Didn't want to make a new thread: any uk deals on trade ins for original x1 for the slim ?
I think the best deal is selling to CeX or game for £113 then getting the Amazon deal for £199 with FIFA and selling FIFA for £30 if it's not your thing, not aware of any straight trade deals.
Do you have to include a controller for CEX and GAME console trade-ins?
Has anyone had any issues with the media player app on their Xbox One S? I just hooked my new console up last night and could not get the media player app to see any of my network DLNA files.
The original Xbox had no problems with this, and my second day one XB1 in the basement can still see everything on my network, but for some reason, the new Xbox One S does not. I logged onto my PC and it could not find the new XB1 S under media devices whereas my basement OG XB1 shows up.
Have I forgot to do something in the settings? I'm confused!?
Any help is appreciated.
im on the fence getting the $299 bundle.. master cheif collection and halo 5 is really a great deal (never played halo) still choosing between this and wii u. does the wifi of xbox one s 5ghz?
im on the fence getting the $299 bundle.. master cheif collection and halo 5 is really a great deal (never played halo) still choosing between this and wii u. does the wifi of xbox one s 5ghz?
People say loud Xbox one S. I would like to her one.Powered my xbox one S for the first time today and thankfully mine is near silent.
I did get worried when I read some of the stories on here.
That's the one I'm getting. I've been exclusively gaming on the ps4 this generation and Gears is the reason why I'm returning to the Xbox. As you mentioned, the Gears bundle is a good deal for someone in our position. Now to wait until October.So I am looking at bundles and see that the Gears of War 4 bundle comes with the ultimate edition which if we can share means well get the game and all future content. On its own its normally $100 so thats a 2tb console, $100 ultimate gears 4 (reason we would buy a Xbox One) and thats actually probably our best bet. Hrmmm...
im on the fence getting the $299 bundle.. master cheif collection and halo 5 is really a great deal (never played halo) still choosing between this and wii u. does the wifi of xbox one s 5ghz?
hello there gaf, have a few questions before taking the dive. Currently me and my wife both own a PS4 and buy our games digitally so that we only have to buy one copy of a game and can share it across both consoles with no restrictions. This is a huge deal for us since we play a lot of MP games and this cuts our cost in half. Most games that im interesting in such as Forza horizon 3 and Gears 4 would be the main purchasing decision so being able to share is huge.
Since you can see were somewhat financially restricted I also am seeing the the current OG VCR Xbox ones are getting a lot of sales for around $230 but to be honest I would rather stick to the S as it just simply looks so good. But also neither one of us own a 4K tv or an HDR compatible monitor/tv so the two meaty benefits wont really apply to us but I guess its cool to be future proof.
Also like many I am a little setback by the fact that a Scorpio comes out next fall but the way im kinda explaining this away is that my current library carries over so im not really losing money per say.
If anyone can shed some light on the digital game sharing (this would basically seal the deal) or give any advantage the OG Xbox may have over the newer model besides the somewhat cheaper model please let me know. Again I know this is long but you guys are the most informative bunch out there so I trust whatever way you guys guide me.
Yep. One will be your home console and you'll be able to play all your games on your profile online or offline and the other you'll be able to play all your games on your profile as long as you're online.My launch Xbox One is in the living room and now I've bought the S for my bedroom.
Question is, can I have my game downloads and content on both consoles? (same profile)
I sound stupid but I need to know before booting up the S.
Some setting is not turned on or something's wrong, sounds like. 1080p to 4K should be a noticeable jump.So I've had my One S for a few days now.
I'm pleased with the system, I've been enjoying some Forza Horizon 2.
Two things: 1. The UI is awful. I mean, I think the Wii U's might be better laid out and quicker, which is saying something...
2. I watched an Ultra HD Bluray, (The Revenant), but side by side with the 1080p disc it is almost IDENTICAL. I dunno if it's because my TV does very good upscaling of the HD disc, or it's true what they say about 4K viewing distances (I sit about 6 feet away from a 55 inch screen) or it's because my 2014 Samsung UHD TV (Ue55HU8500) just isn't that good for 4K. I don't have HDR, after all. But I wasn't that impressed. Netflix 4K is terrible, literally looks the same as 1080.
Mostly for revenant. Batman v Superman doesn't loook much better in uhd but revenant is a big jumpSome setting is not turned on or something's wrong, sounds like. 1080p to 4K should be a noticeable jump.
