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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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Bryan Alvarez proposed this idea for the Triple threat match to make Bryan's win more meaningful.

He beats Triple H but then while celebrating Triple h hits him with the sledgehammer. This starts a storyline during Mania if he will make the triple threat match. They start the match and for 5-10 minutes they do the match and the crowd craps on it chanting his name.

He comes out to a big pop and they do the rest of the match and he wins. Good idea?

Damn, I had that exact same idea weeks ago. Only difference is that they'd ring the bell, Batista and Orton would lock-up, the fans would errupt in boos and then Daniel Bryan's music hits.

On one hand I do agree with the person that said you don't want people shitting on your WM main event but I feel like even with Bryan's popularity, the fans could be Yes'd out after his first match. At least this way there's a better chance that the main event will be able to mantain it's heat throughout.


Ok fantasy booking time:

- Sting wins the battle royal.

- AJ wins the diva thing in one of the most boring ooooomg just end it no one cares because you don't give us anything to care about you stupid company run ever, until Raw when she comes out saying seriously I just beat every woman on this roster at once there is NO CHALLENGE HERE *Paige's music hits* "Well actually, you haven't beaten every woman..."

- D-Bry beats HHH clean. HHH looks legit shook, underestimating him this whole time.

HHH tries to interfere in the title match to stop D-Bry winning but just before he gets to the ring OMG WHATS THIS ITS CM PUNK IN STREET CLOTHES! He attacks HHH, this distracts Batista long enough to get RKO'd goes for the cover BOOOOOM DIVING HEADBUTT > kip-up > groggy Orton gets to his feet while 80k fans chant Yes! YeS! YES! along with D-Bry BOOOOOOM THE KNEE, THE KNEE THAT BEAT JOHN CENA, THE KNEE THAT BEAT.... 1 YES! 2 YES! 3 YES!!! THE KNEE THAT BEAT ORTON! 80k fans erupt with cheers.

New champion!

CM Punk and HHH torn apart by security, Punk looks back into the ring and smiles. HHH froths, he's too angry at Punk now to be bothered by D-Bry winning etc so no screwy shit.



Cody, Usos, REGAL, all his buddies etc hit the ring to celebrate with mah boy D-Bry. Sting and Undertaker come out and shake hands FOR NO REASON.

D-Bry wears the title at his wedding.
I got goosebumps reading this.

But, I reckon, if Punk's coming back, it's as a mega heel.

Jamie OD

Bryan Alvarez proposed this idea for the Triple threat match to make Bryan's win more meaningful.

He beats Triple H but then while celebrating Triple h hits him with the sledgehammer. This starts a storyline during Mania if he will make the triple threat match. They start the match and for 5-10 minutes they do the match and the crowd craps on it chanting his name.

He comes out to a big pop and they do the rest of the match and he wins. Good idea?

I'm definitely expecting some sort of shenanigans in the Bryan Vs HHH and triple threat matches to provide extra drama. Maybe Kane and the Outlaws interfere in one of them only to get chased off by the Shield.


So not worth it
If Punk would be coming back, I can totally see them go "Hey AJ, go out there and have your match wearing your engagement ring."

But I lost any hope of Punk returning after the Chicago Raw, I just don't see it happening guys.
Ok fantasy booking time:

Ok reality booking time:

- The Big Show wins the battle Royal, cuts a promo later saying he is coming after Cena.

- The diva thing is about to start, but suddenly Vickie walks out and decides it will be a dancing contest instead. For some reason Brodus, Hornswoggle and Santino also get to enter, all dressed in drag. The Big Show wins again.

- HHH beats D-Bry clean. He cuts a 40 minute promo after going over everything he had said previously and explains why it is now right.

- Brock is about to beat the Undertaker when.... CM Punk comes out of the crowd wearing his wrestling gear. He takes out Brock and promises he is back to teach Paul Heyman a lesson.

- Cena then comes out as the ring is cleared to face up against the Undertaker. They both point at the Wrestlemania sign, setting up a year long build up to their epic match.

- Cena then stays in the ring and beats Wyatt with his hurricana thing. It isn't well performed.

- The main event starts with all three competitors making their entrance. HHH again cuts a promo, going over what he said earlier and repeating his main points. Half way through the 4 minute match, D-Bry's music hits....

But it isn't his regular music, it is the final countdown. He gets beat down by HHH again and Batista gets the title but the crowd goes home happy.


If Punk would be coming back, I can totally see them go "Hey AJ, go out there and have your match wearing your engagement ring."

But I lost any hope of Punk returning after the Chicago Raw, I just don't see it happening guys.
I don't see it either. What's going to change in the business?
Ok reality booking time:


Its ok guys, words can't hurt us.

D-Bry will save us all.


So not worth it
I don't see it either. What's going to change in the business?

The only scenario that makes sense -and mind you, this is CM Punk so not entirely unlikely- would be that Punk was too beat up to continue working and HAD to take some time off, they staged a fight and walkout and the idea was always for Punk to return at Mania.

