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Xbox One X Preorder Thread


I'm up in the air on whether I'm going to pre-order this or not. I want the console bad, but I fear potential launch hardware issues like the red ring.
I'm up in the air on whether I'm going to pre-order this or not. I want the console bad, but I fear potential launch hardware issues like the red ring.

If there's anything I can guarantee, it won't be the system failing but the bluray drive burning out instead.

Trust me, every console since the PS2 has never died on me, but the disc drives? Might as well load a UMD into a PSP and hand it to me. It'll somehow launch out of the drive.
2 months ago mediamarkt.de had a similar offer but for just 2799€. Thats when I ordered it and since then I am enjoying to watch shows and movies on Netflix and Amazon Prime in 4K. More importantly I will enjoy gaming in 4K as soon the Xbox One X arrives. Waiting for being able to pre-order it.

Nice! Yeah it should be amazing with Xbox One X. November can't be here soon enough. Hopefully all goes well with pre-orders and everything. At least we don't have that tier crap this time.

As for what Greenberg is talking about, maybe perhaps some cool bundles? A Assassin's Creed Origins bundle? Or maybe a Crackdown bundle?

Aaron, Pre-Order breh!

That box looks so good.
If anyone living in Holland here is interested in getting a 2016 or 2017 OLED, just let me know. I have some very good and completely legit trusted stores for you and they sell them for great prices.

Ok back on topic.
Yeah, I was only being part srs.

I am genuinely in two minds about getting one. £450 is a lot of money when we're only 4/5 months away from Nvidia's next round of GPUs.

If it came w/ an Elite controller I'd probably bite.

Me that's a lot of money for games I can already play on PS4. If it had something truly exclusive that showcased all that extra power than maybe. But it doesn't. So I can't justify paying $500 for it. Especially when I can nab a PS4 or switch for half the price.


I'm baffled by this move by MS.

As a value proposition XB One was already loosing the battle against Sony and X1X seems to only skew this even further.

Maximus P

I really hope they announce a pack in game with the console. I know when the Xbox One initially launched deals were later announced that had fifa or forza packed in.

A Crackdown 3 pack in would be incredible.


I'm baffled by this move by MS.

As a value proposition XB One was already loosing the battle against Sony and X1X seems to only skew this even further.

Thanks for your input in a pre order thread for a console you have no intention of buying.
I'm baffled by this move by MS.

As a value proposition XB One was already loosing the battle against Sony and X1X seems to only skew this even further.

But the X1X isn't competing with the base PS4 and for the money, it offers decent oomph if you've not got a PC.

In terms of "value proposition" it depends on your region amd what games you're into, but the X1S has some silly deals that the PS4S can't match in the UK.


I'm baffled by this move by MS.

As a value proposition XB One was already loosing the battle against Sony and X1X seems to only skew this even further.

I'm baffled by your baffledness.

I honestly don't see pre-orders going up until Aug. Hope it's sooner...
if august, then maybe i can make a decision to invest in one by then. I swore i wouldnt at 499 since i bought both ps4 and xbox one at launch to then see them drop considerably faster then any generation i can remember, xbox one especially


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
I'm baffled by this move by MS.

As a value proposition XB One was already loosing the battle against Sony and X1X seems to only skew this even further.

Dunno Sony got to number one because the PS4 was slightly more powerful then the Xbox One and Microsoft seemed anti consumer (always on no sharing). Now it's flipped Xbox One X is much more powerful then PS4 pro and Sony seems more anti consumer (no cross play, destiny dlc etc..)

PS4 pro was my go to for 3rd party stuff, that all changes for me once xbox one x hits.


Nice! Yeah it should be amazing with Xbox One X. November can't be here soon enough. Hopefully all goes well with pre-orders and everything. At least we don't have that tier crap this time.

As for what Greenberg is talking about, maybe perhaps some cool bundles? A Assassin's Creed Origins bundle? Or maybe a Crackdown bundle?

I foresee a Forza 7 bundle (a no brainer in my eyes) and of course the Assassins Creed: Origins Bundle ( also a no brainer since the marketing deal ).

A possibility is also a Crackdown 3 bundle but I am not so sure about it. Forza 7 and AC:O clearly are the headliners for Xbox holiday marketing campaign.

I have missed the part where they announced the release date of Ori. If it is 2017 I can also imagine some kind of platformer bundle with Ori and Super Lucky. That would be a great offer for enthusiasts with families in my opinion.
Me that's a lot of money for games I can already play on PS4. If it had something truly exclusive that showcased all that extra power than maybe. But it doesn't. So I can't justify paying $500 for it. Especially when I can nab a PS4 or switch for half the price.

And yet you keep posting in a preorder thread about it. ;)


There are no preorders because they are gauging blow back on the price point, subtext is clear in their Keighley interview. They basically confirm they're discussing incentives to make the price more palletable, like adding an Elite controller, or games. They can't sell something till they know what it comes with.

