Let's make it so patrols in the game no longer teleport all over.
Now let's add enemies that teleport.
Now let's add enemies that teleport.
Let's make it so patrols in the game no longer teleport all over.
Now let's add enemies that teleport.
Let's make it so patrols in the game no longer teleport all over.
Now let's add enemies that teleport.
That kind of neuters them. Faceless and Chrysalids are supposed to be terrifying and make you hesitant to move forward even as you feel all this pressure to press on. You need to adjust your tactics. Don't approach civilians except around the beginning of your turn, otherwise keep your distance. Chrysalids were never a problem for me tbh, they're so weak they should probably be buffed. The only annoying thing about them is attacking a civ and creating a cocoon.
The example I mentioned before had a civilian who was out of range of my soldiers turn into a faceless. As in, none of them were even near the circle.
Stun lancers have weird priorities, kinda like Sectoids. If they stayed in cover and attacked more often and only blitzed when an ally could flank next turn, it could lead to interesting situations.
I have only good news for you. They don't, and there are.
The example I mentioned before had a civilian who was out of range of my soldiers turn into a faceless. As in, none of them were even near the circle.
And having to use a specific item just to avoid getting attacked out of absolutely nowhere? Bad idea in a game like this.
Having your units get arbitrarily attacked when it's not even the aliens' turn (outside of overwatch) is not a good way to balance the game either.
This actually is good, because I've always assumed they only triggered in the rescue circle, which would make triggering them very predictable.
This actually is good, because I've always assumed they only triggered in the rescue circle, which would make triggering them very predictable.
So even if you stay away from the civilians, you still get punished. That's not good.
The example I mentioned before had a civilian who was out of range of my soldiers turn into a faceless. As in, none of them were even near the circle.
Sometimes it's not a mistake. Sometimes it's just the game arbitrarily deciding to fuck you. After my turn in a retaliation mission, a civilian turned into a faceless, then immediately ran over to one of my units and, even at a distance, swiped and killed the unit (due to them having already lost a bar). That kind of bullshit deserves to be save-scummed, because it's reliant on luck more than anything.
Yeah, keep your distance. Doesn't have to be rescue range for the faceless to just sprout out. The only time I deliberately try to rescue a civilian is if I see it move/get shot at (and missed) or if I think it's very close to an alien pod and I want to risk it.
On top of that, the range of time in the game where Faceless remain a real threat basically spans like the first two retaliation missions you play. After you get Predator armor they shouldn't even be a factor.
If they're going to patch the enemies in the game, besides the obvious bugs like Chrysalid burrowing, I want them to make them tougher, at least the end game enemies.
Y'all are interpreting the faceless wrong.
If you try to save a civilian and it's a faceless, he will just stand there during the duration of your turn, meaning you have that entire turn to kill him. That is good.
If you avoid civilians (like it seems like you are doing), you risk them activating during their own turn, getting a free attack. This is bad.
If you kill all other enemies on the map, they will transform regardless of whose turn it is. But if it is yours, but they only attack on their turn. Always.
Faceless is not a "avoid civilians" sign, but a "have enough firepower in this turn to take one out in case it is a faceless" sign. Ignoring civilians is not the smart move, imo, as it will inevitably lead to them having a free attack on you.
I think what needs to be addressed is how stupidly powerful your soldiers get in short order.
Are Chryssalids like the last enemy type to appear? Because I haven't run into a single one until my save got corrupted (just started facing Sectopods by then).
Are Chryssalids like the last enemy type to appear? Because I haven't run into a single one until my save got corrupted (just started facing Sectopods by then).
I was randomly looking on YT for a xcom 2 mission on legendary difficulty and stumbled upon this.
~35minutes of mission gameplay. If you want to you can start at around the 6 minutes mark.
The frustration in his voice keeps on increasing throughout the entire mission (nothing bad!). Overall a worthwhile video if you have some time to waste and a good example how a mission can turn bad.
And respect for finishing the mission successfully to him.
One cool enemy tactics I've noticed is that if an enemy is badly wounded and the last of its pod, it can retreat to another pod to regroup.
Just fought the daddy for the first time. There was... a wrinkle. I dealt with it.There's a daddy and a ball.
Yeah, I get excited when I hit a pod on the first turn or two of a Guerrilla Op or Council Mission. It makes it much more likely you can destroy them and move onto the next with little fuss. The situation you've described is my nightmare.Except I didn't trigger any enemy pods at all on my approach to the relay, in fact I was in sight of the relay, still in concealment, setting myself up to destroy it with 2 turns left on the counter when a pod moved forward and flanked one of my guys, setting off a chain reaction that revealed every alien on the map at once.
Holy crap at 19:20 hahaha
Time for another GAF-COM update, this time with 8 new recruits for a grand total of 39 members:
Zounds! The late-game basic armour looks terrible.
Not a fan of tier 3 looks in general. Love the look of tier 2 tho.
Sorry to disappoint, but tier 3 is even worse.I hate tier 2 armour looks, the metal parts are so bright and shiny.
not sure if I want to subject myself top this kinda violence willingly![]()
Time for another GAF-COM update, this time with 8 new recruits for a grand total of 39 members:
As happened with the first Pool update, for those who didn't download yet the Character Pool here you have the full updated Pool.
Those who already have the GAF-COM Pool loaded, you better use this file with only the new recruits so you don't need to check who is already in and who is not to avoid duplicates. If you missed the first update, you can find it here.
And those who haven't joined our ranks yet, what the hell are you waiting for? Go and check posts two and three for all the info you need.
Does saturation fire trigger holo targeting on anything in it's cone of fire? Deciding between it and rupture.
Sorry to disappoint, but tier 3 is even worse.
Mods will probably have to save us here.
Has anyone come across an instance of the game freezing with the music playing when attempting to promote a particular solider? It's just one solider in particular, very odd, but not game breaking.
Currently in an ironman run, but I'm starting to feel I might regret it due to technical problems. Anyone else having more bugs playing ironman?
EU version looked better. Not particularly great, but at least cleaner than 2's over-designed, overly shiny monstrosities.
Too shiny, make it look cobbled together from alien stuff. The poor rebels aren't going to buff their armor every day.