Same thing happenend to me. Rainbow colors --> save and exit --> loading the save crashes the game
In my case it was a buried chryssalid or chryssalid cocoon thats crashing the save. Nothing I can do.
So looks like my Veteran/Ironman save file is FUBAR. Game is stuck on the transition between my turn and the enemy's. Already restarted a couple times and validated the game files.
30+hours down the drain. Thanks.
So looks like my Veteran/Ironman save file is FUBAR. Game is stuck on the transition between my turn and the enemy's. Already restarted a couple times and validated the game files.
30+hours down the drain. Thanks.
All i can do is move the camera around. It's like one of those prolonged pauses that sometimes happen after actions but this one seemingly never ends.Stuck like the game froze or stuck like something is moving (like some unit is breathing) but nothing happens?
So I kind of fucked myself over, I barely survived the last advent site mission, and I don't have enough soldiers to take into the gurilla ops missions.
Is the consequence for skipping that all 3 dark events will happen? Or will the avatar project also tick up?
Game is awesome but it's stressful every step of the way. Fuck, I wish there was some breathing room.
If you skip guerilla ops then you won't have the chance to counter the dark event and the region it takes place in will (I believe) be lost until you reconnect it.
You're confusing dark event missions and retaliation missions. If you skip a retaliation mission you lose the territory, but dark event missions just ensure that the enemy buff gets applied.
I tried skipping one, it costs you the territory, too.Oh right, cool.
what about council missions?
You're confusing dark event missions and retaliation missions. If you skip a retaliation mission you lose the territory, but dark event missions just ensure that the enemy buff gets applied.
If you skip guerilla ops then you won't have the chance to counter the dark event and the region it takes place in will (I believe) be lost until you reconnect it.
I tried skipping one, it costs you the territory, too.
So, I take it this is the finale mission?? I already know"Assault the ADVENT Tower"it's a two-parter, but what do you get to do in between missions? Time to heal up, or do I send people I don't expect to need on the final, final mission?
Good heal, but you can take wounded soldiers on the last mission
why is save scumming so frowned upon? I dont want my peoples to die. I love them. I appreciate their contributions to humanity!
why is save scumming so frowned upon? I dont want my peoples to die. I love them. I appreciate their contributions to humanity!
I wouldn't play this game without save scumming. Too many glitches and things that can screw you over. That ranger ability where you get an extra move if you kill an enemy seems to be glitched, if you try to put them in overwatch you can't do anything else on that turn even if you haven't used all your moves with other soldiers. And the cursor has bugged out many times, causing me to accidentally move soldiers to a rooftop instead of inside a building, or into the open instead of into cover. Stuff like that.why is save scumming so frowned upon? I dont want my peoples to die. I love them. I appreciate their contributions to humanity!
Adventure without risk is Disneyland.why is save scumming so frowned upon? I dont want my peoples to die. I love them. I appreciate their contributions to humanity!
God this "triggering a new set of enemies during your last movement, granting your enemy a free turn to pummel you" thing is still the worst.
Not sure how you fix that though. At least concealed rangers give you some ways to avoid it.
In position to finish extracting two guys, they just need a bit of movement to get in range of the evac point, oh wait here comes three stun units just kinda wandering out of the fog of war and now there goes your squad because free turn.
Reloading saves is fine.
Reloading saves is fine.
TheCthultist, johancruijff, Carcetti, Mobius and pet octopus, Sciz, Baalzebup, Pyrogeek, Glitchesarecool
Or you just accept that you made a mistake an work to get over your losses.![]()
What kind of mistake is it when enemy units wander out of no where and get their turn for free because of it?
Is this the Dark Souls mentality of Xcom because I really don't tolerate that kind of thing. I'll play the game how it is enjoyable for me, thank you.
What kind of mistake is it when enemy units wander out of no where and get their turn for free because of it?
Is this the Dark Souls mentality of Xcom because I really don't tolerate that kind of thing. I'll play the game how it is enjoyable for me, thank you.
Units don't just wander in out of nowhere. They exist in specific places, and you have several tools available to scout them out.
Sorry for not searching the thread, but I'm a bit wary about spoilers:
Do you think the AWC is bugged the way it works without the mod? That is, if you've levelled past your "hidden ability" level when you build the AWC you miss out on it? Does seem a bit weird, just want to consider how it's intended to work before I install the mod and keep playing with it (and hope my save doesn't break on the first patch).
What kind of mistake is it when enemy units wander out of no where and get their turn for free because of it?
Is this the Dark Souls mentality of Xcom because I really don't tolerate that kind of thing. I'll play the game how it is enjoyable for me, thank you.
Or you just accept that you made a mistake an work to get over your losses.![]()
There's already almost 500 mods on the workshop (mostly seem to be cosmetic, but still).so finished the game after about 30 hours. Had fun with it, the beginning was very frustrating to me but as my soldiers got better it became more fun. Also i made the mistake of underestimating how important building the newest weapons are in the beginning.
But now i'm finished with the game. I uninstalled it and have no desire to come back to it. I liked the game but i feel like i've seen everything there is to see. I might come back to it when new DLC hits though.
Sometimes it's not a mistake. Sometimes it's just the game arbitrarily deciding to fuck you. After the end of one of my turns in a retaliation mission, a civilian turned into a faceless, then immediately ran over to one of my units and, even at a distance, swiped and killed the unit (due to them having already lost a bar). That kind of bullshit deserves to be save-scummed.
Sometimes it's not a mistake. Sometimes it's just the game arbitrarily deciding to fuck you. After the end of one of my turns in a retaliation mission, a civilian turned into a faceless, then immediately ran over to one of my units and, even at a distance, swiped and killed the unit (due to them having already lost a bar). That kind of bullshit deserves to be save-scummed.
Faceless have an attack range of about 3 tiles. Turns out that being able to shapeshift has its benefits.
Faceless are one of the best additions, enemy-wise. Like a different kind of Chrysallid that is just as scary early on.
They need to be patched so that they can't attack on the turn that they're revealed, but are made more powerful/durable to compensate.
The surprise is the whole reason they exist--to make you question, "can I risk rescuing that civilian, even if it might be a faceless?"
Of course, this just leads to players (me) avoiding civilians until the faceless reveal themselves and kamikaze because they're the last units left.
They need to be patched so that they can't attack on the turn that they're revealed, but are made more powerful/durable to compensate. Same with chryssalids burrowing out of the ground and immediately poisoning a soldier.