Bronson too?
He will be Toad to my Magneto
Bronson too?
Darckness has set on Box Office Gaf. Only Thor 3 can save us.
What does that make me?
Let's try that againSame as you already are.....nothing
He will be Toad to my Magneto
I totally forgot that Forest Whitaker directed Hope Floats.
Just saw the eclipse, when i get my powers Kswiss and Principle shall be my horsemen
Who is this Principle that you speak of? I know not of him.
Me, I will just take over the local tavern and start a bookie business on the side. I mean, the cow races are coming up.
I don't know why i can't remember name
Why haven't we gotten a sequel to Oculus?
I actually really liked that movie. But it's probably because Mike Flanagan has been so busy with other stuff. Oculus is his baby, all him up and down. He should probably find a director protege, pass off the sequel to them, and cash those producer checks. Get on that James Wan hustle.
Dunkirk top of the UK box office every day for over a month. Should end up in the all-time top 20 over here.
Bobby's not gonna like this.
Dunkirk top of the UK box office every day for over a month. Should end up in the all-time top 20 over here.
But seriously dm you gotta explain that Butler head thing to us some time.
Sometimes...truth isn't good enough...
Sitting down for Lucky now. Has anyone here heard about a movie called The Square?
Cars 3 numbers from the late releases are coming next week, right?
Logan Lucky dropped nearly 6% in actuals, to $7.6m. Or about half what Soderbergh was hoping it would debut at in order to make money.
Not a great sign of things to come.
This weekend is going to be a disaster. I don't know if any of the openers are expected to break $5M.
Depending on Hitman's Bodyguard's drop, this weekend could have the lowest #1 finish for a weekend in August in over 20 years.
IT doesn't come out until the 8th, Hitman's Bodyguard might 3peat. The box office is looking dire right now.
What's your take on this Bobby? I got nothing.
This weekend is going to be a disaster. I don't know if any of the openers are expected to break $5M.
Depending on Hitman's Bodyguard's drop, this weekend could have the lowest #1 finish for a weekend in August in over 20 years.
The story penned by Rebecca Blunt, who likely doesnt exist
We didnt realize it then, but the summer of 1987 was an all-timer, at least at the movies. Over three hot months, Hollywood released several films we still hold near and dear to our hearts today, whether we consider them timeless classics or beloved shlock.
Now, not all of those would fall under the io9 umbrella. (Films like Full Metal Jacket, The Untouchables, and Dirty Dancing are great, but really not our speed.) However, as the 30th anniversary of this amazing summer of movies comes to a close, we decided to rank the best scifi, fantasy, and other genre films released during June, July, and August of 1987.
I know The Mummy just came out digitally guys,
But stay strong
Looked up that "leap" movie.
Carly Rae Jepsen is in it.
How come she's not way more famous than she is? I don't get it.