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Wii U Release Day Thread

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Okay It's decided:

Since has been a long time ( GC time ) without owning any Nintendo product, finally I've listened to my inner child and I'm so ready for tomorrow:

- WiiU Deluxe Set.
- Zombie U.

Nintendo Christmas is BEST Christmas.

Can't wait till tomorrow!


I've just realized I have no idea what to do with my OG Wii.

I have 2 Wiimotes/nunchuks, a GameCube controller, a GC memory card, a bunch of GC games (Eternal Darkness, MGS Twin Snakes, Metroid Prime 1&2, Star Wars Rogue Leader and Rebel Strike, Zelda Wind Waker, Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition, etc).

I contemplated giving the Wii to my stepdad (he loves Zelda) but I just don't know.



I've just realized I have no idea what to do with my OG Wii.

I have 2 Wiimotes/nunchuks, a GameCube controller, a GC memory card, a bunch of GC games (Eternal Darkness, MGS Twin Snakes, Metroid Prime 1&2, Star Wars Rogue Leader and Rebel Strike, Zelda Wind Waker, Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition, etc).

I contemplated giving the Wii to my stepdad (he loves Zelda) but I just don't know.



Homebrew channel. Its the perfect little emulator machine. Keep it. Install SNES9x, Genesis GX, etc. So fucking good.


BTW, we played all WE and got not a single hardlock. I haven't connected my Wii U to Internet yet, installed 0 patch, so this is definitely an Internet connection/Nintendo servers/Network code problem.
I've just realized I have no idea what to do with my OG Wii.

I have 2 Wiimotes/nunchuks, a GameCube controller, a GC memory card, a bunch of GC games (Eternal Darkness, MGS Twin Snakes, Metroid Prime 1&2, Star Wars Rogue Leader and Rebel Strike, Zelda Wind Waker, Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition, etc).

I contemplated giving the Wii to my stepdad (he loves Zelda) but I just don't know.


Keep the Wiimotes for multiplayer fun on the Wii U man.
I got Nintendo Land with my premium. Would the save carry over if I traded it in and bought the game from the eshop?

Anyone from UK/Europe got their Wii U star points?


Did anyone noticed the color temperature on the gamepad is pretty different from the TV?
On Mario, the greens on my TV are really colorfull, like in #00FF00 green.
On the gamepad, it's much darker, and personnaly, I think it's better on the gamepad. Is that only my TV fault? I know about the option for the gamepad and yes I turned it on, but still, the difference is very noticable, for the Miiverse logo for example too.
The way the video signal is transformed into colors is definitvely a complex problem. Thus the "vivid"/"cinema"/"normal" color presets you find on most (if not all) TV set.

If your TV is like mine, the default is usually "vivid" or "bright" or anything like that. It's usually not really good for movies, better for TV shows and great to sell the sets, but it's a matter of taste anyway. The U pad definitively has a "neutral" color rendering. So yes, if you want the same on TV, you have to set it up so that the color are not too bright.

Besides, between the "wide gamut" TVs, the "Full-RGB"/"Limited-RGB" over HDMI, there's plently of reasons why it is a problem without a general and easy solution.

In short: it's your TV which is set up to render the colors differently, it's mostly normal. They could implement some image options (saturation, contrast, etc.) in the pad, though.


my first WiiU weekend is nearly over and I have to say, I really like my new console. Had no Problems with the setup, can play in bed and in the bathroom and I'm already addicted to Miiverse.

Had a 4 player WiiU Party with Nintendo Land, Mario and Sonic Racing on Friday and in special with Nintendoland we had a blast. Such a great multiplayer experience.

The Browser is also very good, I'm really liking the video watching on the TV and brwosing on the gamepad.

The OS is very good in my opinion, miles ahead of the Metro on my 360 in usability imo, but it is a bit slow at the moment (I'm not missing system wide archievments or voice chat). I really love to hop into Miiverse while I'm playing a game, make a post ot comment. Maybe post a screenshot and then browse in the Internet and make an e-shop purchase (NAN and Puddle at the Moment, also the Fifa demo which is surprisingly solod) and then continue my gaming with no problem. adding friends via Miiverse is really easy and the community is really active.We should be able to comment on comments or "yeah" comments though.

All in all, it is a really great console and Miiverse is the best thing coming to console gaming since ever. I'm loving to just browse for amazing drawings or nice screenshots of ZombiU or ACIII

the edit:
My WiiU was 11 ours straight on on Friday, no hardlock. Also yesterday and today no hardlock
If you want, you can add me, my NINID is Zero148, I'm living in Germany


I got Nintendo Land with my premium. Would the save carry over if I traded it in and bought the game from the eshop?

