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Wii U Release Day Thread

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I have not had 1 lock up in 2 days with a pal console.

Have Nintendo just gone with the soft launch approach here. The marketing has been quite lowkey and they have not really pushed it at all.

Must have done. The fact i've only seen one Wii U advert since it launched (saw a few pre-launch) and that was a few mins ago during the AFC/MK match


On a different subject, I was wondering... I've yet to experience a single freeze (fingers crossed).

- have european players also got freezes, or did they manage to include a fix in the first update?

I've had one hard lock while messing around with UI.
No problems while gaming.


My system so far (*watches porn, touches wood*) has been absolutely flawless, games and OS (except sub-par loading times).

Updated within an hour and not had any unforeseen errors since.

I've had one error when trying to use and disconnect a USB device that wasn't formatted, but apart from that, flawfree!

PAL. Australia.
no freezes here. the os has been very slow in loading things sometimes, but no hard locks or freezing yet.

saying that, I have only played zombiu yet. will see if my lucks hold when I play super mario and assassins creed 3 later today.
Getting a System Update error. Not sure what's going on. I've had my system for a couple of weeks.

that's worrying. I assume you have already downloaded the launch day update? maybe nintendo are about to push a new system update? there's a lot of stuff that needs addressing.


Went to my local Tesco superstore last night to get some new work shoes. Checked out the Wii U section.

The Wii U section consisted of NSMBU, Zombi U and Fifa, priced at £42, £45 and £45 respectively, muddled in with the Wii chart.

That was it. No consoles. No other games. No POS. No accessories. And this is a store with two aisles dedicated to games.

Well done Tesco, you bunch of incompetent plebs.

Went into my Tesco launch day and there was nothing...on no, I found a copy of FIFA13 for £42 in the Wii section lol!

At least they werent charging RRP I suppose.

Ein Bear

I wish the Activity Log was the same as the one on the 3DS. I love how that one shows lifetime stats, and ranks your games. Daily/Monthly records aren't anywhere near as cool.


Annoying how the transfer tool doesn't bother to mention you'll lose a bunch of demos if you go ahead. They're not on the download list.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Mine was until I limited my plaza to "English only." Haven't had a freeze since.
I'm always online and I haven't narrowed down the visitors' language and I've never had a single freeze in NL yet.


Yeah the Activity Log seems pretty rushed compared to 3DS.

Anyway, just realised something that sucks (for me personally). Plugging in headphones doesn't auto-route the TV audio through the Gamepad. I was under the impression it would, and got excited at the concept of late night quiet gaming.

Zombi U has an audio option for it (which is awesome), but sadly I don't see every developer being as thoughtful. Nano Assault Neo for example doesn't have such an option. You can play the whole game on the pad, with sound, but it blacks out the TV! lol :/

It really needed to be system-ingrained setting. When headphones are in, all audio gets played through them, not just gamepad sounds.
that's worrying. I assume you have already downloaded the launch day update? maybe nintendo are about to push a new system update? there's a lot of stuff that needs addressing.

Yeah. I have the Day one update. Apparently this happened to a few people a couple of days ago too. Not sure what it means.
extra 3 hours of Trine 2 feels good when you get a puzzle solved that had you stumped
but I don't like something as simple as a jump difficulty keeping you stuck in an area


Got my first hard lock trying to acces the eshop. Pal console. They better fix this OS its so damn slow. Hard to believe they found this acceptable. Every single menu choice you make you wait... Wait... Wait...


None of them are genuine reasons to hate the wiiU. Mild annoyances at best.
I wish I hadn't clicked on the link though, giving those sort of "articles" hits just adds to the problem.
that's kobunheat. he's a longtime member here. he wrote the article a year or two ago about the 3ds being nintendo's psp or something, and was later proven right. also, dunno why dark-cloudz put 'hate' in capital letters. the article's name is lifted from a movie.


that's kobunheat. he's a longtime member here. he wrote the article a year or two ago about the 3ds being nintendo's psp or something, and was later proven right. also, dunno why dark-cloudz put 'hate' in capital letters. the article's name is lifted from a movie.

Speaking of, I haven't seen Kobunheat on GAF much lately.
Man, the ending of Little Inferno was brilliant. Maybe the game was a bit expensive for a 4-5 hour game, but it was brilliant while it lasted, and it would probably get dull if it was very long....


