Today's a sad day.
For those of us wanting more OG Xbox games, anyway.
With no new BC announcements at E3, none at all for 13 months, and a report from an insider (EvilBoris) that no games are being worked on, I think everyone has to agree that MS has ended their Xbox One backwards compatibility efforts for Original Xbox games.
33 games out of 1047 was all we got for Xbox One. It was a fantastic program. Enhanced Original Xbox games looked great, played great, and were from an era where games were generally more about fun than telling a "cinematic story". Black, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Ninja Gaiden, and Crimson Skies were the standouts. Great games made even better through the enhancement program. But so many games were left behind that could have been legendary. Gunvalkyrie, Brute Force, Jet Set Radio Future (yeah, music, I know), and many others were just on the cusp of greatness, held back only by CRT requirements of the day or memory limitations. Many of those games can easily embarrass today's AAA games when it comes to entertainment value.
Microsoft's announcement that their next gen system will include 100% backwards compatibility for all previous generations suggets that they will be using platforum emulation, thus negating the need for re-upping licenses. This is a good thing if you just want to play the games as the original machines ran them, but Xbox One made those old games better. Much better.