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Xbox |OT| Power Your Dreams


PCF developing two AAA games, rumor partially confirmed by their website.


I would post my Gamertag, but i am awkward and my headphones don't have a microphone, i do have a headset, but i think my head grew larger as it just feels too tight and using it a few minutes gives me a headache.

Also, yay, found out my USB Cables aren't type-c because i have tried quite a few and none of them go in the Xbox Series controller, they can enter the Xbox One controller, but not the Series, i remember not having to use batteries by charging my Xbone controller on USB but i guess i will have to buy a new one.

And unless i somehow missed it or there was a mistake, the Xbox didn't come with such a cable, so off i go to buy a new cable, i assume you can still charge it USB rather than buying new batteries?
Shit, @Hix is so useful in this thread? Why did he/she request a ban? 😖

Hope you reconsider and come back, @Hix.

Retards are temporary. The good parts, like friendship and camaraderie and good discussions, are lasting.

Oh No! Hix was one of the users scouring the net for the Xbox news. Hopefully, he/she comes back.

Unless he left us for the blue dark side, in which case enjoy your place in the seventh ring my friend. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


I just tend to ignore threads that compare two or all consoles, or sales numbers, because a lot of people on each side can't help but mock the others, many times with no reason or any prompt.

It feels less like they enjoy playing games and more like they enjoy bickering online and the reason they chose to do it is behind video games.
I just tend to ignore threads that compare two or all consoles, or sales numbers, because a lot of people on each side can't help but mock the others, many times with no reason or any prompt.

It feels less like they enjoy playing games and more like they enjoy bickering online and the reason they chose to do it is behind video games.

The sales comparisons are so ridiculous, just because it's obvious how that was going to go from the beginning. Everyone knew Sony was going to sell more. The performance comparisons are hilarious now too. The boxes seem almost perfectly matched in most cases, but the fighting rages about a handful of frames here or there. Sony has a real and distinct rasterization advantage while MS has a real advantage in bandwidth and GPU compute. Obviously that is going to shakeout differently in different games or even different modes in the same game.


Darkness no more
I can relate to Hix. I think we all try to fight the mob at some point but eventually you learn it's pointless. The mob is here to war. Not talk about games.

It feels like a large amount of the forum is just here to argue about tiny frame drops that last one second that you can't notice without a graph under the footage instead of actually playing the games.

Anyways, I'm thinking about grabbing 2 years of Gold and converting to Game Pass. I'm more of a fan of having physical media, but I found the few times I subscribed to Game Pass it got me checking out smaller games I would have ignored otherwise.


I can relate to Hix. I think we all try to fight the mob at some point but eventually you learn it's pointless. The mob is here to war. Not talk about games.

Yeah, fighting or even engaging the mob is pointless. I'm not proud of it, but I just put all the main offenders on ignore (dozens of them) and you know, visiting GAF became so much more chill. Anyway, not happy to see Hix go as he was one of the main sources of xbox news lately. So, if I see any bit of news that wasn't posted here, I will definitely make sure to post it here.
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I can relate to Hix. I think we all try to fight the mob at some point but eventually you learn it's pointless. The mob is here to war. Not talk about games.

I found the last month its better to not engage the console fanboys on either side. No sentiment is ever going to convince everyone so why bother trying. Let them have their ignorance and focus on the intelligent/older posters 😊.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
I found the last month its better to not engage the console fanboys on either side. No sentiment is ever going to convince everyone so why bother trying. Let them have their ignorance and focus on the intelligent/older posters 😊.

I still fall into dumb arguments at times when I get bored or have some down time. I need to do better but eventually I just laugh it off and go back to lurking some topics.

On topic, how's QR been working for people? Still seems to be not working for most games for me.


There are tons of RPGs that's one of the best things about Game Pass. In addition to what's already been mentioned there's:

Fallout: NV
All the Mass Effect games
Dragon Age Inquisition & II
The Outer Worlds
Pillars of Eternity
Wasteland II & III
The Bard's Tale 4 Directors Cut
All the Fable games

There are probably some other smaller RPGs or JRPGs I'm not interested in too.

I should have clarified to JRPGs but your point is true.


Quick resume seems to be working all the games I want to play the only game that hasn't worked with at moment is watch dogs legions but I might hold off your wait for a 60 fps patch before i start playing that again.

Games in my current rotation all work with quick resume
  • Valhalla
  • Origins
  • Anthem
  • Wandersong
  • Jedi fallen order
  • Killer instinct
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It seems to have more of a problem with multiplayer focused games, but since i have been mostly playing singleplayer games, i haven't had any issue, it's worked pretty well so far to me.


It feels like a large amount of the forum is just here to argue about tiny frame drops that last one second that you can't notice without a graph under the footage instead of actually playing the games.

That's what I don't understand either. The differences can't be spotted unless you either put in a graph or freeze the image and zoom in 1000%. It seems like the consoles are pretty much equal at this point. I find the comparisons interesting to watch, but even if the difference was bigger than they are, it wouldn't make me feel bad about what I bought. I could imagine getting a PS5 in a few years anyway. The obvious point that inevitability comes up that a "PC with an $800 graphics card blows these systems away" is tired as well. It's as if the person posting it thinks it's some revelation that all of the console idiots on the forum need to be educated about.

