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Wii U Release Day Thread

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ok, my wii u just crashed for the first time. I was downloading Nano Assault Neo and using the browser. Looks like the system decided to download directly to my usb drive, and there was something wrong with that, as the download failed and the drive can't be found again. I guess I'll have to get one of those y cables for the usb-drive...
It's amazing how a bit of an internet issue can cause the Wii U to go absolutely haywire.

In two weeks and 40 hours of gameplay I had two lockups. This morning, my internet connection started acting wonky (I screwed up the entry of my static DNS) and all sorts of issues popped up. The Wii U told me it failed to download a new system update. It hard locked three times in the Wii U menu as well. Absolutely insane. All within an hour or two.


This might have been answered already but still:

Can you transfer Wii VC games that you once bought on your Wii to the Wii U somehow? or redownload them?
If you still have that Wii, yes. You go through the Wii-to-WiiU transfer process (there is an app on the Wii U menu that begins this). Anything that's not on the Wii's internal memory (like titles stored on an SD card) you'll have to redownload from the Wii Shop, but your saves will transfer since they could only be stored on internal memory anyway.


I had my first Wii-U party yesterday. Attending were 8 people - some core-gamer, some casual-gamer, some nongamer, males, females.. All in their late 20s.
We. Had. A. Blast. [...] Our most played games were Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing. The results were screaming and laughter all around, even if someone failed miserably on their first time as the ghost or the hunters.
Not surprising... I've seen how successful Pac-man Vs could be with friends. One of the people I played Pac-man Vs with decided to buy a Wii U (first console since PS2), and I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with this memory. He asked my why they hadn't tried asymetric gameplay since (I couldn't find any reason).

you have more control over what's happening (compared to Wii Tennis e.g.)
You have quite a lot of control (well hidden) in Wii Tennis, but since it's timing-based and there's a "default" behavior, it's really difficult for most people to use it, resulting in a very basic game.
Where is the club nintedo code for the wii u deluxe? I have a little card but no code in there. Don't see one in nintendo land either

there isn't one. go into the eshop and you'll be asked to sync your club account. then check the club account page a few days later to complete the survey and get the points.




Holy shit.

3 days it's taken. THREE DAYS.

I used the free trial of Connectify which is here.

I tried a bunch of different hot spot programs as well as doing it manually and this was the only way that worked. It's simple as hell to set up too.

Now I just have to wait another two hours before I can do anything with my Wii U ._.
thanks for the answers! shoulda known. I never registered any of my games and just now started. I'm at 530 now without the wii u and nintendo land in.

edit: anyone experiencing problems connecting to the eshop?


Not surprising... I've seen how successful Pac-man Vs could be with friends. One of the people I played Pac-man Vs with decided to buy a Wii U (first console since PS2), and I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with this memory. He asked my why they hadn't tried asymetric gameplay since (I couldn't find any reason).

You have quite a lot of control (well hidden) in Wii Tennis, but since it's timing-based and there's a "default" behavior, it's really difficult for most people to use it, resulting in a very basic game.

I haven't played Wii Sports long enough to notice that. If it came to motion games, we always played tournaments of Wii Play Table Tennis.

Always ment to try Pac-Man Vs, I even owned it for a while, but neither I nor anybody I know had a GBA to get a round going. Hopefully there will be a Championship edition with this mode integrated for the Wii U.


I've never got to try Pac-Man VS but Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles and Four Swords Adventures are some of my favourite multiplayer experiences.

They were a pain in the ass to set up but I had some amazing nights with friends fighting over rupees and combining fira spells.

Those games are basically why I bought a Wii U.

And now I really want Nintendo Land.


The more I play it, the more I like it.

I hope E-shop will get third-party love it deserves. That, coupled with first-party efforts and, hopefully, expanding functionality of OS/Miiverse/pad will make me one happy owner. All other third-party stuff I'll play on 720 or PS4 and that's my gaming covered.
The more I play it, the more I like it.

I hope E-shop will get third-party love it deserves. That, coupled with first-party efforts and, hopefully, expanding functionality of OS/Miiverse/pad will make me one happy owner. All other third-party stuff I'll play on 720 or PS4 and that's my gaming covered.

About the same I plan to do except I'll do with the PC. I get the majority of those third party on there for cheaper. Have to look at the ps4 and 720 to see if it's worth it.


This might have been answered already but still:

Can you transfer Wii VC games that you once bought on your Wii to the Wii U somehow? or redownload them?

You need to use the transfer software which you can download from the Wii shop and an SD card - it's explained in the Wii U manual.

I have just used it to tranfer data and game downloads from both my Wiis - its really easy to use.

(NNID: Steve999red)
Would you guys recommend Nano Assault or Mighty Switch Force? I like both types of games just not sure which one would be the better bang for the buck.
Has anyone had the Wii front end day they've been playing Mario? It works for other games but not Mario. My friend reports the same.

Bug maybe?


I thought the installing was only required on the PS3 because the blu-ray drive was so slow at reading the game disc (fine for movies). That wasn't suppose to be a problem with the Wii U's drive.


I think he's talking about your Mii in Wara Wara Plaza saying "Been playing X". Supposedly it doesn't work for NSMBU. I haven't really noticed, tbh.


I thought the installing was only required on the PS3 because the blu-ray drive was so slow at reading the game disc (fine for movies). That wasn't suppose to be a problem with the Wii U's drive.

Random access time is the main problem, not throughput - and this is an equal problem on all platforms, that's why many games are better when installed or even explicitly offer an optional install package on 360.

Apparently, developers can't cache to disk on the Wii U at the moment, which is a bit of a problem (although the fact that much more RAM is available probably doesn't make this as problematic as it could be).


