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Wolfenstein: The New Order |OT| They put Nazis on the Moon, Scheiß auf den Mond!

Oh, and Uber wasn't as 'easy' as I expected though maybe it's down to not being on PC with a mouse.

Shit, I'm getting frustrated with just Incarnate while playing it on my comfy couch Steambox (360 controller), but when I go back to my main PC it's 10x easier. I'm much more of a mouse man, but I will admit that there are definitely certain aspects to the controls that work better on the controller. Along with not having to hit the god damn 'Enter' button at the title screen.
Due to the autoaim on the console version it's almost impossible to use ADS. I'm not complaining though, never liked ADS.

Oh, is there an autoaim present in the console version that isn't on the PC (while using a controller)? There seems to be very little, if any, while using the 360 controller.

Chitown B

Awesome. Even though that's the combined sales score for 5 platforms, hopefully game will sell well and enable Machine Games to make another game. I would be incredibly bummed if they dont get chance to continue working.

CVG reports more details about 1st week Wolfenstein UK sales:
PS4 38%
Xbone 31%
X360 12%
PC 11%
PS3 8% [not listed, but that's the percentage that is missing for reaching 100%]

considering the ratio of PS4 to X1 owners in Europe, seems like more X1 owners (ratio-wise) are buying it.


Oh, is there an autoaim present in the console version that isn't on the PC (while using a controller)? There seems to be very little, if any, while using the 360 controller.

There is, and it sucks. It locks on, but then you can't move your aim away from the target until you release the trigger. It literally locks on.

TRios Zen

Wait, you guys
killed Bubi?
I just left.

Going to be starting my third playthrough (uber) for the final achievement.

Yes, yes I did. And I liked it.

There is, and it sucks. It locks on, but then you can't move your aim away from the target until you release the trigger. It literally locks on.

Wait, what? I did not have this happen to me a single time - not sure what you are referring to here.

In other news, loved the gameplay and even enjoyed the character development. Did not care for the ending sequence at all though - thoroughly unrewarding for me.
There is, and it sucks. It locks on, but then you can't move your aim away from the target until you release the trigger. It literally locks on.

That's unfortunate. Sounds like I need to stick to my mouse then - since trying to free-aim with a controller is kind of maddening.


Along with not having to hit the god damn 'Enter' button at the title screen.

Seriously, what the hell is up with that? Patch pls.

The UI in general is obviously aimed at consoles. I love how you can only change the enigma code numbers with the mouse scroll wheel.


I honestly think my favorite level is the prologue. Something about that beach landing and the weapons is really fun. Also, 1946 grenades are a million times better than 1960 grenades. I am on my second play through now, collecting all the enigma codes and stuff I missed the first time. Gonna fuck around with the extra play modes after that.

The End

Man I was super skeptical of this game before reviews hit.

Now I'm just waiting until my next paycheck (or a deal hits) and I'm chomping at the bit.
Impressions from someone looking for the 'oldschool' doom/wolf/quake/unreal feel:

-No need to dignify ADS in this game, joy
-Guns feel good
-hitreactions feel quite good and there's really good instant feedback from the hit reactions (something missing in almost every modern shooter including cs:go, a fucking valve game)

-levels are entertaining they feel a bit more like traditional shooter levels than the monstercloset covershootbang corridors of modern games
-1-2 headshots kill enemies

-being gracefully allowed to carry more weapons than there are D PAD directions on a controller

-dual wielding is fun , it's nice to be able to swap on the fly and equip/unequip silencers

-the sound design is good and positional audio is done well enough that I can hear where enemies are shouting/shooting from (something that is somehow missing in many modern games)

-mouse aim is done right, no acceleration no smoothing no lag no horseshit (yay for id tech 5 in this aspect at least)
It's something that is so important and that so many modern shooters fuck up

-fov slider that goes beyond 80 degrees

-great music
-good atmosphere
-story is entertaining

-movement is too slow, why is there a sprint key? sprint movespeed (or faster) should be the default runspeed, they could 've just added a walk key for any platforming/more subtle movement/stealth bits.
the movement does not feel like an oldschool shooter at all

-switching weapons is too slow, the instinct when you see an enemy up close is to swap to a shotgun and blow their head off (or when your machine gun runs out of bullets to swap to your pistol or another weapon instead of reloading) but the weapon swapping speed discourages it for me
I'm kind of wondering why there are reloads at all, seems very out of place in this type of game. Just give me Unreal/quake style weapons

-often there isn't enough contrast between enemies and the background making it quite difficult to find them fast during firefights, this also slows the pacing of the combat down a lot and is a big negative for me, contrast between enemy and background is shooter design 101

-that awful fucking grain filter (which also makes it harder to see what's going on), why is there no option to turn it off?

-idtech 5 , fuck this engine and its stupid texture pop in and weird performance issues

I'd say this is 80 percent there for what I want out of a pc shooter, just the movement/visibility (functionality)are wrong

It's the best try at a proper oldschool style fun single player fps in a long time.


20 or so of my deaths are just me messing around for gifs.

"Stupid way to die"



Some of the deaths or stupid ways to die are nicely hidden.

