Roman is easily the worst name they insistently push to the top, at least of the past 25 years. He retroactively redeems everybody before him. He only got a good looking face, his body looks sloppy as shit, he only acts strong, he has less power moves than Triple H (at least he had the goddamn spinebuster), he only acts like he can wrestle, he's got nothing on the usos. People who hated the miz but like roman or are fine with what's happening are everything that is wrong with the business right now.
And besides, nothing they can do will make him likeable, the ship has sailed long ago. This is what happens when you have no long term plans for anybody. A face needs a heel, and vice versa, Batista had HHH and it was more than enough, Cena had JBL then plenty more.
Who is this supposed mega villain I hate so much that I would love for a new superhero for the kids like oldberg to raise up and kick his butt? Owens? Joe? They do nothing to be hated because they only beat up suckers.