Yeah. I can't lie though, there's a dark part of me that keeps someone I know held back a little bit because it makes me feel better and more successful and more of a good guy. But that's a shoot I don't want to get into right now.
I'm the kind of guy that if I try to help someone and they turn it down or fuck it up, I'm not going to help them again. I'm talking one time. So when you have a guy like Hall who has had help and fucked up every other year for 20 years or so, I don't know that I can blame Nash. And I also can't blame Nash if he can keep his drinking/drugs in check and Hall can't.
But at the same time, I've also grown up with an alcoholic step dad and uncle (who I hold in very high esteem, much more than my step dad or real father), and in the last year I've found how easy it is for alcohol to becoming a daily or every other day part of life. It's SUPER easy. Shockingly easy. Especially if you already have depression or other mental issues. You drink once or twice and feel chilled out and that immediately becomes an easy go-to. And in the case of Jake ( a child of rape) and Hall (who clearly has PSTD from the shooting a dude thing) added with the genetics (specifically Hall. I'm not sure if Grizzly Smith had addiction problems, but Hall's father did), that shit can be hard to fight. It's something that as I grow older, I have a lot less anger and resentment towards my own father and step father.
So when I see Jake and Hall in good shape, it has a pretty deep connection to me. I think about my own family history and see a lot of ways, wrestling and wrestlers WERE my parents growing up. My childhood was very stressful. Not in an abusive way or anything, but in the fact that my dad left before I was even old enough to realize and my step dad was a drunk and we didn't get along. It was my entire life. And Jake/Hall were huge parts of it. So them being clean and sober and in good shape kind of fills part of the gap of what I kind of felt was missing from my childhood. I have an addictive personality and have seen that ruin people in my family. Hall and Jake being in good shape made me weepy as fuck.