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What's this P90X workout stuff?


Just started week 3. Sad I don't get to do chest and back until week 9 now. Oh well, I will miss my German potato soup! :D

Did have one set back today. Quad was feeling cramped after each rep in ab ripper x so I had to stop 5 minutes in. Will try again in 5 minutes.

Also, tried my post workout protein mix with just water rather then skim milk. DISGUSTING! Was trying to cut back on carbs but fuck it, at least with milk it tastes fantastic, it is worth the 14 or 15 grams of carbs. Ended with a good ratio today, though: 53 protein, 38 carbs, 9 fat.

Edit: Got through ab ripper x! Feel great!


Its been a month since I last did this and I started back up today so that I could get in shape for Ultimate Frisbee. Man I almost hurled today :lol


Neo Member
I've been doing the 100 pushup program as of the last month, and I decided to take a "recovery week", starting with Core Synergistics. I forgot how much effort and energy it required, and how I would feel after :lol


No One Remembers
Whelp, after months of humming and hawwing over it, I've decided to finally do it. I have the videos and I went and purchased a resistance band(may need a 'heavier' one), yoga mat, pushup helpers(plate in my left wrist, can't handle doing normal pushups), and yoga blocks. Going to be starting tonight.


f-castrillo said:
I've been doing the 100 pushup program as of the last month, and I decided to take a "recovery week", starting with Core Synergistics. I forgot how much effort and energy it required, and how I would feel after :lol
What is the 100 pushup program?


Today was day 9 for me. Yesterday I nearly doubled the amount of pull-ups/push-ups from my first week so I got cocky and jumped way higher/did my squats way deeper.

I got about halfway through it and felt like I was going to hurl. By the end, I would have drank an entire swimming pool of water if I had it available. I won't make that mistake again.


Is there a reason why they never suggest weighted pullups for 8-10 reps instead of maximum reps every time? Just wondering because I was thinking of making the switch.


lesson learned: never exercise with an empty stomach..
i woke up pretty early today and did plyometrics.. only drink water. man i was toast halfway and my stomach was making all kinds of noise! i had to pause after every set cause i was exhausted!! never again... :lol but i finished strong!
D23 said:
lesson learned: never exercise with an empty stomach..
i woke up pretty early today and did plyometrics.. only drink water. man i was toast halfway and my stomach was making all kinds of noise! i had to pause after every set cause i was exhausted!! never again... :lol but i finished strong!
Almonds are my go-to pre-workout breakfast food.

I have a healthy handful about a half hour before my workout and I'm good to go.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Day 8 for me tonight, just finished up Ab-Ripper X about 30 minutes ago. Both workouts went WAY better than they did for me on day one, needless to say. I was able to do quite a few more pull-ups and push-ups, though I still had to keep one foot on a chair for the pull-ups. With about 15 minutes left I had a mini-crash where I got kinda dizzy and had to sit for about 10 minutes, but I was still able to go on and finish, then do Ab-Ripper.

Feelin' great! Was nice to see and feel improvement.


so i just started week 2 today and feel pretty good. chest & back and plyometrics are easily the hardest workouts. everything else i feel pretty good about but ab ripper is such a goddamn pain to finish. my legs always cramp up or just get tired on me so i always half ass the ab workout.


Does maths and stuff
I start phase 3 tomorrow and I am super motivated.

This guy next to me at work has been talking some mad trash. All he works out are his arms and chest, I asked if he did squats and he looked at me like I was crazy.

I'll admit my arms are pretty puny but the sneer on his face really pissed me off. I'm gonna use that for some massive motivation! :)


Here are my results for my first round. 23 lbs lost and dropped about 8% body fat. I still have some work to do on my chest and stomach...hoping to flatten them out completely in my 2nd round of P90X/X+.



A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
I started Phase 2 this week. Going pretty smoothly. I'm not a fan of the Yoga, though. Mainly due to the length of it and it just not being very interesting.

puebla said:
so i just started week 2 today and feel pretty good. chest & back and plyometrics are easily the hardest workouts. everything else i feel pretty good about but ab ripper is such a goddamn pain to finish. my legs always cramp up or just get tired on me so i always half ass the ab workout.

