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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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This Boy is a Professional Wizard 1

I like the treatment of magic as just an ordinary profession in a government bureaucracy. I also like the creative visual techniques Soubi Yamamoto throws in here, as she did in Meganebu, which keep things looking interesting despite a paucity of animation. Will watch more.

Huh. Doesn't the tv show use cg tho?

I've never seen the TV show, so I couldn't say.


A show needs to do more than that to get me to enjoy it! That was frequent in GBF TRY and we all know how that turned out!

But it also has 2d robots doing super robot things in the first two episodes !

And a bit Madoka-like vibe. From the same director to boot !

More footage of the GuP movie


I wish they would release the BD soon.
So much time has passed and yet they all still suck at this tank duel thing.

Also, I see a T-34 shrugging of a direct hit from 25 meters away. absolutelydisgusting.jpg


KonoSuba #5
This show is my surprise of the season. I was expecting generic rpg isekai but got a decent comedy instead, which is always good in my book.

Still, I've got to say I expected the episode to work a lot more like that Slayers one where Lina sold off a cursed dagger and it possessed a shopkeeper... Actually, now that I think about it KonoSuba kind of reminds me of Slayers with even more comedy and minus the competent cast and epic storyline (at least from what we've seen so far).

And I think we all know Kiritobread's into Aqua because her design looks like Asuna's.


Erased 6

Felt a bit slow even though we had quite the progress to the story.
And we're now back to the past.

I'm still curious about the killer. All things point to the teacher but was he even a suspect? It seems Satoru was sure that the killer's name was on the pre-Hitomi list. Also, I'm not sure what triggers the Revival. This one happened without someone being in danger, well, other than Satoru going to the prison. I wonder if they'll decide to explain it..

Next episode should be really good, hopefully. And not so full of dramatic effects. :p


Erased 6

we are back on track

whoever this was outsourced to did a good job as well.

I haven't watched past the first episode yet, but I feel like I've see a comment about outsourcing for every single episode so far. Like it's become a meme at this point.


KonoSuba #5
And I think we all know Kiritobread's into Aqua because her design looks like Asuna's.

Fack, I can’t unsee now….



Asuna is still better!

Personally, I have more issues with OPM fanbase than the show itself. I feel like they want OPM to be something it isn't, it's meant to be a dumb fun show, there isn't really any "hidden depth" and yet you see people discussing power-levels and "WHAT IS THE SECRET OF SAITAMA POWERS WOULD HE BEAT GOKU SSJ34?".

Never just a product by its fanbase. Fanbases are dumb.

That being said, I do like that it's a series people can come up with theories about, and I don't mean stupid shit that's already been answered like the secret to Saitama's power. More stuff like Blast being an adult Mob or the stuff people come up with about Watchdog Man.


And there's nothing wrong with that!

Didn't say there was! I'm just amused that my casual observation after watching the first episode turns out to be more accurate than I thought! Still probably not going to pick it up though. Too much to watch as it is. Maybe when it's done...


Gundam Thunderbolt 2

Seems a bit churlish to say this but fuck if we could get a full Gundam series that looks this and had this much atmosphere. Though it'd probably kill several animators to try and replicate it on a week-to-week basis.

Love the way the music clashes or overpowers one another in accordance to the fights.
Erased 6

First to talk about the episode itself, for an outsourced episode, it looked nice. And it was directed....reasonably well.

That said,
some people are gonna be really pissed at how the plot jumps between the past and present when the story requires it.
Erased - 06

Nope, didn't like this one either. Directing is still suffering from really cheap attempts at creating mystique and tension, for instance by artificially hiding faces in a picture frame, cutting to black suddenly and what not. Nothing quite as bad as that last supper shot we got previously but lots of stuff that rubs me slightly the wrong way.

Worse though was the writing in general.
Saving Airi out of the burning how was on par with bad fan fiction and I laughed when Satoru and the manager slowly walked out of the blazing house after talking. A lot of the investigation by Satoru and that journalist felt awkwardly structured and, maybe I need to rewatch it but some of the information had me going 'eh, what?' Like what (supposedly) happened to Hinazuki.
Most of the plot this episode just didn't feel logical and believable.

And oh boy, did the episode really have to open with an elaboration on the stupid chocolate incident? It's ridiculous and the less it gets mentioned the better. But it even plays further of a role this episode...


Erased - 06

This was good. But I also liked episode 5, which many here seem to hate with fiery passion. And neither does the chocolate story bother me, I think it's believable.

I don't care if the Airi rescue scene was 'unrealistic'. The only thing that matters is that she's safe : P
Satoru is going back to the past again after getting arrested and locking gazes with who presumably is the real killer. This time also with the knowledge that everything is linked to those 3 murders in the past.
Good stuff.