The rabid emotional obsession about gaming platforms is so bizarre to me.
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Yeah, fighting or even engaging the mob is pointless. I'm not proud of it, but I just put all the main offenders on ignore (dozens of them) and you know, visiting GAF became so much more chill. Anyway, not happy to see Hix go as he was one of the main sources of xbox news lately. So, if I see any bit of news that wasn't posted here, I will definitely make sure to post it here.

I have recently started ignoring those same posters as well as entire threads. My GAF front page is once again fun game related conversations. I’ll miss Hix as he kept this thread going with relevant Xbox news.


I still fall into dumb arguments at times when I get bored or have some down time. I need to do better but eventually I just laugh it off and go back to lurking some topics.

On topic, how's QR been working for people? Still seems to be not working for most games for me.

I legitimately don't even care. I chose to wait before upgrading the consoles. But I'd be lying if i said i don't enjoy the meltdowns.

Celebrating screen tearing on the xsx and now they're crying ubi sabotaged ps5 for parity lmao. If i post on something, i say my peace and barely acknowledge most of them since they're mentally incapable of an actual discussion.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
I legitimately don't even care. I chose to wait before upgrading the consoles. But I'd be lying if i said i don't enjoy the meltdowns.

Celebrating screen tearing on the xsx and now they're crying ubi sabotaged ps5 for parity lmao. If i post on something, i say my peace and barely acknowledge most of them since they're mentally incapable of an actual discussion.

At some point I really hope the Mods do something about the most rabid of the Sony Fanboys. Their dog piling, constant drama, conspiracy whining and warring is is really making this place a shithole. The scary Xbox Discord, the DF are shills (now sometimes they're heroes when they praise the PS5) and now claiming Xbox paid Ubi to sabotage their precious. They are out of control. They drove DF out of here and now they drove @Hix out too.

There are some very obnoxious and annoying Xbox fanboys on GAF too, but not in the numbers or ferocity of the Sony Army and for the most part they don't invade and troll every positive PS5 thread or organize coordinated dog piling if someone offends their precious.

I'm guessing that's what drove Hix out of here. There were several of the worst warriors dog piling and harassing him in the Valhalla threads and it really makes me mad if we end up losing one of the best posters here.

Hix, if you're still reading this thread, please come back. We love and appreciate you and you shouldn't let the assholes win.


Likes moldy games
I got to admit I like to stick a spanner in the works now and again of the Sony fanboys, not cause I don't like Sony I've had every console day one except for PS5 and tv's etc. I just don't like the gang like bully behaviour of them in the threads and how they all lick each others arses.
I nearly quit this place until I found this thread (feels like its underground)has it gave me a glimmer of hope for Xbox fans and gamers. And I know there are some decent Sony fans on here as well.
So come back Hix your a dying breed and this place needs people like you more than ever now.


Darkness no more
Anyways, I'm thinking about grabbing 2 years of Gold and converting to Game Pass. I'm more of a fan of having physical media, but I found the few times I subscribed to Game Pass it got me checking out smaller games I would have ignored otherwise.

I just ended up doing this so I am set with Gamepass now until the end of January 2023. I remember reading Doom Eternal is getting a next gen patch sometime. Is that going to happen soon? I am downloading it now but am wondering if I should hold off a bit if there is a patch soon.


Hipster Princess
At some point I really hope the Mods do something about the most rabid of the Sony Fanboys.

The mods have done something though, they gave them protected status and passively encourage the behaviour.

Hix even said he was given a ban warning for reporting the Sony warrior autists. Jon Neu Jon Neu got a report ban for similar iirc and then there is the nextgen autist thread where the mods have happily capitulated to the Sony warrior report brigading.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
For those that have already done the $1 conversion from Gold to GPU, Target still has 3 month cards for $20. Just picked up an additional year for barely any more than the price of Gold. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate : Target

Thank you!

They also have black or white Series X/S controllers for $39.99 so I got a controller and another 3 months of Game Pass for the normal price of the controller. I'm good with GP into 2023 :messenger_beaming:

$39.99 Series S/X Controllers for anyone interested.

Kagey K

Thank you!

They also have black or white Series X/S controllers for $39.99 so I got a controller and another 3 months of Game Pass for the normal price of the controller. I'm good with GP into 2023 :messenger_beaming:

$39.99 Series S/X Controllers for anyone interested.
I’ll take a Storm Blue one if you are buying. 😉


You have to understand the "warriors" bring in add revenue I'm sure evil lore doesn't want to cut his income especially when this forum was dead at one point.

There's a reason why people from the industry don't use this forum any more and flocked to resetera but I guess the money is coming in so it doesn't matter, it is disappointing because there's not many gaming forums on the internet but it just unfortunate this one has turned to shit.
I'm still trying to make sense in those threads... It's hurting my soul to argue common sense with their type. I just hate to think that unassuming people go in there and take their bullshit for face value.


Speaking of XSX games: I noticed that Observer System Redux updated recently. I loaded it up and I swear it runs a lot better now in 4k mode.
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
You have to understand the "warriors" bring in add revenue I'm sure evil lore doesn't want to cut his income especially when this forum was dead at one point.

There's a reason why people from the industry don't use this forum any more and flocked to resetera but I guess the money is coming in so it doesn't matter, it is disappointing because there's not many gaming forums on the internet but it just unfortunate this one has turned to shit.

At the end of the day this is the reality. No shade thrown to any mods or anything but Neogaf is not a side project or a place to relax and the mods aren't here to make this a "better place." They are simply keepers of the peace.

It's a busines at the end of the day.
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