I'm surprised the ratings haven't tanked even lower. Its unwatchable at this point. Only like 1 good match in 3 hours and nothing else of importance happens.
I thought everyone on the internet has been saying Raw has been good since Wrestlemania? Has it been good or bad?
for mine, the past 3 raws have been damn good to watchable. as opposed to rage inducing shit fests of the past 6 months slash years. which makes the ratings even more scary. theyve tried to appeal to everyone. ratings down. theyve tried to appeal to the casuals. ratings down. theyve tried to appeal to the hardcore. ratings down. it'll be interesting to see where things go. the in ring talent is the best its ever been. and theres actually a compelling storyline going into a ppv for the first time in over a year.
but yeh. so much shit needs to change around the format and product. maybe go to 2 hours and stick nxt on the end if you need to have 3 hours. i like the idea of LU style vignettes. the production and writing is fucking terrible. shit. i dunno how you fix any of this meaningfully. the damage might already be done.