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Picked up a silicone gamepad cover today from HMV for £9.99
Great way to avoid the fingerprints on dat glossy surface.


Many thanks for all those replies... It seems that the freezing problem is not as common as sometimes said, indeed, except probably at least bugs in Nintendo Land (not usual for Nintendo...) I hope that the couple of people experiencing many locks don't have an hardware problem.

About the loading times, it seems when you compare the time to boot the system (25s) to the time to go back to the menu when leaving a game (22s) that the 1GB is NOT used to store anything related to the Wii U menu.

Since the U Pad menu pops in a second when you hit the menu button, it's obviously one of the things always available in the memory, and I'd say that the browser also is kept loaded in RAM. The time to launch the browser from a game is a mere 7-8s, and Miiverse is quick too.

Those choices are not illogical at all, considering what they find important when using Wii U... and I must say that I prefer having a quick browser/Miiverse access than a quick top-menu access (and I don't care at all for the time needed to access the options, I probably won't use this one once a month, so it's a waste of time to speed this access up).

That being said, if they can make things better, that would be welcome (though I would prefer seing them releasing some of the RAM to the developpers instead).


Ever since yesterday afternoon I've had insane connection errors. Connection tests are fine and web browsing is solid. Miiverse, Friends list and the eShop rarely work. I've done everything. Auto settings, manual settings, 8888/8844 DNS (which is slow as hell), local DNS settings, you name it... This is bullshit. Before it was (kinda) fine, most of the time. Now hardly at all. My other Wi-Fi devices don't have these issues at all.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Finally got round to using the web browser. Streaming South Park to my tv and neogaf on the gamepad. brilliant browser!!
Indeed. The ability to play back content on the tv while continuing browsing on the pad is the superior way to consume media. Any desktop browser feels like a handicap now.
After having this for a full couple of days now I've got to say, it really is amazing.

Last two nights I had four friends round, both nights we've ended up playing til 5 am! From Nintendoland to Zombi U to nano assault. I really am incredibly impressed with this console.
I just hope Nintendo listens to the constructive criticisms and implent some more online/os features(e.g one add friend system, cross game chat) and maybe upgrade their servers a bit!


I had my first Wii-U party yesterday. Attending were 8 people - some core-gamer, some casual-gamer, some nongamer, males, females.. All in their late 20s.
We. Had. A. Blast. At the end of the evening three wanted to buy themselves or their families one for christmas.
Our most played games were Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing. The results were screaming and laughter all around, even if someone failed miserably on their first time as the ghost or the hunters. When the hunters in Animal Crossing got too strong, the other 4 players adapted and tried new tactics and went out in 2-teams. After that they won round after round. When the hunters adjusted again, two players tried to keep the attention of one hunter each, while the other two romed around and searched for candy.
It was fun to watch people who never played any game in the last 10 years at least get into these games and develop strategies on the fly with the more experienced players who also had a blast.
We tried Mario chase too, but that was apperently too hard. Some couldn't get into the controls and because the map is huge with 5 players, the Toads had no chance when Mario was played by someone more experienced and got frustrated pretty quickly. I didn't even try to load Metroid afterwards ;).
Last thing we tried was NSMBU. While I don't like to play with the gamepad, some of the other players had much more fun with it than playing with a wiimote. It felt very chaotic and after 4 levels we quit, because it took nearly an hour to finish them. Almost every ten seconds a player lost a live and at the end we had used far too many continues to get through the levels. It was fun, but I think the sweetspot is at 3 players - two wiimotes, one gamepad.

All in all, we had more fun with the Wii U and Nintendoland than with the Wii and Wii Sports. It may be harder to market, but Nintendoland is much more game-y and you have more control over what's happening (compared to Wii Tennis e.g.). Therefore it's by far the better party game. It was one of the best local multiplayer evenings I've had yet. I hope Nintendo releases some DLC for this game with new levels for Animal Crossing and Luigi and some new competitive games.