Now, this would make some sense. There are a few unique things about Punk leaving that make no sense at all. For one, WWE in the past has always BURIED a guy the second they walked out like this. They would have cut a promo on him, run him down, Vince would have been on air trashing him, whatever. It is very odd this hasn't happened. They would have punished AJ, the fact that she's still champion is very strange indeed. They haven't pulled his merchandising is another thing that's odd, but granted that could be in their own best interest, since Punk was the second biggest seller after Cena.

But all of that could just as easily be explained by WWE somewhat maturing as a company over the years and them not wanting to burn bridges with Punk for the future.


Haven't watched WWE in quite a few years now (Switched to TNA but have basically stopped with that too) but this is a big part in why I stopped with WWE. Not only did it feel like it was the same shit over and over again but the way they made some wrestlers look was terrible. I just never understood why WWE wouldn’t want to make every one of their wrestlers look good, instead of jobbing someone out to a higher positioned guy (Cena,HHH etc.). Surely its basic logic that you want to make everyone look as good as you can, that way every match could go either way instead of being the same boring matches you always get.

And don’t get me started on the whole 'your losing your push as punishment' because that is some of the most backward logic there is.

It didn't take very long for them to train the audience to get used to the slower, safer style and missing blood and chair shots to the head. I don't think it would take long to train the fans to get used to jobber matches with actual, local and indie guys jobbing instead of their mid carders. And training fans that your biggest stars aren't going to wrestle every week on TV, but it will be special when they do. It's better for everyone. Top guys instantly look more important, they're kept fresher both physically and to the fans who don't get burnt out on seeing them and the same 3 match ups for months at a time. The mid card gets a bump because they are no longer there just to be in a weekly ADR match or trading wins with the same people for 2 years. You can then form a hierarchy and it can feel like guys are moving up the card.

Since the brand split or so, that hasn't really existed and everyone is automatically at the IC/US level as soon as they are called up. And often get one of the belts right away to show they are a threat instead of actually doing any building or guys break out of a tag team and win one of the belts in a month instead. It all has to be intentional because I refuse to believe that no company can just forget its business when there are so many people from Vince down that have understood how it works for decades.

NXT has proven that the old formula of jobber matches and building people up still works and makes for a good show.


He says he's trimming the beard for the wedding, not back to World title levels but making it more neat. I think he's keeping the long hair, mind, which is a good thing, it's just gotten past that awkward "half long, half not" stage and cutting it back would be a mistake.


I find it embarrassing Triple H is forcing himself into huge matches like the one this Sunday. Vince did the same a few years ago, but at least he had an entertaining character as the evil bossman. Triple H doesn't even touch that level of entertainment.
I find it embarrassing Triple H is forcing himself into huge matches like the one this Sunday. Vince did the same a few years ago, but at least he had an entertaining character as the evil bossman. Triple H doesn't even touch that level of entertainment.

HHH is one of the most hated heels at the minute. So yeah, that's a load of shit.


HHH is one of the most hated heels at the minute. So yeah, that's a load of shit.

Probably because he's facing Bryan, the most loved face. Although you can parallel that to the Stone Cold/McMahon feud, I still feel Vince had more of a presence that made his matches more endearing.
I find it embarrassing Triple H is forcing himself into huge matches like the one this Sunday. Vince did the same a few years ago, but at least he had an entertaining character as the evil bossman. Triple H doesn't even touch that level of entertainment.

Triple H and D-Bry's feud is the only thing making the main event picture interesting. Triple H is a fantastic heel. I have to disagree with you.

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Unconfirmed Member
Probably because he's facing Bryan, the most loved face. Although you can parallel that to the Stone Cold/McMahon feud, I still feel Vince had more of a presence that made his matches more endearing.



His name wasn't mentioned. Nobody gives a shit about Daniel Bryan.

Yes, articles like the one in Rolling Stone or this onein the New Orleans newspaper are definitely being published because they know nobody wants to read them.

I find it embarrassing Triple H is forcing himself into huge matches like the one this Sunday. Vince did the same a few years ago, but at least he had an entertaining character as the evil bossman. Triple H doesn't even touch that level of entertainment.

Back in the fall I would have agreed with you, but since the current angle started he's been completely on point. The way he has managed to interweave wrestling storyline and internet hysteria has been very well done. It is by far the most intriguing match heading in to Mania and, in all reality, should be the actual main event. The match's stipulation dictates it's place in the card, but if there was a single match to sell the show on that would be it.

The thing I find most amazing about Vince is how he is always in complete control of his facial expressions. Except, of course, during this:
I find it embarrassing Triple H is forcing himself into huge matches like the one this Sunday. Vince did the same a few years ago, but at least he had an entertaining character as the evil bossman. Triple H doesn't even touch that level of entertainment.

I actually enjoyed his promos the past two weeks.


I find it embarrassing Triple H is forcing himself into huge matches like the one this Sunday. Vince did the same a few years ago, but at least he had an entertaining character as the evil bossman. Triple H doesn't even touch that level of entertainment.

