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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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I also just realized Utena is on Hulu. My god I can't believe how much Anime's on there. I also don't remember pretty much all of the last arc, so think I'll start that again.

Oh, and is it just the Dub? That's all I can find
Erased 01 - 03

Jesus fucking christ this is so good. I was iffy on Episode 01 with the premise of
having the Revival ability
but god damn am I hooked now. The music, art direction, pacing, everything is so fucking good.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I also just realized Utena is on Hulu. My god I can't believe how much Anime's on there. I also don't remember pretty much all of the last arc, so think I'll start that again.

Oh, and is it just the Dub? That's all I can find
Manga Entertainment only makes the dub available online and it is not the way to watch the show. Nozomi/RS has subbed Utena up on Youtube.
I also just realized Utena is on Hulu. My god I can't believe how much Anime's on there. I also don't remember pretty much all of the last arc, so think I'll start that again.

Oh, and is it just the Dub? That's all I can find

The sub is on Youtube, legally on nozomi entertainment's youtube page.


So I really don't have much to say about this episode. We're given a glimpse into Kayo's world and how absolutely shitty it is, even without the whole raped and murdered angle, and to everybody's surprise it is just as shitty as you can imagine. She's bullied at school and beaten to a pulp at home. Is Child Services this incompetent in the US too? My god, they can't force the person to come in for an interview? Anyway besides that, I do have a few criticisms and observations I guess.

A number of camera angles during the race were at eye level which showed how close the two were in skill.
The first is in regards to the race as it's somewhat interesting that Satoru is doing the same thing he did as a child. Which makes me wonder if his 'child' self is bleeding into his older mentality. It could also just be that people don't change nearly as much as they think they do. I think that would present an interesting aspect to the show though if he starts forgetting things or he panicks like a child would, rather than an adult. Expanding on that, it's somewhat weird how smart/perceptive that blonde friend is. Is that kid a time traveler too?
Something I don't think the show is going to win points for is subtlety. It's a little too on the nose at times with all the villains/assholes being red-eyed so far. I don't think I'm going to be getting a more complicated analysis of Kayo's home environment than what was shown in this episode. I guess it's fine as dealing with childhood abuse isn't likely to be the focus of the work. That said I wish they would just show a bit more restraint with how they're framing/establishing certain characters. (Big Spoilers)
I mean the teacher was literally in darkness for a good chunk of the episode and the initial scene with him was certainly ominous and foreboding. Not to mention that ending scene pretty much slapping you on the nose with who is probably the killer.
I suppose I've gotten somewhat used to that sort of hyper-dramatic style that comes into play with Japanese works though. It's not that bad but it sticks out a bit.

This was a good shot in that it shows Satoru's newfound maturity by having the camera low and angled up at Satoru.
It establishes him as bigger than Jun and that he's in control of the relationship now.
I like how they're playing a bit with some of the murderer tropes such as Jun being a weirdo with a stuttering problem who was a loner. He was the perfect man to pin the murders on, not to mention him having repeated contact with the victims, as established by him talking with Kayo a bit. It's a bit funny how having pornography is seen as weird but different culture I guess. There was also an effective jump cut at the end that reflects how Satoru sees Jun as a dead man walking due to the prior timeline. It also works to establish how the years beat down Jun from a smiling kid to a hardened and worn out convict.

This shot really says all that needs to be said about Kayo's living conditions. Not just the booze or junk food laid out in a mess but the father(?) having his feet on the table too.
That low camera angle is again used as a way of showing that Kayo's mother has all the power in that scenario, even after Kayo's abuse is outed right in front of her classmate. This scene reinforced the limitations of Satoru now being a child in how Kayo's mother casually shoved Satoru to the side. If Satoru had been an adult, her reaction would have been vastly different than that indifferent mocking look she had on her face. I gotta say, they're animating the child abuse really well in the show. That sequence would not have had nearly the same impact of it was just some stills instead of essentially showing a mother drowning her child in full detail.

I wonder if the foxes are supposed to symbolize time being cyclical. They could also be representative of Kayo and Satoru's relationship possibly as a couple since the camera itself later moves in a somewhat circular fashion when they're looking up at the tree.
The reason I kept talking about the low camera angle is because they subvert it at the end in that instead of it being represented as a power gap between people, it reflects the belief for Kayo that things will get better. Kayo and Satoru are depicted as small beings next to this tree and for Kayo who is used to looking up and seeing the roof of that shed or her mother leering down at her, all she sees is vastness. She has things to look forward to other than retreating to the park and she's becoming one with something bigger than herself. It's essentially Satoru's way of giving her a reason to live which works not only for Kayo but the audience as well, who have been subjected to the ugliness of humans for the entire episode.

