Lately didn’t have an urge to play big games so I’ve been focusing on smaller, indie stuff. Just wanted to share a few thoughts on them:
Song of Iron - already wrote about it, but now I have finished it. For a game made by one person, it is certainly a good looking and occasionally fun game, but it is also super janky when it comes to controls. There is an achievement for finishing the game without dying and I saw that quite a few people managed to do that - I salute them, because it is super easy to die because of controls.
Ender Lillies - A pretty damn solid, Japanese insipired 2D souls-like. I haven’t gotten far, but I really like it so far.
Recompile - I think I already said something about it, but it is a pretty solid Tron inspired 3D metroidvania. Doesn’t hold your hand at all, so it can get a bit frustrating to figure out where to go and what to do, but I kind of enjoy that aspect. Seems like a short game, because I only played it for about 3 hours and I have already gotten most of upgrades.
Myst - Man, I’m getting old, because I could barely figure out a few puzzles and then got permanently stuck.
Breathedge - I kind of like it. A bit like Subnautica in space. It is very jokey and the sense of humour is a terrible mix of low brow and Hitchhikers guide type humour that tries so hard I actually found it somewhat amusing.
Lake - A super relaxed game where you deliver mail in a small Oregon town and talk to people. can be both banal and cringey, but I somehow managed to play it all the way through, but I would never ever recommend it to anyone. Wish they worked on graphics a bit more. Pop-up, shitty shadows don’t help with immersion.
The artful Escape - Not so much a game, but an experience. Pretty damn awesome. One of those games where you can make hundreds of screenshots anytime and post it in the screenshot thread. There are some performance issues here and there with framerate drops. Anyway, I love it.