Erased 6

Time for some Scoby-dooing. Killer has to be
nega-Satorou or someone with similar powers as his, bastard seems to be able to magically appear anywhere.

Im not a fan of the way the show has shifted into a more detective style story. There was a lot "by the way I know" and "I now this" "oh heres the data I've collected over 20 years" and it was just too much information pressed into one episode.
I also thought that one of the funniest parts of KonoSuba #5 was actually forgotten by a lot of people; at the very end the Dullahan coming back and going "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE COME TO MY CASTLE?!" because Aqua lifted the curse from Darkness so they never had to go. I had to rethink about it and started guffawing loudly because I realized he was just waiting for them to show up for like a week and they just forgot about it.


I also thought that one of the funniest parts of KonoSuba #5 was actually forgotten by a lot of people; at the very end the Dullahan coming back and going "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE COME TO MY CASTLE?!" because Aqua lifted the curse from Darkness so they never had to go. I had to rethink about it and started guffawing loudly because I realized he was just waiting for them to show up for like a week and they just forgot about it.

Yeah, that also got a good laugh out of me.
Erased 06

Another weak episode, but I didn't think it was straight up bad like the last one...

...Until the ending. My God what a fucking joke. Like the most fuckin tryhard DUN DUN DUN TO BE CONTINUED ending I've ever seen. Completely undermines any kind of connection I have to the series because it feels the need to pull such a hackneyed trick. At least he'll wake up as a kid again via revival now (obviously) so maybe the show can get back on track.


The reason for ERASED's quality drop is the lack of best mom.

which is really weird since she should be the crux of why Satoru is doing any of this. He spent so little time with her in the past.

Edit: Nearly forgot im slowly making through re-watching Digimon series. Nearing 3/4 done of adventure but want to ask: Are any of the series after Tamers worth a watch?
Gundam Thunderbolt 02

Ok I am feeling REALLY critical today. There's some potentially good stuff here, but the format and time limit really makes things suffer. I have my issues with IBO but at least I don't think IBO would be better if no one talked because in Thunderbolt everytime someone opens their mouth you can be sure it will be to say something stupid as fuck. There's zero exposition so every conversation people have has to make up for that and ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh its the most unnatural stilted dialogue, even for Gundam. Like I almost CANNOT believe how bad some of this dialogue is. It is impossible to care about anyone in this series so they should just not try and have more fights.

At least it looks good and has some really nice mechanical animation because that is all that saves it from being terrible all around.


Gundam Thunderbolt 02

Ok I am feeling REALLY critical today. There's some potentially good stuff here, but the format and time limit really makes things suffer. I have my issues with IBO but at least I don't think IBO would be better if no one talked because in Thunderbolt everytime someone opens their mouth you can be sure it will be to say something stupid as fuck. There's zero exposition so every conversation people have has to make up for that and ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh its the most unnatural stilted dialogue, even for Gundam. Like I almost CANNOT believe how bad some of this dialogue is. It is impossible to care about anyone in this series so they should just not try and have more fights.

At least it looks good and has some really nice mechanical animation because that is all that saves it from being terrible all around.
To be fair, the writing was atrocious in episode 1 as well - so you really should have been expecting this! I don't think you're being overly critical, it really is a serious problem with the show.


Edit: Nearly forgot im slowly making through re-watching Digimon series. Nearing 3/4 done of adventure but want to ask: Are any of the series after Tamers worth a watch?

I guess if you want more Digimon... They are quite different, mostly in a bad way.


Edit: Nearly forgot im slowly making through re-watching Digimon series. Nearing 3/4 done of adventure but want to ask: Are any of the series after Tamers worth a watch?

I remember that the second part of Xros Wars was pretty hype, but the first one was meh overall and I haven't watched the 3rd yet.
Frontier is completely different from all the other Digimon shows and Savers started with an interesting idea, but middled out quickly again. Though I've heard its second part is pretty good, but I haven't gotten there yet.
Tamers remains the best Digimon show imo.

Active Raid - 6

It was worth watching for the last five minutes because OH MY GOODNESS SUDDENLY A 2D SUPER ROBOT FIGHT THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU YES YES YES YES.

So you did end up watching it, hahaha.
Erased 06

Another weak episode, but I didn't think it was straight up bad like the last one...

...Until the ending. My God what a fucking joke. Like the most fuckin tryhard DUN DUN DUN TO BE CONTINUED ending I've ever seen. Completely undermines any kind of connection I have to the series because it feels the need to pull such a hackneyed trick. At least he'll wake up as a kid again via revival now (obviously) so maybe the show can get back on track.

Yeh that ending...

"Alright, interesting slowdown of animation and sound...cool...but good lord is this over the top."


people tryna drag the decent & "feminist" bodacious space pirates under the rug to defend their phantasy schlock of choice? scust
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