Did anyone noticed the color temperature on the gamepad is pretty different from the TV?
On Mario, the greens on my TV are really colorfull, like in #00FF00 green.
On the gamepad, it's much darker, and personnaly, I think it's better on the gamepad. Is that only my TV fault? I know about the option for the gamepad and yes I turned it on, but still, the difference is very noticable, for the Miiverse logo for example too.


Did anyone noticed the color temperature on the gamepad is pretty different from the TV?
On Mario, the greens on my TV are really colorfull, like in #00FF00 green.
On the gamepad, it's much darker, and personnaly, I think it's better on the gamepad. Is that only my TV fault? I know about the option for the gamepad and yes I turned it on, but still, the difference is very noticable, for the Miiverse logo for example too.

It all depends on how your TV is calibrated versus how the GamePad is calibrated - in all likelihood, your TV is off :p


Did anyone noticed the color temperature on the gamepad is pretty different from the TV?
On Mario, the greens on my TV are really colorfull, like in #00FF00 green.
On the gamepad, it's much darker, and personnaly, I think it's better on the gamepad. Is that only my TV fault? I know about the option for the gamepad and yes I turned it on, but still, the difference is very noticable, for the Miiverse logo for example too.

Yes, it is quite noticeable. I thought about changing my TV to match the GamePad, but I think I prefer the temperature on my TV, so whatever. I'll live with it.


Would you guys recommend Nano Assault or Mighty Switch Force? I like both types of games just not sure which one would be the better bang for the buck.

I bought both.

Oh, I moved my router so it was closer to my console. Fixed the problem :/

Still, my 360, PS3, PC and one don't ever have the same issues as my Wii U


Anything that's not on the Wii's internal memory (like titles stored on an SD card) you'll have to redownload from the Wii Shop, but your saves will transfer since they could only be stored on internal memory anyway.

I have tons of games on the SD-card, but can't play them after transferring. Do I have to delete them all one by one and then redownload them one by one? Will my saves be deleted too, or can I keep the old saves?

Is it possible to delete the games from the SD-card from my pc, perhaps, so that I don't have to delete all of them one by one from the Wii settings? I have well over a hundred games on it, so doing it game by game will take many hours.


Did anyone noticed the color temperature on the gamepad is pretty different from the TV?
On Mario, the greens on my TV are really colorfull, like in #00FF00 green.
On the gamepad, it's much darker, and personnaly, I think it's better on the gamepad. Is that only my TV fault? I know about the option for the gamepad and yes I turned it on, but still, the difference is very noticable, for the Miiverse logo for example too.

What is this option on the gamepad about and where is it?
Can I set the gamepad so the colors look more like the TV?

Data Ghost

I'm sure this has been asked lots of times before but I'll be damned if I can find it. Basically the Wii U is for my daughter (and me!) for Christmas. While she is not here I am installing the update so that we can avoid all of this time wasting on Christmas Day. Anyway once the update is done I may have to just check that a few of the games work before I w rap it back up.

So my question is, after I have 'tested' that its all working okay, can I factory reset the console wiping out any personal data and game saves etc?

Also by doing this it won't remove the huge update will it?

Enlighten my fragile mind!
I'm sure this has been asked lots of times before but I'll be damned if I can find it. Basically the Wii U is for my daughter (and me!) for Christmas. While she is not here I am installing the update so that we can avoid all of this time wasting on Christmas Day. Anyway once the update is done I may have to just check that a few of the games work before I w rap it back up.

So my question is, after I have 'tested' that its all working okay, can I factory reset the console wiping out any personal data and game saves etc?

Also by doing this it won't remove the huge update will it?

Enlighten my fragile mind!

I believe there is an option to do this in settings. the very last option, I didn't pay much attention to it, but it did say something about deleting data.

I'd be shocked if any reset deleted the system update though.
Okay, after three days with the system I'm starting to get annoyed by the WiiU menu's slowness and the seemingly random freezes.

Miiverse doesn't start when I boot it by using the "Show Profile" action; I have to use the Home-Button menu to get back.

But at least these are my only concerns.

I just bought Assassin's Creed III on the eShop and will download it over night. Nintendo be blessed for the "Shut down console after finishing downloads" function.

Also Miiverse is the best gaming oriented social network out there. I really love how it's similar to Facebook but without the stuff that makes it bad.

I had a drawing removed because it apparently violated the Miiverse terms of whatever. It didn't, but I think they are just being over protective right now. Whatever though, could be worse.

So yeah, I love Wii U. Don't care if it's underpowered or not. Time will tell what this console is really able to produce.


I'm sure this has been asked lots of times before but I'll be damned if I can find it. Basically the Wii U is for my daughter (and me!) for Christmas. While she is not here I am installing the update so that we can avoid all of this time wasting on Christmas Day. Anyway once the update is done I may have to just check that a few of the games work before I w rap it back up.

So my question is, after I have 'tested' that its all working okay, can I factory reset the console wiping out any personal data and game saves etc?

Also by doing this it won't remove the huge update will it?

Enlighten my fragile mind!

I haven't tested it yet, but it would be very strange if you can reverse the whole firmware with a simple factory reset. That would be heaven for hackers :p

You'll probably lose all data, but the firmware will stay :)
so youtube works pretty great in the browser, but sites with embedded videos from youtube don't show up. hopefully that is just an oversight that gets fixed
Quoting myself here, this post got lost over the last couple of pages

Has anyone here got the turtle beach ear force NLa headset? Is so what do you think.

Zavvi are doing it for £20 now so tempted.


Edit - Looks like i've finally shaken off my junior tag. Only took 3 years lol
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