Xbox Wants Out of the Console War - (IGN Next-Gen Console Watch Podcast)


Gold Member
Welcome back to Next-Gen Console Watch! This week Daemon, Max, and Ryan analyze recent comments from Xbox's Phil Spencer, and it sounds like Xbox is kind of done with the console wars. What does this mean for Xbox's future, and how does this affect PlayStation? And of course, there's Nintendo who goes by the beat of their own drum. Plus we have last week's poll results and a new poll for you to vote on at


Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
"Does that mean we have to stop doing the show then? I hope not, this is fun."

Said seemingly in jest, but this is the real feelings of the media. Entirely focused on console wars for clicks and views instead of just talking about games and gaming.

They were already in trouble financially and it is only going to get worse now that they'll need to focus more on straight journalism. You can see them pivoting to PC but I seriously doubt the pivot will work.


We haven't won enough until virtually all games become multiplatform and liberated from walled garden restrictions. Luckily also Sony is on the move with more and more PC releases, so they'll get there eventually.
It's a start though and once Windows isn't needed to game on PC, we will be triumphant. Down with proprietary!
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Linux User
Stanley Kubrick Wwi GIF

Nobody's coming home son.
"Does that mean we have to stop doing the show then? I hope not, this is fun."

Said seemingly in jest, but this is the real feelings of the media. Entirely focused on console wars for clicks and views instead of just talking about games and gaming.

They were already in trouble financially and it is only going to get worse now that they'll need to focus more on straight journalism. You can see them pivoting to PC but I seriously doubt the pivot will work.

PlayStation vs Switch vs PC is quite interesting, 3 very different types of systems.

Far more interesting than Dreamcast vs PS2 vs GameCube vs Xbox where you had 4 boxes that all pretty much did the same thing, even if it was my fondest generation.
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Gold Member
Ryan McCoffin got the marching orders

It's so funny that they couldn't have chosen a worse time to make this the narrative.

One has to ask, why didn't this narrative begin when it was already announced every single Xbox release would be coming to PC day one and you could easily pick up a 980ti for $650. Instead they choose now, when the PC building hardware space is an absolute shit show.

But yet, these idiots don't ask themselves what's actually changed from an Xbox perspective since 2015, because I can tell you first hand that absolutely nothing has. PC was the best place to play Xbox games then, and it still is now, but they had to wait for daddy Phil to tell them in order for them to realise.

At this point it's comical, everything these shills touch goes to shit or has already gone to shit. Jensen and Co have made it so that this narrative will fall flat on its face right out of the gate.


What time is it?
One has to ask, why didn't this narrative begin when it was already announced every single Xbox release would be coming to PC day one and you could easily pick up a 980ti for $650. Instead they choose now, when the PC building hardware space is an absolute shit show.

Reality has finally sunk in regarding the Xbox brand and the chickens came home to roost thanks to investing ~$80 billion acquiring game publishers/developers.


No matter how many times Phil breaks their hearts, they'll be there for him. Isn't that sweet.
Stockholm syndrome isn't just a meme.



We all win here.

Remember how this started tho, MS bought Acti for "mobile" and to keep away COD, the biggest game every year and "spend Sony out of the market"

GP didn't work how they planned it and papa Satya cut Phil's credit card extension so he can no longer expend "muh MS money chest" in his war against Sony

"we" didn't win anything yet, nothing has changed, all Acti-Bliz+Bethesda games have to release on PS as they used to for logical monetary reasons, there wasn't any improvement because or thanks to the MS purchase yet
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I believe there is no bad loser like MS... for more than 10 years, every strategy they tried to gain market share backfired (which can happen, why not?), but they NEED to convince someone (them selves?) that they are victorius... it's a mental disease, there is no other explanation (and im inclusing some users from here)



I am interested in how they function as just being a 3rd party not having to worry about hardware.

Edit: IF they stay and don't sell off the brand.
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Gold Member
Jensen and Co have made it so that this narrative will fall flat on its face right out of the gate.
Console hardware will also eventually need to cope with the root causes of this. The reality is that physics (heat, quantum tunneling, silicone...) is forcing Moore, Nvidia and AMD to scrape the bottom of the silicone barrel. AMD kinda giving up the high-end race, and Nvidia doing the arrogant pricing is just the canary in the coal mine. Idk what will save us, AI or quantum, new materials, who knows. Nothing seems mature enough at this stage..
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K' Dash

Xbox “Lost the console War” is a more accurate title.

Xbox still is a powerful 3rd party publisher.

We all win here.

I hope you're a 12 year old, cause your assessment of the current situation is really, really stupid.