Good move using kids as an interior frame as it highlights Kayo's isolation as she's literally in-between people and so, is separate from them.
This was a really well animated episode from scenes such as the ice-skating, the child abuse depictions, Jun's movements inside his room, the fox scene, and finally at the tree. The production scheduling for the show must have been on point. Also Kaijura's still delivering.
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu 2

The direction of the rakugo perfomances at the end of the episode was excellent. The stiff first performance of the future Yakumo was realistically painful to watch, especially as you can sense his rising panic at the dead audience reaction as the piano music gradually increases in volume and tempo and you can hear him rushing to get to the end and get off that stage. I felt as bad for him as I felt for some of the student musicians who bomb performances that I've seen. Then comes the future Sukeroku and from his first word the whole atmosphere changes. The audience's heads perk up. He is much more dynamic and engaging in his performance, and the direction matches that by being more dynamic visually. The excited jazz music that eventually comes in to back him matches his gung-ho bluster perfectly. Hatakeyama oversaw strong sound direction in Rozen Maiden, and I'm glad that the sound direction here seems to be equally as strong in its different context.


Finished School Live. In terms of production values and going for tone, they nailed it. Getting sick of the perpetual blush© effect, but it sure hit the cheerful highs and very, very bleak lows.

Loved the stinger at the end, too.


fwiw i actually really liked the show up until the halfway point where it all just falls apart in the worst way possible. everything up to that (especially ep 3) makes for some real good watchin

hmm, I guess I'll give it a go after I finish MSG.
I find it odd that at this time of the year I've found a currently airing anime that so far is really damn good, ie Erased. Last years around this time it was Death Parade. I know it's far off but I wonder if 2016 will have the equivalent of OPM during the end of the year.


I find it odd that at this time of the year I've found a currently airing anime that so far is really damn good, ie Erased. Last years around this time it was Death Parade. I know it's far off but I wonder if 2016 will have the equivalent of OPM during the end of the year.
This looks like a big year for anime so I'd say yes.
A bit worrying about Erased adaption if it's end with manga.
Next episode should be still in volume 2, so it have 8 episode left for the next 6 volumes.

Well, should have faith to Taku Kishimoto, he should know which part can be skip/speed up, which part not.
Erased 03

God dam Kayo's life is so fucking awful. How she has managed to survive this entire time is beyond me. I also can't help but think that the MC's razor focus on her and causing him to miss other things around him. Good episode, great series.

So I really don't have much to say about this episode.

Heh, guess you didn't expect to write so much when you started.

The first is in regards to the race as it's somewhat interesting that Satoru is doing the same thing he did as a child. Which makes me wonder if his 'child' self is bleeding into his older mentality. It could also just be that people don't change nearly as much as they think they do. I think that would present an interesting aspect to the show though if he starts forgetting things or he panicks like a child would, rather than an adult.

I don't think he's regressing mentally or anything like that. It's just a scene that goes to show that "If I had this to do over again I would do things differently" isn't always an accurate thought, and it adds extra urgency to his conscious attempt to alter Kayo's situation.

Something I don't think the show is going to win points for is subtlety. It's a little too on the nose at times with all the villains/assholes being red-eyed so far. I don't think I'm going to be getting a more complicated analysis of Kayo's home environment than what was shown in this episode. I guess it's fine as dealing with childhood abuse isn't likely to be the focus of the work. That said I wish they would just show a bit more restraint with how they're framing/establishing certain characters. (Big Spoilers)
I mean the teacher was literally in darkness for a good chunk of the episode and the initial scene with him was certainly ominous and foreboding. Not to mention that ending scene pretty much slapping you on the nose with who is probably the killer.
I suppose I've gotten somewhat used to that sort of hyper-dramatic style that comes into play with Japanese works though. It's not that bad but it sticks out a bit.

Kayo's situation is extreme, but I don't think it's unrealistic, sadly. If there are people who lock children in basements for years on end... Given that we're seeing this from the perspective of children, Satoru (even if he has a 29-year old mind at the moment) and Kayo, I think having a heightened depiction of Kayo's parents as monstrous makes sense. The show could take things a step further and psychoanalyze the parents to explain how they came to be the way they are, but I think that would take things farther afield than is appropriate for the overall story.

I like how they're playing a bit with some of the murderer tropes such as Jun being a weirdo with a stuttering problem who was a loner. He was the perfect man to pin the murders on, not to mention him having repeated contact with the victims, as established by him talking with Kayo a bit. It's a bit funny how having pornography is seen as weird but different culture I guess.

