I had my first Wii-U party yesterday. Attending were 8 people - some core-gamer, some casual-gamer, some nongamer, males, females.. All in their late 20s.
We. Had. A. Blast. At the end of the evening three wanted to buy themselves or their families one for christmas.
Our most played games were Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing. The results were screaming and laughter all around, even if someone failed miserably on their first time as the ghost or the hunters. When the hunters in Animal Crossing got too strong, the other 4 players adapted and tried new tactics and went out in 2-teams. After that they won round after round. When the hunters adjusted again, two players tried to keep the attention of one hunter each, while the other two romed around and searched for candy.
It was fun to watch people who never played any game in the last 10 years at least get into these games and develop strategies on the fly with the more experienced players who also had a blast.
We tried Mario chase too, but that was apperently too hard. Some couldn't get into the controls and because the map is huge with 5 players, the Toads had no chance when Mario was played by someone more experienced and got frustrated pretty quickly. I didn't even try to load Metroid afterwards
Last thing we tried was NSMBU. While I don't like to play with the gamepad, some of the other players had much more fun with it than playing with a wiimote. It felt very chaotic and after 4 levels we quit, because it took nearly an hour to finish them. Almost every ten seconds a player lost a live and at the end we had used far too many continues to get through the levels. It was fun, but I think the sweetspot is at 3 players - two wiimotes, one gamepad.
All in all, we had more fun with the Wii U and Nintendoland than with the Wii and Wii Sports. It may be harder to market, but Nintendoland is much more game-y and you have more control over what's happening (compared to Wii Tennis e.g.). Therefore it's by far the better party game. It was one of the best local multiplayer evenings I've had yet. I hope Nintendo releases some DLC for this game with new levels for Animal Crossing and Luigi and some new competitive games.
BTW: German Wii U, Premium and I had no hard locks so far. I had my Wii U connected to three different Networks and even with the slowest (<100kb/s) the Miiverse integration worked quite well. I don't want to imagine downloading an update with that connection though
Feel free to add me: NNID: Melkor