R aka Bon

I know most of you are probably gonna play on a 4k tv, with or without hdr and Oled.
I play on a monitor myself, as that's what fits my setup the most, and there are 4k monitors, but 4k monitors with hdr and Oled( not sure if there are any) are not only very expensive for some reason, but there also aren't many options to choose from. So I ask,, do you really think these are worthwile upgrades relative to their cost: (http://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-32UD99-W-4k-uhd-led-monitor)
I otherwise wonder if a 4k IPS monitor isn't enough.


There are no preorders because they are gauging blow back on the price point, subtext is clear in their Keighley interview. They basically confirm they're discussing incentives to make the price more palletable, like adding an Elite controller, or games. They can't sell something till they know what it comes with.

It hasn't been approved by the FCC yet.


After initialing deciding not to get it, I'm jumping in. We don't have a 4K tv but we use the XBO like at least 90% of the time the tv is on and I'm already heavily invested with Gold, EA Access, elite controller, etc. The fact that I already own many of the games being patched for it and that Forza is my favorite franchise, I'm all in. Just wonder what kind of trade in offer GameStop will do, I'm gonna guess $125 or something toward it.


Definitely getting this on release. Pre-ordering hopefully with a good trade in with EB.

It's a sexy piece of hardware. It'll sit nicely beside my pro. Getting a few bonuses on release would be great though.

Best news is with the new hardware bump, XB will now go back to being my Multi Platform box and pro would run the PS exclusives. I can then save up by stopping my PSN subscription. :)


I know most of you are probably gonna play on a 4k tv, with or without hdr and Oled.
I play on a monitor myself, as that's what fits my setup the most, and there are 4k monitors, but 4k monitors with hdr and Oled( not sure if there are any) are not only very expensive for some reason, but there also aren't many options to choose from. So I ask,, do you really think these are worthwile upgrades relative to their cost: (http://www.lg.com/us/monitors/lg-32UD99-W-4k-uhd-led-monitor)
I otherwise wonder if a 4k IPS monitor isn't enough.

I'm far from being an expert, but I imagine you'll see differences with your current monitor. Not only in image quality, but also in performance. People with 1080p TVs will see advantages, so you should too with your monitor.

Edit: Reading your post again, are you saying you don't have a 4K monitor at present and wonder if buying one would be worthwhile for the One X? If so, again whilst I'm not expert, you should see a difference.
Am i the only one not expecting bundles on launch?
Sell without a game for 499 during the holidays.

Make bundles for February and March to increase sales of the X

First temp price cuts in summer 2018

My test unit in the office has been indestructible so far. It's on all day and night.
Does your test unit looks like the devkit or retail console?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I'm up in the air on whether I'm going to pre-order this or not. I want the console bad, but I fear potential launch hardware issues like the red ring.

My test unit in the office has been indestructible so far. It's on all day and night.

R aka Bon

I'm far from being an expert, but I imagine you'll see differences with your current monitor. Not only in image quality, but also in performance. People with 1080p TVs will see advantages, so you should too with your monitor.

Edit: Reading your post again, are you saying you don't have a 4K monitor at present and wonder if buying one would be worthwhile for the One X? If so, again whilst I'm not expert, you should see a difference.

Yea I don't have a 4k monitor, but a 1080p freesync monitor (TN-panel) currently.

Granted we do have a JS9505 in the living room( UHD-Blu-ray goodness:)) But that's not what i game on.


There are no preorders because they are gauging blow back on the price point, subtext is clear in their Keighley interview. They basically confirm they're discussing incentives to make the price more palletable, like adding an Elite controller, or games. They can't sell something till they know what it comes with.

I don't quite think that is what going on, but I could be wrong. If they put it up for preorder right now (if it was cleared by FCC), would that not be the best way to gauge blow back on price point?

I think the price is very palletable for enthusiasts of whom which this console is intended to attract and it will do quite well without extra incentive.


Am i the only one not expecting bundles on launch?
Sell without a game for 499 during the holidays.

Make bundles for February and March to increase sales of the X

First temp price cuts in summer 2018

Does your test unit looks like the devkit or retail console?

I Bet there will be bundles esp for xmas
I Bet there will be bundles esp for xmas
Don't know
Ps4 Pro also launched without
If you willing to spend 499 you do it no matter if there is a game in the box or not.

Xbox One launched also without a game in the US
Would love to be wrong, tho.
We know they need value bundles for the S this holiday.


My test unit in the office has been indestructible so far. It's on all day and night.

How is the noise? Does it get loud or is it as quite as the Xbox One S? That is my biggest question about the console itself. Since this is new cooling method for you guys, just wondering how good it is and how quite the system is.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It's like people think you can just do a tell all without losing your job.

It's a fair complaint and I will keep my word if I'm able.

How is the noise? Does it get loud or is it as quite as the Xbox One S? That is my biggest question about the console itself. Since this is new cooling method for you guys, just wondering how good it is and how quite the system is.

As for noise on the console it's hard to say in a work environment but quieter than my og debug.
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