I dont know if they have improved something, becayse maybe they did a little, all I know is, xbox x360 version feels like 60fps game compared to sluggish xbox one X version. I still enjoyed playing xbox X version, but if you play x360 version even once you will see how much harder xbox one version is because of sluggish controls. I remember one funny situation where my sister boyfriend, who is PC player played rise of the tomb raider on my xbox X once, and he even asked me why controls in tomb raider feels so sluggish LOL

. Developer who made xbox one version should have beta testers

, and yet they still overlooked so big input lag issue in their game, how on earth it was even possible?
But even with input lag problem I like rise of the tomb raider on my xbox X very much, I even made over 100 screenshots from that particular game alone, and I consider tomb raider much better game than even uncharted 4.
Here are my xbox X verison screenshots from tomb raider
Anyway back on BC topic, I'm playing Splinter Cell Double Agent xbox classic verison currently after playing xbox360 version on BC one weak ago and I forgot how amazing game it was. I hope MS will also add Xbox Classic version to BC in the near future, because it's totally differeng game compared to x360 version. Xbox classic version it's basically chaos theory 2