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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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Dimension W 4

Mansion mystery is interesting. Enjoying this show a lot but I wish they turned down the Mira fan service. I know they wont and its probably the biggest blemish on an otherwise enjoyable show.
Someone on the staff must love Mira, she gets more screen time than the others.


Casette Girl, while cool-ish, felt like it had way too much male gaze and random fanservice to be all that enjoyable for me. The generic anime set-up of everything going "this isn't even my final form!" a couple times is something I've grown to not like in battle anime shows, and this one was no different. I can't tell if I'd have liked it as a KLK-ish show, but with such a short run time there was no way this could even attempt to be KLK.

I think the over the top style of fight is the main reason that this seemed similar to KLK. And well, the nudity too. Yeah, it was maybe too fanservicey, but the battle looked reaaally good and then they changed to 4:3 and I was left speechless. I'm a sucker for this kind of 4th wall breaking.


Colorful struck me hard personally, just like When Marnie Was There did, because I could relate to the mindset of the protagonist.

For whatever reason, I felt much closer to Anna in Marnie than I did with Colorful's protagonist. I guess it's just a difference in opinion, in the end. :p
Someone on the staff must love Mira, she gets more screen time than the others.

Mira is cute but I'm not a big fan of the egregious fan service scenes like that entire bathroom scene. Like there were some shots and poses that were laughably bad just to get some shots of her butt.

Mabuchi needs to treat her better too!


This is almost exactly how I feel about Grimgar, man. I want it to be good, but it isn't. It's got some really interesting shit going on, but it's ruined, completely ruined by the awful choices they're making with presentation of the characters. People are gonna be creepy and weird about Cute Anime Girls all on their own, I wish the creators didn't feel the need to encourage it. \:

That's light novels for ya.

Schwarzesmarken 4

"OK so we're all agreed that Theodor's sister is a spy, right?"
"Screw you guys but yeah she's probably a spy"

Good episode. I'm liking how Theodor isn't an idiot about all this.
Hidamari Sketch X Honeycomb 1

The production values of Hidamari certainly improved considerably from the first season to this one, but going back to this now I do miss the extra layer of artistic polish that Koufuku Graffiti has. The trip to Hokkaido would be more effective if the environments were more fleshed out.

Joe Molotov

Paniponi Dash 8

The amount of references in this episode are insane. Gundam, Chip and Dale, Rocky, Dragonball, Cardcaptor, Dragon Quest, Ronald McDonald, Star Trek, Sailor Moon, Mazinger, Super Mario, JoJo(they actually spoil The World's power) etc.

Plus it had Magical girl Behoimi, truly the hero we deserve.


Paniponi Dash is a good show.


Dimension W 3+4

I like this show a lot, not surprising since I also like the manga a lot, but I still think the pacing is just flat out weird. First episode is normal, intro episode you get a good idea of characters and world. Okay. Not everything is explained so you roll with it and hope stuff will later. Instead of having a couple episode, or even 1, to build up the world and ease you into it and establish things so that they can later overturn them or mess with them or build on them, you get a truncated version of the Loser arc that just has shit happen that you're supposed to either understand or already fucks with the things that haven't even been fully established yet. The illegal coil Dimension W expansion comes seconds after an explanation (by which I mean a sentence) which would normally be something people would reference before it happens (which did happen in the manga) so that you are kept curious about what they mean before you see it whereas in this it just fucking happens and you're like "Uh...um...okay that's what happens I guess?" Which is kinda shit because that first time the coils go apeshit is an important foreshadow/world build of how fucked up the coils being a connection to a whole nother dimension is. This isn't an episode I feel should be going on second, the audience isn't ready for the story beats or hits of it yet because you're already fucking with a world you haven't established fully.

Which makes episode 3 all the better/frustrating because it was a really great episode. It's the perfect pacing where you flesh out the characters, the world and how people view things as well as the type of relationship Emotionless Spike2 and Robowaifu have. Like, him opening the toilet while she's in it and her explaining it while he shuts the door was perfect and the scene later where she's holding her head in the van is exceptionally well directed and voice acted to really bring a lot of Robowaifu's character out. That sort of sad acceptance of how people look at her. The whole episode was great.

But then you get episode 4 which genre shifts so hard into an idea that was hinted at but not established well because we've had 3 damn episodes with only 1 dealing with it. Like, none of the jobs they take on have been normal to give us any bearings or accumulation of knowledge of the way things work in the world and now we have another one that's a fucking ghost mystery caper weird-ass what the fuck. Which only hurt because they truncated about 10 or so meandering chapters of the manga into one damn episode so a lot of shit happens that you don't really have any idea how to react to because they didn't, yet again, establish any sort of base level for you to care about. The asshole died (and not even in a suspense building way like in the manga), okay. The three sketchball people know everything and are kidnapping the sister, okay. Robowaifu is in a ghost dimension of books and the past, okay. Cosplay loli is a collector apparently (and her friend was written entirely out of the show?), okay.

It's just...ugh. This is such a good anime that is being ruined for me, much like the manga, by having just straight up weird pacing and episode placement.

That said, it's still enjoyable and I like it a lot but that's a sort of "in spite of it's flaws" type like. I also forgot how much I love his New Tesla frenemy. That fight scene and him backflipping among a shower of rose petals to the ground out the window was just priceless.

Also they sure do find some weird angles to ogle Robowaifu. Seriously, there was one that had her front cleavage and ass cleavage and I just was like "You guys worked hard for that one, didn't you?"

On to another show to catch up to.