BTW: German Wii U, Premium and I had no hard locks so far. I had my Wii U connected to three different Networks and even with the slowest (<100kb/s) the Miiverse integration worked quite well. I don't want to imagine downloading an update with that connection though :p

Feel free to add me: NNID: Melkor


Posting for a new page. This is REALLY pissing me off

Ever since yesterday afternoon I've had insane connection errors. Connection tests are fine and web browsing is solid. Miiverse, Friends list and the eShop rarely work. I've done everything. Auto settings, manual settings, 8888/8844 DNS (which is slow as hell), local DNS settings, you name it... This is bullshit. Before it was (kinda) fine, most of the time. Now hardly at all. My other Wi-Fi devices don't have these issues at all.


Posting for a new page. This is REALLY pissing me off

Ever since yesterday afternoon I've had insane connection errors. Connection tests are fine and web browsing is solid. Miiverse, Friends list and the eShop rarely work. I've done everything. Auto settings, manual settings, 8888/8844 DNS (which is slow as hell), local DNS settings, you name it... This is bullshit. Before it was (kinda) fine, most of the time. Now hardly at all. My other Wi-Fi devices don't have these issues at all.
I don't think there's anything wrong on your end. All of the Nintendo network stuff has been very unstable for me in the past few days as well.


Will QA for food.
Posting for a new page. This is REALLY pissing me off

Ever since yesterday afternoon I've had insane connection errors. Connection tests are fine and web browsing is solid. Miiverse, Friends list and the eShop rarely work. I've done everything. Auto settings, manual settings, 8888/8844 DNS (which is slow as hell), local DNS settings, you name it... This is bullshit. Before it was (kinda) fine, most of the time. Now hardly at all. My other Wi-Fi devices don't have these issues at all.

No problems for me (Ontario, Canada) the past few days. In fact, no Nintendo Land crashes for four days either with plenty of playtime. Had a bunch of issues for two days after the NA launch, but not much since except for those NL crashes.


So i never had a Wii or something but i just got a WiiU.

If i want to play virtual console games from the Wii channel (will there be a virtual console menu from the WiiU? or will it stay via the Wii channel) can i use a pro controller (for the WiiU) or do i need to buy the normal wii classic controller?


So i never had a Wii or something but i just got a WiiU.

If i want to play virtual console games from the Wii channel (will there be a virtual console menu from the WiiU? or will it stay via the Wii channel) can i use a pro controller (for the WiiU) or do i need to buy the normal wii classic controller?

If you are interested in the Virtual Console, it's probably best to wait until Nintendo releases VC games on the eShop that are made for Wii U - the Wii mode acts the same way a real Wii would, which means no support for GamePad or Pro Controller.


Picked up my Wii U yesterday and my little sister came over and saw the box, she said "Oh you bought a Wii?" I thought to myself, oh dear Nintendo.


I was going to enjoy local multiplayer last night but my friends and I could not figure out how to get color out of my cousins sdtv.

HD gaming, feels good man.


Anyone using headphones through the gamepad? Am having trouble getting audio through with my cans and it has to be a faulty jack. I need to push the plug all the way in and hold it to get sound through and when i let the presure go the sound is gone and back out the gamepad. I can then pull the jack slightly out and get sound but its only half of the stereo signal.


Nice. If you are watching a video on youtube in the browser you can still browse the internet in various other tabs. Took me totally be surprise. The video loads int the same video player that the eShop videos play in. Starting to use the browser more and more. More then I figured I would. If there is something that will get me to upgrade the battery when a better one comes out it's this.


Anyone using headphones through the gamepad? Am having trouble getting audio through with my cans and it has to be a faulty jack. I need to push the plug all the way in and hold it to get sound through and when i let the presure go the sound is gone and back out the gamepad. I can then pull the jack slightly out and get sound but its only half of the stereo signal.
I tried it out with some Sennheiser HD555s on NSMBU and had no issues. Pretty decent sound.


If you are interested in the Virtual Console, it's probably best to wait until Nintendo releases VC games on the eShop that are made for Wii U - the Wii mode acts the same way a real Wii would, which means no support for GamePad or Pro Controller.

Do we even know if this is happening?
Nice. If you are watching a video on youtube in the browser you can still browse the internet in various other tabs. Took me totally be surprise. The video loads int the same video player that the eShop videos play in. Starting to use the browser more and more. More then I figured I would. If there is something that will get me to upgrade the battery when a better one comes out it's this.

It works outside youtube too.
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