Ooh, good question, would like to know this too

Going to keep my Wii because I need the wiimotes anyway. If I use it for home few, can I use a GameCube controller (or wave bird) or classic controller for SNES etc?


I can't believe how much fun I'm having with some of the Nintendo Land games, especially with the Zelda one. Though simple, the combat somehow feels more strategic, challenging and fun than it ever did in Skyward Sword. And it's such a pretty little game with beautiful renditions of the various Zelda themes. Especially in co-op it's a blast. Bow and arrow plus sword are so well balanced and complement each other perfectly. I'm really surprised how polished some of these games are.


I can confirm that the save file works on digital games if you used a retail on before. Unlike the 3DS where the savefile is stored on the game cart, the savefile is stored on the system on the Wii U. I have both the retail and digital versions of Nintendo Land (thanks Amazon) and both versions use the save file.


Did anyone noticed the color temperature on the gamepad is pretty different from the TV?
On Mario, the greens on my TV are really colorfull, like in #00FF00 green.
On the gamepad, it's much darker, and personnaly, I think it's better on the gamepad. Is that only my TV fault? I know about the option for the gamepad and yes I turned it on, but still, the difference is very noticable, for the Miiverse logo for example too.
Same for me. My TV is fairly decently calibrated, but yeah, the greens are much more saturated on the TV.
I can confirm that the save file works on digital games if you used a retail on before. Unlike the 3DS where the savefile is stored on the game cart, the savefile is stored on the system on the Wii U. I have both the retail and digital versions of Nintendo Land (thanks Amazon) and both versions use the save file.
That's good. Some PS3 game use separate files and it really sucks.


Y'know, after playing Takamaru, I'm set for a Nazo no Murasame-jou game on this thing. There's a lot they could do with that series, because for those of you who don't know the story, that shit is CRAY. Like, 2nd season of American Horror Story kind of cray.


I understand it may be for "quick" start, but why is the gamedisk ALWAYS spinning ? Won't it be bad for the drive ?

Yep. Another fine example of WiiU's silly little quirks. I hope they fix this down the line; I don't want to develop an OCD to take the disk out everytime I'm browsing os/web/miiverse or playing an e-shop game.


Okay, so I have a question. What games are coming up, or have been leaked/assumed to be releasing for Wii U?

From what I can think of, Wonderful 101, Rayman Legends, Monster Hunter Tri HD, Pikmin 3...

I've also heard about Need for Speed and Splinter Cell getting possible releases. Anything else?


Lego City Undercover, Game & Wario, Wii Fit U, Aliens Colonial Marines, and Injustice

I love how I forgot one of the games I'm really interested in. Nintendo really needs to have a Direct soon to go over the dates for these launch window games. Especially considering Reggie said we haven't seen it all yet either.


holy sea sickness!

is there any way to turn off this stupid pad cam control in the Nintendo Land plaza? i love everything about this game exept this one idea.

the cam is over sensitiv and the turning of the screen HAS to be the most stupid idea since war with nuclear weapons on both sides.


My Mii is Brera and NiD is quattro if anyone wants to add me?

MarioU has won me over and netflix is keeping me busy :)


Got the Premium pack yesterday. My amps HDMI support is busted so I have to use optical instead, needless to say this is the first console I've ever played in stereo using the TV speakers only.

Then I spent 1 hour patching the console OS, and about 20 minutes for Nintendoland, Blops and ZombiU, by the 2nd hour I had mad rage against Nintendo and pretty strong buyers remorse, but now that I've had time to try everything well, meh, it's okay I guess.


Yep. Another fine example of WiiU's silly little quirks. I hope they fix this down the line; I don't want to develop an OCD to take the disk out everytime I'm browsing os/web/miiverse or playing an e-shop game.

that's why there is an extra bright light. just to remind you of the disc and make you got nuts.

yeah there is still a disc inside! see it? hear it? yeeeeaaaahhh.....take it out!


Got the Premium pack yesterday. My amps HDMI support is busted so I have to use optical instead, needless to say this is the first console I've ever played in stereo using the TV speakers only.

Then I spent 1 hour patching the console OS, and about 20 minutes for Nintendoland, Blops and ZombiU, by the 2nd hour I had mad rage against Nintendo and pretty strong buyers remorse, but now that I've had time to try everything well, meh, it's okay I guess.

It passes and you accept its failings :-(


Put in Mario U, played for about 20mins, got a pull the plug hardlock upon turning off the game. Firmware patch installed.