Having Xbox out of the race only hurts consumers, Sony has already been making some fucking stupid shit lately, can't imagine what they will do when MS pull their HW completely.
I hope you're a 12 year old, cause your assessment of the current situation is really, really stupid.

Having Xbox out of the race only hurts consumers, Sony has already been making some fucking stupid shit lately, can't imagine what they will do when MS pull their HW completely.

Microsoft's strategies provoked part of the stupid shit Sony has been doing. Competition is good as long as one of the big actors doesn't change the rules in a way that makes the market worse for everyone.

XBOX was a good competitor in the 360 era, but not in this one.


XBOX was a good competitor in the 360 era, but not in this one.
I had a 360. Other than it sounding like an airport, and the controller having an atrocious D-pad (you can basically forget about double taps in Tekken), it was a great console.

Since then, I've had no incentive to get a new Xbox. This is not due to competition. Just purely Microsoft and what they're willing to put on offer (or lack thereof).


PC has the least amount of compromises for me, however my 3080TI is a noisy bitch and it often turns me off from gaming on my PC. I made the mistake and picked up a Alienware Aurora R13 a few years ago and from my understanding it has pretty poor thermal mitigation and the Dell neutered 3080TI is a loud mofo.

Console gaming on my Series X or PS5/Pro has been a great escape from that noise with their near whisper quiet fans under load. I find myself playing on my consoles more because of it despite greater compromises with graphical fidelity and frames.

The only real thing that has pissed me off about Microsoft (series) consoles this generation is Microsoft not releasing their new Sebile controller early on to have parity with the PS5 controller AND Microsoft dropping exclusives which was my primary reason for picking the console up. I'm debating on upgrading my Series X to the next generation of Microsoft console when it comes out. My justification at this point to upgrade to the next gen of Xbox would be to avoid the situation where the internal SSD dies on the series x console resulting in the whole damn thing being bricked. M$ is pretty good about backwards compatibility so I can be rest assured my 360, Xbox one library will be safe and the very few Series games I own. I haven't purchased very many games on Xbox this generation due to gamepass and preference to playing on the PS5 due to the controller tipping the scale for me. PS5 Pro has pretty much sealed the deal in me never buying a Xbox version of a game for the remainder of the generation.


Gold Member
XBOX was a good competitor in the 360 era, but not in this one.
How do you think PlayStation would look without a certain pressure from Xbox after the 360. Advancements in graphics, processing power, online services, controllers... software, usability, price... Do you think the Playstation user experince would be the same as now?

It's a rhetorical question btw, we all know what the correct answer is.
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Gold Member
They're the world's largest third party publisher - they're already out of the console wars, and hardware is clearly a side hustle for them.

The Microsoft Corporation's concerted efforts over the last decade have been around "open platforms" - for example, getting their direct MS store onto Android and iPhone - and I suspect this will be their focus next. If everything is an Xbox, Microsoft doesn't have to pay platform fees, or go through the pain of trying to push hardware. They couldn't sell phones, and now they can't sell consoles, so they're flipping the table. Getting open stores into the console space makes the most sense because then Sony is forced to open their platform - and Microsoft can sell Game Pass subs, games, and whatever else directly to their customers and not pay any the platform holder fees. In that scenario, it doesn't matter who sells what hardware: the platform itself isn't what generates the profits anymore.


Console hardware will also eventually need to cope with the root causes of this. The reality is that physics (heat, quantum tunneling, silicone...) is forcing Moore, Nvidia and AMD to scrape the bottom of the silicone barrel. AMD kinda giving up the high-end race, and Nvidia doing the arrogant pricing is just the canary in the coal mine. Idk what will save us, AI or quantum, new materials, who knows. Nothing seems mature enough at this stage..
Not necessarily, consoles are planned centrally by their platform owner (Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo), which means they can find improvements and optimizations of existing tech that PCs by definition can't, and they can enforce their usage across the board.

Example: Sony has proprietary compression hardware tech (Kraken), which not only improved the CPU's performance (because it has been freed from the decompression tasks and can focus on other perf aspects), but it also reduced game file size considerably vs competing consoles and PC.

Does this tech have no match in the PC world? It does (I believe that's Microsoft's Direct Storage), but it's basically impossible to get all the software and hardware players in the PC arena to agree on them and start shipping anything with any level of coordination, look at how hard it is to get a unified RGB control software standard going!

Now start applying this to every minute aspect of how computers work and you will see what I mean.
We haven't won enough until virtually all games become multiplatform and liberated from walled garden restrictions. Luckily also Sony is on the move with more and more PC releases, so they'll get there eventually.
Hope full their pc ports start getting better because they have yet to launch a port that has run well on day 1.
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