Another one you can get is on
the bridge when you get on the chopper for the second time and your told to get off if you wait a panzerhound will come out and jump up destroying you.


Just got up to the prison. Really liking this game so far, Starbreeze pedigree is obviously represented and much appreciated. I adored that little scene on the train with the pictures. Had me seriously tense. Also, game features a remarkably well-done sex scene? Who expected that?

Heard on the Bomb Cast that the prison is very reminiscent of Riddick, can't wait to get back into it tonight.


An blind dancing ho
Looks like Arkane studios sent MachineGames a little gift. Random, but I thought it was a cute gesture.


I wonder what the cake tastes like.


lovely. it should taste like Sokolov's Elixir

now id gift to MachineGames should be a new engine for MG next game.


Oh come on. The game is 95% shooting, 5% wandering around your shitty hideout.

Well i'm only at chapter ten, but it looks to me as if there is a nice shift from combat to exploration and back.

For me it gives a nice rhythm to the game.


just finished my second run, on uber.
what a great game, although my only negative point was even more present this time, there are simply too few enemies.
long cutscenes are one thing, especially if they are skippable, but there are so many corridors and even whole rooms with no enemies in them. I kinda like pacing like this on a first run, but on a replay its just bothersome.

but still, really a great game, not sure if I'll 100% it and go get all the collectibles.
uber was not really much harder than normal, though, you die a bit faster but thats it. I actually recommend to play it on uber, even on the first run. dying faster makes it a bit more intense.


Fantastic game, I only have a few minor issues. Weapon switching can be pretty tedious in tight situations. Both the single and dual weild variants didn't need to be on the weapon wheel, it makes switching weapons take longer than it should be. I would have preferred for some of the alternate fire modes to just be their own weapon. Having to switch to a specific weapon, then switch to the alternate fire mode takes way too long in some of the later fire fights.

Also I had way more performance issues with this game than I did with rage. After doing a multitude of fixes I finally got it in a reliable playable state.


I kinda like pacing like this on a first run, but on a replay its just bothersome.

I guess it's normal to feel it that way. When replaying a game you would like to compress the narrative / exploration parts because they lose much of their appeal when repeated, for obvious reasons.

Pure gameplay is less affected by this, i guess becase you can replay different scenarios in different ways.
Finished it. My general impression is that this is a very fun hardcore pulp magazine kind of game. Satisfying on a number of levels. Great soundtrack. Played on the second-highest difficulty, which was plenty challenging in the second half. I honestly lost count of how many times I died on the final battle until I figured out strategies and what to do and what is available at my disposal.

Agreed on the weapons selection comment.

Had to capture this moment. Final boss/ending spoiler: http://i.minus.com/ibhBN4mv1DDZHw.gif


So the
chapter (10 or 11) is the worst one in the game right? Definitely the weakest for me so far.


I find Run-slide especially tricky for some reason. I'm really tempted to learn how to use macros on my mouse for it! lol! About time really.

It isn't bad when you realize that you don't have to hold down shift to run. Tap shift to take off, take finger and tap ctrl and bam, you're slidin' like a fool.


Ex-starbreeze/machine games are absolute masters when it comes to pacing. No one does rising and falling action better than they do. I could see it being tiresome in multiple play throughs to wait for the action to start, but hey, the first play through is the one that matters the most.
Ex-starbreeze/machine games are absolute masters when it comes to pacing. No one does rising and falling action better than they do. I could see it being tiresome in multiple play throughs to wait for the action to start, but hey, the first play through is the one that matters the most.

It isn't bad when you realize that you don't have to hold down shift to run. Tap shift to take off, take finger and tap ctrl and bam, you're slidin' like a fool.

Oh FFS! I was just thinking last night how nice it was to have sprint on toggle... and the bloody penny did not fall! The wheel turns but the hamster is dead.

BloodMoney beat me to it but in my gif my mind would explode and my face would fly into my palm! Dammit.


which one is that again? for me, and again, i love this game, but the second half of the game was...a bit much. I thought the game was winding down but then another 3 chapters occurred. i think i felt underwhelmed by design and locale of the last two stages, personally. the combat was overwhelming, however; looked like they were just tacked on and the difficulty (on uber) was a bit brutal.
Chapter 13 is
the motherfuckin Moon


I can't stress it enough, this game is so fucking amazing! I have so much fun with that game, best shooter I've played in ages!

Currently I'm at chapter 7 and I'm 7 hours in.

What sucks though is that you can't (spoiler about the "nightmare" easter egg)
replay the Wolfenstein 3D easter egg when you die. On Über it's so frickin' hard but I want to beat it on Über so badly, lol. I keep reloading the checkpoint now to retry it. I guess there isn't another way, yes?


I went through the entire game not realizing there was a weapon wheel. Only used two guns the entire game, most of the time the backup gun being the cutter that needs to be charged at battery stations. lol?
Chapter 13 is
the motherfuckin Moon

Anyone else sprint jump from the top of the cliff all the way down to the airlock on the outside section? Felt like flying. Fun.

Edit: Also, it's nice being able to adjust Y axis sensitivity lower than X axis for headshooting. They don't give too many options, but that one is appreciated..(PS4 here)
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