I don't know, the pacing didn't really bother me.
I don't see how they should have spent more time worldbuilding in the beginning. The first episode gave me all the basic information I needed and the second introduced the numbers.

I do admit that I'm slightly confused after this episode, but this doesn't really bother me since it's a two parter and clearly set-up as a mystery kind of thing.


I swear, I'm the only one who voted for GitS Arise. TV show not the movie.

It's eligible goddamit !

And not even that bad.


We all know that Fafner Exodus belongs in the top 10. The worst vote it got was 3rd place!

It's just that only 8 people voted. That's probably everyone that watched it...
I don't know, the pacing didn't really bother me.
I don't see how they should have spent more time worldbuilding in the beginning. The first episode gave me all the basic information I needed and the second introduced the numbers.

I do admit that I'm slightly confused after this episode, but this doesn't really bother me since it's a two parter and clearly set-up as a mystery kind of thing.

I don't know why specifically the pacing for this show bugs me. Normally I'm all about experimental narratives (not like this is super experimental or anything) or messing with what people "should" do when they write a story but for some reason the way it's set up just kinda ticks off these little annoyance boxes that I have. I feel like big things happen too fast in this manga with an exposition vomit to make you feel like you should see it as a big deal but it never feels like it.

I also dislike the placing of this supernatural mystery at this point in time because as I said the show hasn't established itself yet so that I can run with it. You pretty much get "There's a new energy source using a 4th dimension we discovered full of lotsa energy" and it's like, okay I can run with this. Then the 2nd episode has an example of what happens when illegal coils are made that circumvent the safety concerns of leeching off an entire dimension and you get a dude turned into an Escher print which...would've been nice to have more build up for, where we get hints that it's not just like...a plane of infinite nothing energy but might have some more substance or interesting rules and such and then 2 episodes later it's like "THEY CAN ALSO TAKE YOU TO THE PAST GHOST DIMENSION SOMEHOW" and it comes outta nowhere without showing you before that things like it are possible in smaller amounts. It's like...really unrelated to the Escher transformation. It goes from somewhat sciencey show to Danny Phantom Murder Mystery Hour in 0 seconds flat and I don't feel like it earned it. I'm sure that an in world explanation exists for it, I just don't think we've been given any pieces to have it explained and feel satisfied.

At least for me. Normally pacing issues aren't my biggest concern, just for whatever reason this show is just hitting every concern I have.


Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm 1-3

People develop anti-gravity technology and put it on shoes to get to school faster and play a sport with stupid rules.

Sure, whatever.

Considering everything else about the shows is one of those "please just accept this is how this world works" because thinking about it would hurt, I think what makes this not a fucking chore to watch is that despite hitting really REALLY bad plot tropes (sees her naked changing, the not-MC has a DARK PAST involving flying shoes that prevents him from playing this dumb sport, the teacher wears shit my BDSM mistress wears, MC has a magical ability to do a hard to do move despite never having flown in her life, younger girl wants older girl's pussy played for laughs, etc.) it's pretty entertaining just cause the characters and dialogue are silly and endearing. Misaki is by far the best character with her random cat noise shit and inherent laziness though the MC isn't so bad even though she's an idiot, she's just very genuine and actually doesn't like losing.

I guess it has a plot, they play four corners air tag or something. Animation is low budget but I've never been one to really care too much unless it's straight awful.

I'll watch it more. It's just dumb fun.
Utawarerumono S2

Episode 15

Oh wow, they're not hiding the Godzilla in this one.

Episode 16

That's a lot of manservice, enough to counteract an episode of Asterisk, Rakudai, Taimadou combined.

Episode 17

Oh wow, they put all the cards on the table in this episode. I'm a bit rusty with the lore since it was 9 years ago but I remember the curse was because of something the humans did to Hakurou's family.

P.S - That Oboro pornstache...

P.P.S - I'm absolutely in love with the new ED song
Guys, I love Space Guts in Iron Blooded Orphans. So much. Why couldn't he be the lead?

He's been getting some really good development. Like I said...a page or two back, his relationship with the Turbines is super interesting and pulled off very well. There's a closeness there that they other Tekkadan don't have and it's not a "and then pigtails falls in love and joins them" type of situation, they're just like...good friends and training partners and care about each other.

It's super neat.


One of my biggest disappointment with Chuunibyou season 2 is the fact there's so little Isshiki, was there any reason why he got so little screen time in the second season? Every single time they're off on a trip I thought they might reintroduce him but he's sort of just there.

It's so close between One Punch Man and Shirobako :O

Yep I think OPM will take this one though.


I still need to watch Shirobako. It one of the last few anime from last year I need to watch.
I'm currently watching Arslan Senki, Your Lie in April is next.
I think the only thing that prevented me from getting into Fafner was, as people mentioned before, that you have to watch all the previous stuff to get everything out of the current series and to be honest I just haven't researched what I need to watch and fit it in between current season stuff.


I suppose having this vote run through the entire month helped things by cooling off some of the hype on OPM. Yes, I know it is still there but it isn't at the levels it was a month ago.


Considering how popular One Punch Man is, and how long ago Shirobako debuted, not bad at all. I think I am happy with that result.
I think the only thing that prevented me from getting into Fafner was, as people mentioned before, that you have to watch all the previous stuff to get everything out of the current series and to be honest I just haven't researched what I need to watch and fit it in between current season stuff.

Yeah, Fafner Exodus being a sequel to a decade-old show of which even fans say the first half is weak - that's a pretty big barrier to entry.
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