Episode 1 at least had Darth Maul fight scene and pod racing. Can't think of a single stand out moment in Episode 2.
obi-wan says that jedi can directly feel the force flowing through them, while in tpm it is said that jedi only know of the existence of the force due to midichlorians
Qui Gon Jinn said:"Without the midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to us, telling us the will of the Force.
Of what did Lucas create in terms of what's on screen during the X-Wing scene?
The prequels at least had a story to tell. Well AotC and RotJ that is. TPM is just as inconsequential as TFA.
watery shit with cherry flavoring
Clones is the bottom of the barrel.
No. actually, its the sewage that has leaked outside the barrel and is now poisoning the water supply and giving you Cholera.
TPM at least has Darth Maul and decent effects that hold up to this day unlike the PS2 games that are AotC AND RotS.
For me the third one felt the least shitty when I saw it at the time.
There's a Simpsons gif for everything.
All of this
The people saying The Force Awakens need a lobotomy
I took this to mean that they wouldn't understand what it is, or how it works, without Midi-chlorians, but not necessarily that not knowing about Midi-chlorians would prohibit Force use.
Anakin, Luke, Leia and Rey all did Force stuff, presumably without ever knowing about Midi-chlorians, and in cases without even knowing what the Force is.
Episode 1 at least had Darth Maul fight scene and pod racing. Can't think of a single stand out moment in Episode 2.
I think TFA is great, and as a pseudo remake and reboot, it kind of is really smart following the prequels. It sort of HAS to be the way it is.I rewatched TFA again just yesterday (<3 Netflix <3), and, I think you're crazy, but I also see your point. For me TFA brought the overall quip filled derring-do with major Star Wars themes back, that were lost in the prequels. And it looked absolutely gorgeous, and suitably worn-in, whereas TPM especially had a bad plastic sheen over everything. TFA felt like proper Star Wars, whereas the prequels were something else entirely, just happened to be in generally the same universe.
But you're right that the story is just trash, even worse than I remembered. It's simply a greatest hits album of the OT that's thick with pandering and doesn't do anything new. The prequels at least had a story to tell. Well AotC and RotJ that is. TPM is just as inconsequential as TFA.
Anyone saying TFA is worse than the first 2 prequels is just plain misguided.
I can understand not liking it because of how much OT ground it retread, but as a film standing on it's own, there's just no way its worse than PM and AOTC.
What's worse, the prequels or new Simpsons.
I wish I could wish away these films.
The acting alone makes AOTC's worse, I remember thinking that while I was watching it as a kid.
Attack of the Clones is as bad as a massive blockbuster movie can get.
Phantom Menace is a good movie underneath, ruined by poor direction. AotC is just bad.
the prequels get progressively worse. the plots get bigger and the stakes get raised as you go along. at least episode 1 doesn't matter.