Yeah, massive difference in the ab ripper from day 1, to day uhh.. 31? I dunno, phase 2. I did nearly every single one this time.

It's kind of annoying, though. I see no difference looking in a mirror, but I feel it without a doubt. Hoping to see some changes towards the end of this phase.

Quick edit: Just looking at Nightz images, I guess it would be sort of difficult to see much of a difference in the first 30 days anyway.

Congrats, btw. You're looking a million times better. Good luck on your next one.
I just finished my first run (90 days). Man the first month was hard as fuck but I persevered. I was too embarrassed to make a picture of day 0, because I was kinda chubby and didn't feel confident enough. Looking back I should have done it because I lost almost 13 kg (about 26 lbs I guess? stupid metric system :lol ) and 6% body fat. I'm going through another cycle soon after my vacation to Japan to train the abs and arms some more. I might post some pictures soon.

Thanks GAF for pointing me towards this program. I don't have time to go to the gym everyday but with this I can take care of my body in the comfort of my own home.


EvaPlusMinus said:
I started Phase 2 this week. Going pretty smoothly. I'm not a fan of the Yoga, though. Mainly due to the length of it and it just not being very interesting.

Just look at it this way, any other day with ab ripper x is 75 minutes total, so the 90 minutes of yoga is just another 15 minutes more, doesn't really seem that long that way imo. That you don't find it interesting is another topic :D


so i'm reading through the thread and am going to use chocolate milk as a recovery drink but i don't want to go overboard with it. i'm using hershey's chocolate syrup, how many spoons should i put into a cup?? i'm assuming 2 to 3?


Nightz said:
Here are my results for my first round. 23 lbs lost and dropped about 8% body fat. I still have some work to do on my chest and stomach...hoping to flatten them out completely in my 2nd round of P90X/X+.
Wow, amazing results dude!

Did you follow the diet?


Just started p90x this week. So far it's been great. My body hasn't been so sore since I stopped wrestling.

The only problem I'm having is my knees are hurting during ab ripper x.


Thanks guys!.

NYR said:
Wow, amazing results dude!

Did you follow the diet?
Yeah I followed it pretty strictly in phase 1 and 2. Phase 3 I still followed it, but slacked off a little because of grad parties and such.
Things are coming in piece by piece, kind of throws everything off when you go as cheap as possible and have to wait for things to arrive. chin up bar yesterday, resistance bands today, dvd's and mat tomorrow it looks like also had to order a stand alone dvd player for it which will be early next week.


I tried to do Plyo today with an upset stomach (had too many jalepenos for dinner) and man was that a mistake. Halfway through my stomach was cramping up like crazy. Tried to push through it, but I couldn't make it until the end.

So let that be a lesson to the guys starting out. No Plyo on upset stomach!


bionic77 said:
I tried to do Plyo today with an upset stomach (had too many jalepenos for dinner) and man was that a mistake. Halfway through my stomach was cramping up like crazy. Tried to push through it, but I couldn't make it until the end.

So let that be a lesson to the guys starting out. No Plyo on upset stomach!

and no plyo on a empty stomach too..


I fell off the wagon due to scheduling problems a while back--so I've been relying on quick one-mile runs and ab ripper X to stay in shape while I find time again. Will start again soon.

The gratifying thing about Ab Ripper x is that after almost two months, I can keep up with everything they do.


Today is my first day of week 3... currently thinking of expanding phase 1 to 4 weeks since I have tiny problems with my right shoulder (an old war injury :D ) and can't do pull ups the way I would like to.
crappy bathroom pics incoming!!!! Sorry, i dont have before pics guys :(

background story: i started it(did almost 2 months) then got really sick for a little over a month and lost about 20lbs from a serious case of bronchitis (couldnt eat and had a hard time breathing).

so...........i started over

starting stats:
height: 5ft 7in
weight: 140
belly: ....idk

90 days:
weight: 160 (my original weight)
belly: 34

yeah, i didnt do the diet....and i like to drink :lol. i can see it in my gut


hard as fuck to shoot the back lol


the second round im gonna try and eat healthier(need to get the diet plan)
You don't need the diet plan really. Just don't drink soda, eat a lot of lean meat and vegetables. I was surprised how much meat I was supposed to be eating. And don't waste a meal on something like a big plate of pasta.


funkmastergeneral said:
You don't need the diet plan really. Just don't drink soda, eat a lot of lean meat and vegetables. I was surprised how much meat I was supposed to be eating. And don't waste a meal on something like a big plate of pasta.
Agreed on the meat.