Triple H has performed excellently in his current feud with Bryan. Their angle is easily the best thing going into WM.
I've had many problems with HHH over the years, but in the last month he's been the perfect heel for Bryan to face.


So not worth it
Whenever I see Trips nowadays I think of Terminator 2 and how he's "become self aware."

He kind of reminds me of Puppet H, he used to go after marks as well.
Well... does anybody know if they have given all 30 of the entrants to the battle royal? Just curious to see if somebody comes back or debuts in the battle royal.
Triple H has performed excellently in his current feud with Bryan. Their angle is easily the best thing going into WM.
I've had many problems with HHH over the years, but in the last month he's been the perfect heel for Bryan to face.


His promos have been ON POINT towards Bryan and that's not to mention that amazing mega burial he did.


I will say HHH is a lot more versed in the internet and general fan opinion than Vince, who tends to put himself in a bubble and ignore stuff like the internet.
HHH is drawing directly from the IWC opinions of him for this story. I'm shocked he hasn't made a "shovel" reference. He's made several "burial" references at least.
I think there are 2-3 spots vacant at the moment.

This leads me to believe that there is something big that is going to happen. I think that this match was created to give everybody the chance to say they took part in WM... and its the perfect match to have suprise entrants.


No One Remembers
I have a strong feeling that Jericho will be a participant in the battle royale.

For him not to be at WM 30 would be blasphemous!


So not worth it
I will say HHH is a lot more versed in the internet and general fan opinion than Vince, who tends to put himself in a bubble and ignore stuff like the internet.
HHH is drawing directly from the IWC opinions of him for this story. I'm shocked he hasn't made a "shovel" reference. He's made several "burial" references at least.

What if he attacks Bryan with a shovel after their match on Sunday?
The Yes! Movement Raw bit was one of my fav things ever.

I literately shit my pants in excitement when D-Bry said "Well actually, that's not all I want..."

Him in the main event is what people actually wanted, honestly thought they were just gonna ignore it.

They managed to get me legit excited for WM, and while it also leaves me open to even more crushing disappointment - at least it has made me not just go in with such a MEH attitude, there's still a chance the boyhood dream could come true.

When will they finally let him trim that god-awful beard?

Hopefully for the wedding.

Its funny, earlier this evening we were watching the MitB Blu Ray set and during last years match for some reason even that D-Bry looked more acceptable, he actually looked pretty good coming to the ring lol. I think todays one has just got so far out of control its retroactively making even slightly older look better lol.


Cena/Bray Wyatt needed a longer build I feel. Or if not at least stronger writing. Because Cena goes from making jokes to Wyatt to being down right afraid of him the week after was kinda silly.

That said, the short promo Wyatt did on Smackdown post show was awesome! 20 minute mark if you are wondering.


Agreed. That and Cena/Wyatt have both been built extremely well. The other things....ehhhhh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl_JNTCNH2k

Yes, Bryan/HHH and Cena/Wyatt are both the hottest matches going in.

The Streak match build has been terrible, Batista and Orton are basically nonexistent, and the undercard is the undercard. The Shield match has been fairly well built for a late addition as has the Battle Royal, but the Tag Title match is just a random match and the Divas match is completely ass backwards booking wise.

If I'm forgetting a match here, consider that a summary of how its build was.
The streak build is LOL. Has Brock done anything since getting stabbed in the hand to make us even kinda/sorta/maybe think he could beat Taker, or is even a challenge to him?


The streak build is LOL. Has Brock done anything since getting stabbed in the hand to make us even kinda/sorta/maybe think he could beat Taker, or is even a challenge to him?

He hit a single F5! Like JBL said, "If he hits that at Wresltmania, the streak could be over Maggle!".

Or result in a false finish like it always does. WHO KNOWS.
The Shield is being SUUUUUUUPER wasted in their match, ugh. Why didn't they save Shield/Wyatt trio tag match for WM.

I will always love the Undertaker but they've been so lazy with the build, makes the joke "Lucky Paul Bearer died so they could make the feud interesting" from last year a lot less funny considering that seems to be the actual reality.

Poor Heyman trying his best but its just not there, no one believes Bork has a chance, even with the token attack this past Monday (which was so f**king obviously gonna happen lol).

Cena is probably the only 'believable' omg they gonna make him win aren't they? match they could have done at this point. Even then I would say no.

Sting I would say YES!


Cena/Taker at least gets some instant IWC heat because everybody would immediately fear that Cena's super-booking would be enough to kill The Streak even though he doesn't need that kind of rub and he's an inferior wrestler to a good chunk of other challengers to Taker.
He hit a single F5! Like JBL said, "If he hits that at Wresltmania, the streak could be over Maggle!".

Or result in a false finish like it always does. WHO KNOWS.

Why if Lesnar can pull that sneaky clothesline followed by an F5 combo off again this Sunday then it'll most certainly be all over for the Deadman!
Old man Taker has never been in such peril.

Break the Streak
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