Like what? Email? Calendar? YouTube? Online storage? Chat? These things are interchangeable, I've found. We have three platforms who offer a rich feature set and then each has unique strengths, but I don't see what part of google's services that I used on android for a year I'm missing without an alternative. So it comes down to personal stuff like, do you use office a lot (WP) do you care about notifications a ton (android), do you care about having all the apps (IOS) do you play a crapton of games on your phone (IOS), do you care about achievements etc.
Also, which platform do you prefer to use day to day. That's been the difference maker for me, I simply like using windows phone more, I like Nokia hardware, etc. Only fanboys pretend that they can't switch or that Windows phone is impossible to use as a daily driver (that's not aimed at you btw), when really we've reached a plateau and for the vast majority of people, any of these platforms will do and its just personal preference. I could move to iPhone tomorrow and be fine, or android and be fine, and in fact I've been on all three, something that many people who pop in here and talk shit have never done.
A number of things. I prefer Google + to skydrive for uploading my pics, I can easily share them on G+ also. I actually really like G+ to begin with, use it alot lately. The app is slick. A real youtube app is a big one too, being able to upload direct from my phone is a big plus. I quite like the native youtube app on Android also, the MS one was on the right path but still lacking some features. Notifications are a big one, now that I have been back on it I love it again. Just a personal thing. Speaking of games, sure iOS is king but Android is on another level compared to WP, the gaming situation on Android has improved immensely in the past year alone. Its great that WP is getting more games but these are games that have been around for a year or more on Android and iOS. Although this is not that important to me overall. Google now I absolutely love, it reminds me of games (sports), stock prices, travelling time, local spots depending on where I am, without opening separate apps. When it was tracking a parcel recently I was floored. I am honestly blown away with how awesome it is. This alone is enough to keep me on Android to be honest. Recently google also updated its music app, it blows the god awful music player on WP out of the water, imo of course

. Its beautiful. If google launches all access in Canada I will be cancelling Xbox music and jumping in with Google music.
Now day to day I could probably use WP, I did for months, but I think I was fooling myself to some degree. I really do like WP and always will, but for now I think I am back to Android land. My issues with the 920 have not helped either. I actually really want to pick up an HTC One, just trying to figure out a plan.
Sorry for the long post. I really didnt want to get into this as it can get people heated up sometimes, just my thoughts right now. Things always change though, I am a gadget junkie, usually only last 6 months or so with one I really hope MS and Google work out their differences and WP gets proper first party google apps like iOS. That would be sweet.