Burning Blade
Big Trouble in Little China, staringWhat will they ruin next I wonder? Labyrinth?
The Rock.
Big Trouble in Little China, staringWhat will they ruin next I wonder? Labyrinth?
"They even butchered Enter Sandman." disgracefulShow continues to be shit.
They even butchered Enter Sandman.
Dude the original looked awesome in Disney +Welp. Speaking of Willow I hope we get a 4k disc.
Labyrinth with old Jennifer Connely would not be bad. The Goblin King could be dead like Bowie.Big Trouble in Little China, staring
The Rock.
Maybe but it was so weird. She comes out of the mist and BoOm it’s bright sunlight and they didn’t see a thing? I was actually expecting a Tom Bombadil scene here, not some Moonshiners in disguise.The whole thing with the woodswomen was to show that following Elora can get people killed. She is a messiah.
I could watch Rings of power, but I can't watch thisIt can not be as bad as Rings of power right?
That would be the final straw.Big Trouble in Little China, staring
The Rock.
James Hong? I couldnt find anything, he's 92 though and christ, he's been in a lot more than i'd imagined!The old guy from Big Trouble died. At least I thought he did.
The difference for me is: ROP took itself serious. This show knows that it’s campy. Reminds me of the Shannara series.I could watch Rings of power, but I can't watch this
Yeah. I think he is still alive. He was in Everything, Everywhere All At Once.James Hong? I couldnt find anything, he's 92 though and christ, he's been in a lot more than i'd imagined!
Pure legend.
To the surprise of almost no one that tried to watch it.
Yeah Disney seems to be firing a lot of people in that area and burying some movies as direct to Disney + . Iger also mentioned a retooling of their film and tv studios recently.
Not surprising, the show came and went with barely a whimper. I didn't hear a real life soul mention this show once, and aside from this thread I barely saw any conversation online about it either.
They should have focused on the girl that played his daughter instead, dropped that odd "Elora Dann is a scullery maid" angle, and leaned into those wicked cool magic fights and mud snail boats. And definitely less of those trolls.It is over and a great mercy has been done.
I watched the making of and even that was a big joke about how Warrik is impossible to work with.
I have a hard time believing anyone is surprised here. Woke trash coupled with a complete disrespect for the fans of the movie. What could possibly go wrong?
And an Nes Title thats better looking than LTTP.....jumps for cover.At least we will always have the video game which is arguably the greatest Capcom platformer ever made.
What about the Lumberjack Lesbians that where shoehorned in?Ok. Since the definition keeps changing depending on WHO says it, what was "woke" about it to you?
What about the Lumberjack Lesbians that where shoehorned in?
"Gay folks exist"? Who said they didnt?That was just lazy and haphazard writing. Nothing woke about that. Gay folks exist. Hetero relationships still outnumbered homosexual relationships in the show...
It didn't bother me that they were lesbians... But it bothered me about them looking like MODERN lumberjacks. That was just stupid and took me out of the scene.