I think Coke Zero is fine in a pinch, as per the Nutrition book...regular coke seems like such a waste now - 47 grams of carbs for a can? Pfffht.
1 week down.
Diet is easy and awesome. No longer feeling sore every morning, however my muscles feel incredibly weak. 2 days after doing legs and back I had difficulty riding my bike up a hill that I've never had a problem with before. Also my arms feel like jelly after only 20 minutes of shooting hoops. This is a horrible feeling but I hope it goes away soon.


funkmastergeneral said:
1 week down.
Diet is easy and awesome. No longer feeling sore every morning, however my muscles feel incredibly weak. 2 days after doing legs and back I had difficulty riding my bike up a hill that I've never had a problem with before. Also my arms feel like jelly after only 20 minutes of shooting hoops. This is a horrible feeling but I hope it goes away soon.

It tends to feel like that because your muscles aren't used to doing all that strenuous activity. It will go away soon. Keep at it.


So I just did chest and back (day1) for week 3, somehow I felt I did not perform all too well. It almost seemed like week 2 was better... well maybe I just have an off day. I was really struggling to finish ab ripper x too.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
NYR said:
Agreed on the meat.

I think Coke Zero is fine in a pinch, as per the Nutrition book...regular coke seems like such a waste now - 47 grams of carbs for a can? Pfffht.

I agree. I did not do a diet because diets don't work for me, frame of mind does. I love food but have limited myself to eating anything "bad" to the weekends, and not much at that. During the week I usually eat Tuna sandwiches, egg+turkey bacon sandwiches, lean turkey tacos with spinach, and maybe every once in a while some whole wheat pasta.

As for soda, I'll have a diet Mountain Dew or Lo-Carb Monster from time to time, but not every day.


So, after reading this thread for an absurd amount of time, I think I'm going to give this thing a go. I'm 5'9" - 5'10", and a year ago weighed 220 pounds. After working out from February to October I dropped down to 180-178lbs, but thanks to Christmas I fell off the workout wagon. I finally started going back to the gym, but can't get my weight below 190-193 (my current weight) again for some reason. I'm thinking it's because I've been doing the same routine for a whole year. This "Muscle Confusion" idea has really intrigued me.

So: I'm going to run out and get what was recommended. I'm also going to try out this protein bar recipe for fun. (all thanks to GAF!)

Here's hoping I can stick to it. I'd love to drop down to ~170 if possible. I don't expect to see any drastic results like I did when I dropped all that weight the first time, but I'm hoping I see some improvement!


Ogni-XR21 said:
So I just did chest and back (day1) for week 3, somehow I felt I did not perform all too well. It almost seemed like week 2 was better... well maybe I just have an off day. I was really struggling to finish ab ripper x too.
That happens. As Tony said you just do your best.

If you are persistent the gains will come pretty suddenly at the end of the program.


Nightz said:
Here are my results for my first round. 23 lbs lost and dropped about 8% body fat. I still have some work to do on my chest and stomach...hoping to flatten them out completely in my 2nd round of P90X/X+.


That's actually pretty damn impressive. Good work, sir.


Yoga X was a lot more stressful than I remember it being. I don't know if I was just doing it wrong or because I cut the workout into halves the first day.

I'm doing fairly well on the diet though. I'm having a hard time keeping the protein:carb ratio in check but I'm at least staying away from sweets and drowning my salads in ranch.


Yeah, second week here: Yoga X today.

Not looking forward to it.

Hardest workout section so far for me. The vinyasa stuff = no bueno.

At least I'm not nearly as sore as I was early last week.
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