Said it in another thread but, i just ordered myself a wii-u for xmas 0_o hope i don't regret it, don't play games much anymore but couldn't resist the idea of playing on the gamepad whilst someoneelse uses the tv

Just hope i don't get a cancelled sorry it was oos and we made a mistake email off amazon uk, ordered the basic pack was all i could stretch budget too, no games until i recieve the system, again in case of cancellation ( at least i have wii games i can play)

Some quick QA

1) can i use gamepad on old wiigames? Not the screen thing just as a classic controller no gamepad features obv.

2) ordered with little to no research, i can use my wii sensor bar & wiimotes right?

3) is zombie-u anygood? I like fps & zombie games so hope to get it eventually

I do know i have to wait a kajillion years before play :) its due to arrive tuesday so i should be u and running by saturday ;) i kid
1) can i use gamepad on old wiigames? Not the screen thing just as a classic controller no gamepad features obv. Nope I don't think so. You're in Wii-mode so it doesnt recognise the GamePad.

2) ordered with little to no research, i can use my wii sensor bar & wiimotes right? Yes

3) is zombie-u anygood? I like fps & zombie games so hope to get it eventually I love it, I gave it a 9 outta 10 for a website I write for. Its not for everyone, its a slow game, surival horror, NOT a shooter. Its also pretty hard. And scary because you can die at any time and dying is really DYING in this game. Also pretty long.



hey if anybody still on lookout for some adds:

NNID: NeoRausch
Games: NintendoLand, NSMBU, Zombi U and Miiverse :p

please insert a short note with your GAF name.


that's why there is an extra bright light. just to remind you of the disc and make you got nuts.

yeah there is still a disc inside! see it? hear it? yeeeeaaaahhh.....take it out!

*covers ears* no-no-no-no, I can't hear you

Kindda like the light, though. Goes with black. :)


Thanks for the quick reply,zombi-u sounds good for me

Really, its not for everyone, so its difficult to flat out recommend, but if harder games are your thing and you have patience to play a game slow (looking for ammo and supplies, scanning each room you get in because there could be something lurking in the dark) you really will enjoy it.


Now that my connection is working again add me


Said it in another thread but, i just ordered myself a wii-u for xmas 0_o hope i don't regret it, don't play games much anymore but couldn't resist the idea of playing on the gamepad whilst someoneelse uses the tv

Just hope i don't get a cancelled sorry it was oos and we made a mistake email off amazon uk, ordered the basic pack was all i could stretch budget too, no games until i recieve the system, again in case of cancellation ( at least i have wii games i can play)

Some quick QA

1) can i use gamepad on old wiigames? Not the screen thing just as a classic controller no gamepad features obv.

2) ordered with little to no research, i can use my wii sensor bar & wiimotes right?

3) is zombie-u anygood? I like fps & zombie games so hope to get it eventually

I do know i have to wait a kajillion years before play :) its due to arrive tuesday so i should be u and running by saturday ;) i kid

Next time do some homework

1) no

2) yes

3) most people here like it. I bought it yesterday and still haven't opened it. It's an actual survival horror game, not run 'n gun
Next time do some homework

1) no

2) yes

3) most people here like it. I bought it yesterday and still haven't opened it. It's an actual survival horror game, not run 'n gun

you do your homework, I beat you to it so you made this post for nothing

sorry :p 'do your homework' sounded so cocky though. whats wrong with asking? ;)


Really, its not for everyone, so its difficult to flat out recommend, but if harder games are your thing and you have patience to play a game slow (looking for ammo and supplies, scanning each room you get in because there could be something lurking in the dark) you really will enjoy it.

i even knew what i was getting into with this game....still i've played it "wrong". but after a a while (and a few dead survivors later) i got the hang of it.
there is almost no handholding AT ALL in this game.
man i felt dumb when i figured that you can upgrade your weapons in the safe house. :D
i even knew what i was getting into with this game....still i've played it "wrong". but after a a while (and a few dead survivors later) i got the hang of it.
there is almost no handholding AT ALL in this game.
man i felt dumb when i figured that you can upgrade your weapons in the safe house. :D

Yeah the game def. doesn't hold your hand and you have to discover the best way to play for yourself. But I like that. makes me feel like a smart man ;)
I need to find a way to place my WiiU near my 1st floor ceiling while connected to the downstairs living room TV so I can play on my bed in the third floor. Simply walking away from the big TV and continuing while on the toilet on the second floor or going off to the kitchen to cook is soooo good.


Maturity, bitches.
I was surprised to see the WiiU Gamepad works perfectly fine in the room below where the console is located. Though I'd have to move the WiiU to the other side of the room if I want it to pass the toilet test.
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