot of it. I'm on my final recovery week and I did Core last night, and I was definitely surprised at how much I improved. Like Tony says, do your best and forget the rest.


I'm only finished 2 days now, and I feel like I've been hit by a car.

Can't wait until the soreness subsides, but I'm thinking this will take a while to get used to.


winnarps said:
I'm only finished 2 days now, and I feel like I've been hit by a car.

Can't wait until the soreness subsides, but I'm thinking this will take a while to get used to.

it only took me one week for my body to stop feeling like it got hit by a truck days after the workouts.

I get "normal sore" now and not "i can't get up from my chair or lift my arms above my chin" sore.

I was in absolutely horrible shape and i was amazed how quickly my body adapted.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
made it to day 40 then went on 3 week vacation, then world cup football came around.... and now.... still haven't begun again. Starting next monday. MUST MAKE 90

was really satisfied with how it was going then vacations came and drank myself to oblivion (including world cup) probably lost the small gains I made, looks wise, but I think I kept some strength or at least muscle memory, as I can do more chinups now.


Wow, P90x really works.

Weighed my self this morning for the first time since I started. Scary thought - was worried that nothing would change so soon and I would give up. Well, I'm on Day 8 now. Results so far: I have lost 4 pounds and one inch on my waist.

Can't really notice the difference body wise, but that is a huge weight drop for me in over a week. I do notice that it is way eaiser to climb stairs, not strained as much.

I am sticking to the diet, 50% Protein, 30% Carbs, 20% Fat. As mentioned before, I find it hard to keep to the 50-30 part, usually would end up swapping with 50% carbs and 30% protein - but last two days have been 45% and 47% Protein, respectively. Using "Lose It!" free iPhone app to track my progress and eating.


LCfiner said:
I get "normal sore" now and not "i can't get up from my chair or lift my arms above my chin" sore.

Tuesday morning, I had to roll off my bed and use my legs and some minimal assistance from my hands to stand up. I couldn't lean up at all.

I thought I was in some sort of shape before, but this program is really making me work out areas of my body I didn't know could hurt.


winnarps said:
Tuesday morning, I had to roll off my bed and use my legs and some minimal assistance from my hands to stand up. I couldn't lean up at all.

I thought I was in some sort of shape before, but this program is really making me work out areas of my body I didn't know could hurt.

awesome :lol

when i did plyo for the first time one year and 45 pounds ago, my legs were like jelly for almost an entire week. just flat out unresponsive

i would gingerly get up from my chair at work and make my best effort not to hobble around the office to get some papers. it was nuts. my hamstrings were shot.

everyone has great week 1 stories because it's such a shock to the system if you're not actively working out when you start the program.
So Ive been glancing at the thread for awhile now, and while I would like to start, im really not sure of its right for me. Im 24 and about 6'2 280lbs, and while Ill admit im grossly overweight (large stomach, man bewbs the whole 9 yards), I also have a lot of muscle in my arms, shoulders and legs (due most likely to the high protein/fat food I eat and the fact im carrying around 280lbs lol). I have an office job where im at a desk for 9 hours a day, and ashamedly ill admit that I dont work out in any sort of capacity. I also hate the idea of getting a gym membership and going somewhere everyday to workout, which is why P90 is so appealing since I can do it at home.

What im wondering is, is P90 really geared toward people in my situation? I mean my cardio ability is extremely minimal, and im not really looking to add muscle as much as I am just trying to cut the most amount of fat/weight as possible. All the reading and what not has lead me to believe this is more designed for people who are moderately in shape (read: arent obese) and are looking at getting into shape cardio wise and getting muscle tone. I finally found my motivation for losing the weight after 24 years of not caring about what I ate at all, but i want to make sure what im doing is actually going to produce the results im looking for if I commit myself to it. Obviously the fist step is some sort of calorie limiting diet which im all for, but would I be better off to stick to just straight cardio (biking and such) as oppopsed to doing an entire program like P90?

I really am in the dark in terms of what the best way to maximize weight loss is, and any info you guys have would be greatly appreciated!!! (espeically if you were in a similar situation before you started the program)


[KoRp]Jazzman said:
So Ive been glancing at the thread for awhile now, and while I would like to start, im really not sure of its right for me. Im 24 and about 6'2 280lbs, and while Ill admit im grossly overweight (large stomach, man bewbs the whole 9 yards), I also have a lot of muscle in my arms, shoulders and legs (due most likely to the high protein/fat food I eat and the fact im carrying around 280lbs lol). I have an office job where im at a desk for 9 hours a day, and ashamedly ill admit that I dont work out in any sort of capacity. I also hate the idea of getting a gym membership and going somewhere everyday to workout, which is why P90 is so appealing since I can do it at home.

What im wondering is, is P90 really geared toward people in my situation? I mean my cardio ability is extremely minimal, and im not really looking to add muscle as much as I am just trying to cut the most amount of fat/weight as possible. All the reading and what not has lead me to believe this is more designed for people who are moderately in shape (read: arent obese) and are looking at getting into shape cardio wise and getting muscle tone. I finally found my motivation for losing the weight after 24 years of not caring about what I ate at all, but i want to make sure what im doing is actually going to produce the results im looking for if I commit myself to it. Obviously the fist step is some sort of calorie limiting diet which im all for, but would I be better off to stick to just straight cardio (biking and such) as oppopsed to doing an entire program like P90?

I really am in the dark in terms of what the best way to maximize weight loss is, and any info you guys have would be greatly appreciated!!! (espeically if you were in a similar situation before you started the program)

Steps I took prior to P90X (I used to be 265lbs and in a very similar situation as yourself):

Fix your diet. Cut out everything 'bad' and stop going to fast food places; keep a 3 meal a day thing going. I also cut soda, chips, random snacking. Lately, I snack on veggies or nuts if I ever get hunger pangs.

Start walking 30 mins a day (seriously, this was fun for me and got me out exploring my neighborhood and surrounding areas; you'd be surprised at where you can go and what you can find). After a few weeks, I started jogging 30 mins a day instead of just walking (I did this at a local lake/park, beautiful area).

After I dropped 25ish pounds just from the above (over the course of ~2 months), I decided to move on to P90X, and it's wrecking me right now (just started). I would say you 'could' try it out and take pauses or just give it all you got, but you might hate it. A gradual change would probably be better.

Basically just think of all this as a lifestyle change.
winnarps said:
Basically just think of all this as a lifestyle change.

Yep, I think thats the best way to describe it, it should have been sooner, but the motivation was never there, and then suddenly it just clicked.

Back in about 2002, I used to play Badminton (greatest fat white guy sport of all time imo lol) usually 3-4 times a week for about 2 hours a day, and it was sad becauuse I lost about 40 pounds without even changing anything diet wise. But thanks to my third and fourth year of university, it just kind of stopped and i havent done much since. So im hoping getting on an actual diet, cutting all the crap and working out even just biking for an hour a day or playing badminton will get me into some sort of starter shape, where i can then look into something like P90.

Thanks for the reply though, I do appreciate it.


So yesterday was my first day of kenpo and I'm kind of disappointed... I expected it to be more challenging, but since I've been doing this kind of workout in my gym for the past year or so this was to be expected. The class in gym is even a bit more challenging concering cardio.

Now I'm thinking about changing the schedule so kenpo-day ends up on gym-kenpo-day and take the gym class. How bad would it be to skip today for stretch/recovery since that would fix that? I'm not sore and don't feel "like I need a break"...
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