Some setting is not turned on or something's wrong, sounds like. 1080p to 4K should be a noticeable jump.
Yep. One will be your home console and you'll be able to play all your games on your profile online or offline and the other you'll be able to play all your games on your profile as long as you're online.
Long story short: honestly I can't see any discernible difference at all between the UHD disc and the HD disc, despite it telling me it's in 4K, and I don't know why.
I was doing the same thing yesterday, watching The Revenant and comparing the 4K UHD disc to the regular Blu-ray. I also have a 55 inch TV with a similar viewing distance. I regret to say this, but maybe our TV's are just too smallI cannot see much difference either. Well that's not exactly true, since I have HDR, and yes, there is some difference. I didn't have time to watch the whole movie yet, but it did look different. The colors seemed more natural. But the resolution? Ehhhh there is really not a big difference.
Yeah, you might be right. What TV are you using?
It's mad because I was always able to tell the difference between 720p and 1080p even on a 40 inch TV. When I bought this 55 inch, I thought it was massive, and people still tell me they think it's a big TV when they see it (UK).
I wish I had HDR as that might help, but I think it might be a combination of my TV being very good at upscaling a good mastered-in-4K 1080p disc and 4K itself not being much better at 55 inches? If you have a newer TV and you're saying the same, that makes me less worried that my old 4KTV doesn't do 4K properly or something.
I have a 2015 Sony X8505C. It's not a super high end TV by any means. But yeah, I think with The Revenant, it's more the case that the regular Blu-ray just looks really, really good.
EDIT: and of course it's hard to make comparison when you can't compare them at the same time. I used my PS3 for the regular Blu-ray, but it still takes a while to change the inputs and stuff. I wish I had saved my money for a 65 inch TV.
Possibly. Have you tried any other 4K discs yet? I'm going to keep buying 4K so that I can feel the benefits next time I upgrade my TV.
Have you tried 4K Netflix? Because to me it looks no different to HD either.
I don't want to upgrade my TV again until I can get a 4K HDR OLED. I really love the colour richness OLED gives (it's why I like Samsung phones) but it I'll be waiting a long time if I have to wait until a 65" OLED is affordable...
You missed last years model on sale @ Dell for $2500. After next years models come out this years will be clearenced out. Just keep an eye out.
Never had an Xbox One before but I've ordered an S which should be with me shortly, excited!
I've ordered Forza and I've bought GOW Ultimate, Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5 and Rare Replay. I am looking to get more games, mostly exclusives, what would you all recommend?
Also what 3rd party games run with parity on PS4 & Xbox one (or better on One)?
Never had an Xbox One before but I've ordered an S which should be with me shortly, excited!
I've ordered Forza and I've bought GOW Ultimate, Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5 and Rare Replay. I am looking to get more games, mostly exclusives, what would you all recommend?
Also what 3rd party games run with parity on PS4 & Xbox one (or better on One)?
Never had an Xbox One before but I've ordered an S which should be with me shortly, excited!
I've ordered Forza and I've bought GOW Ultimate, Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5 and Rare Replay. I am looking to get more games, mostly exclusives, what would you all recommend?
Also what 3rd party games run with parity on PS4 & Xbox one (or better on One)?
I recently got an S and found Ryse to be really good and got it for $7. The combat is a little repetitive and there are a few frustrating small sections involving protecting your troops from archers, but it looks fantastic and the story is like Gladiator but it's done well.Never had an Xbox One before but I've ordered an S which should be with me shortly, excited!
I've ordered Forza and I've bought GOW Ultimate, Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5 and Rare Replay. I am looking to get more games, mostly exclusives, what would you all recommend?
Also what 3rd party games run with parity on PS4 & Xbox one (or better on One)?
I recently got an S and found Ryse to be really good and got it for $7. The combat is a little repetitive and there are a few frustrating small sections involving protecting your troops from archers, but it looks fantastic and the story is like Gladiator but it's done well.
I believe digital game sharing works exactly the same way on Xbox One as PS4. As long as the person who owns the digital game is playing on the "guest" console and online they have access to their whole library anywhere they go. And anyone playing on the primary console of the user who bought the game can play any game that's been purchased by them.
If you're trying to save money, and especially if you're buying two consoles, there's not a lot of reason to get the One S as good looking as it is. The new S controller has nice subtle impromenrs though.