Even in the present-day US, I think many people would be embarrassed to leave porn around in full view of 10 year olds. At least, I'd hope so. If you're referring to the police interview flashbacks, I think it's likely that Satoru had exaggerated what he saw when speaking to them such that it sounded like Yuuki was a potential child predator. That ties in to Satoru realizing that he gave an incorrect impression of Yuuki's speech to the police due to being too immature to properly interpret it.
I find it odd that at this time of the year I've found a currently airing anime that so far is really damn good, ie Erased. Last years around this time it was Death Parade. I know it's far off but I wonder if 2016 will have the equivalent of OPM during the end of the year.

Well imo ERASED so far is better than OPM from the current 3 episodes released so far, but that's if it doesn't shit the bed as the series progresses.

I'm trying to keep my expectations in check though.


Erased 03:
Those Kayo
abuse scenes
were brutal to watch, loved the final scene though.
Kayo and Satoru's chemistry is fantastic so far.
Even in the present-day US, I think many people would be embarrassed to leave porn around in full view of 10 year olds. At least, I'd hope so. If you're referring to the police interview flashbacks, I think it's likely that Satoru had exaggerated what he saw when speaking to them such that it sounded like Yuuki was a potential child predator. That ties in to Satoru realizing that he gave an incorrect impression of Yuuki's speech to the police due to being too immature to properly interpret it.

Just to tell a funny story I was 12 when I went with my mom to her friends house. She had son who was like 19 at the time. When told to distract me he goes and starts pulling out movies.

One of them is a porno and he non chalantly goes 'you know what these are?' and then laughed at my reaction. No fucks given.


Well imo ERASED so far is better than OPM from the current 3 episodes released so far, but that's if it doesn't shit the bed as the series progresses.

I'm trying to keep my expectations in check though.
I haven't watched ERASED yet but that seems like a completely pointless comparison.
You make it sound like OPM is something hard to above.
Come on.

Honestly to tell you the truth it wasn't even in my top 10 for 2015.

It was meh.

I haven't watched ERASED yet but that seems like a completely pointless comparison.

He asked if there would be a anime that's equivalent to OPM. So I said Erased is better just from the 3 episodes and like I said there is definitely a chance it could shit the bed. Especially me and my luck with anime......


I think next week I will catch up on Kekkai Sensen and finish it.

Death Parade
Garo the Animation
Kekkai Sensen
Mushishi S2
Mononoke (in progress)

And that's just what I can remember. I gotta dig around to see what else I've forgotten. Maybe I'll finish the last bunch of Majestic Prince episodes which I never got around too either.


Even in the present-day US, I think many people would be embarrassed to leave porn around in full view of 10 year olds. At least, I'd hope so. If you're referring to the police interview flashbacks, I think it's likely that Satoru had exaggerated what he saw when speaking to them such that it sounded like Yuuki was a potential child predator. That ties in to Satoru realizing that he gave an incorrect impression of Yuuki's speech to the police due to being too immature to properly interpret it.

I believe the problem is that some of the adult material is school girl stuff.


Just to tell a funny story I was 12 when I went with my mom to her friends house. She had son who was like 19 at the time. When told to distract me he goes and starts pulling out movies.

One of them is a porno and he non chalantly goes 'you know what these are?' and then laughed at my reaction. No fucks given.

That's how my older relatives would have reacted. No fucks given indeed.
I think next week I will catch up on Kekkai Sensen and finish it.

Death Parade
Garo the Animation
Kekkai Sensen
Mushishi S2
Mononoke (in progress)

And that's just what I can remember. I gotta dig around to see what else I've forgotten. Maybe I'll finish the last bunch of Majestic Prince episodes which I never got around too either.

You should really try to watch Mouryou no Hako sometime. I think you'd appreciate it.

I believe the problem is that some of the adult material is school girl stuff.

Ah, I wasn't paying close attention there. That would definitely have raised red flags during the police investigation.


Ah, I wasn't paying close attention there. That would definitely have raised red flags during the police investigation.

I don't think it is quite as obvious in the anime.
In the same scene in the manga, (I dunno if it's allowed to be talked about) one of the cassettes on the rack is titled Lolita.
In addition to the book, which is in the anime as well, that is titled school girl uniform guide/encyclopedia whatever.


I think next week I will catch up on Kekkai Sensen and finish it.

Death Parade
Garo the Animation
Kekkai Sensen
Mushishi S2
Mononoke (in progress)

And that's just what I can remember. I gotta dig around to see what else I've forgotten. Maybe I'll finish the last bunch of Majestic Prince episodes which I never got around too either.

Mononoke is a strange, strange show. But I have never seen anything like it, that's for damn sure.
I don't think it is quite as obvious in the anime.
In the same scene in the manga, (I dunno if it's allowed to be talked about) one of the cassettes on the rack is titled Lolita.
In addition to the book, which is in the anime as well, that is titled school girl uniform guide/encyclopedia whatever.
Guy chose a bad time to be a fan of classic literature
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