How are you fighting those without plasma? Did you fire all your researchers? You can't save the world with interns, man.
Dump a tech, get another Ranger. Spec both your grenadiers to explosives. Carry acid grenades and flashbangs on them. Spec both your Rangers to phantoms. Carry mimic beacons on them. Keep your Medic. Spec your Sharpshooter to a Sniper.
Enemies I have never been hit by in my dozens of hours of play:
Heavy Mech
And only once by an Archon (but I've never seen them use Blazing Pinions, not once), because their health pools and dodge are a nightmare.
I wish there were a difficulty between Commander and Legend. Or just a difficulty curve where your guys weren't demigods by the end.
It's sort of explained in the Faceless research description, but it doesn't explain the mimic beacon's appearance. It should be like a weird goopy flesh mannequin, not a glowy blue thing.i don't understand why they need faceless flesh for mimic beacon
Enemies I have never been hit by in my dozens of hours of play:
Heavy Mech
And only once by an Archon (but I've never seen them use Blazing Pinions, not once), because their health pools and dodge are a nightmare.
I wish there were a difficulty between Commander and Legend. Or just a difficulty curve where your guys weren't demigods by the end.
Awesome. Just looked at my saves and realized I have no hard saves between the last regular mission I did and the start of the final two missions. So instead of replaying the last two missions and losing maybe two hours of progress, I have to reset three missions and lose more than four hours of progress. All because I figured "It always leaves an autosave in the base, right? Why make a hard save?"
Fuck this is frustrating. And it's my own damn fault. I wish the game would've said in the point of no return warning, "Hey, idiot, there's a whole tier of tech you haven't even unlocked yet. Without it, you're fucked on the last mission."
Ugh, I legit might just uninstall the game for a few months at this point. So discouraged at the moment.
Elerium: The holy grail of xcom
I'm not saying I've never seen them; I'm saving they've never hit me with an attack. I'm playing on Ironman Commander.I had them on my commander playthrough, plenty of them.
I understand why most people feel like demigods on 'lower' difficulties. I'm reaching the late game phase of my legendary ironman run (andromedans and sectopods are showing up now) and I appreciate every kind of power I have atm.
Granted the late game is way more easy than the early game (early game was hell for me, tbh), but some missions are still hard and every move has to be planed out, every grenade well spend, every utility item/soldier skill used at the correct moment. The game tends to swarm you with enemies. 'Oh you're fighting one andromedan and one sectopod already? Here take three more codices, a heavy MEC accompanied by some advent troops and a reinforcement beacon'.
But I'm still not at the possible top tier tech (no war suits, no proving ground heavy weapons, still no storm guns, power armor should be finished soon) so maybe I'll change my opinion later.
I understand that even legendary isn't challenging enough for some people, but I wish that the majority of people complaining about OP grenadiers, PSI ops (etc.) would try out the game on a higher and more uncomfortable difficulty + ironman first.
I use medkits on single hits though
Fuck getting crit for 11+ damage and dying lol
You're still planning for a second hit, which shouldn't be a thing.
One fuckup is enough!
You're still planning for a second hit, which shouldn't be a thing.
One fuckup is enough!
I'm not saying I've never seen them; I'm saving they've never hit me with an attack. I'm playing on Ironman Commander.
You shouldn't have to dial up to Ironman Legend to have a consistent difficulty curve.
WTF. Soldiers can't hack terminals when disoriented?
Just kill the Avatars.Does the final mission end as soon as you kill the three avatars, or do you have to kill all enemies and destroy the gates? Because if all I have to do is kill the avatars, I think that it's honestly almost within my capabilities. I've gotten to the final area and killed the first avatar, and the other two have appeared. I have a Gatekeeper I've been mind controlling that's been helping a lot. I probably can't quite pull it off as is, but I'm pretty close. At this point I think I'll just edit the ini files and make my soldiers do a little more damage to compensate and just finish the mission. I can always do a second playthrough fair and square now that I know better how to progress in the metagame.
Just kill the Avatars.
I will definitely play Legend, and I will definitely struggle and fail repeatedly. I struggled and failed a few times on Commander, too, before this (fourth?) run.You shouldn't? Isn't the higher difficulty there to use? Most games I've ever played (with RPG elements) are harder at the start, then get easier...just kinda the way it goes. If you're that good at the game, just crank it up. I'm sure most people are getting hit by their attacks.Especially on the first playthrough when you don't know what they can do.
I will definitely play Legend, and I will definitely struggle and fail repeatedly. I struggled and failed a few times on Commander, too, before this (fourth?) run.
The point is that the game should present some sort of challenge throughout. But just like EU/EW, XCOM 2 becomes a cakewalk once things snowball in your favor a few months in (apart from some sort of spike on the last mission?). I find myself missing the early game as a result, where the stakes were higher and pod reveals felt threatening.
I'm sure this is at least partly by design, but it's also because certain things are just hugely overpowered (shotguns, grenades and grenade launchers, mimics, psi), and this makes some things later on a chore and/or repetitive unless you choose to ignore optimal play.
I will definitely play Legend, and I will definitely struggle and fail repeatedly. I struggled and failed a few times on Commander, too, before this (fourth?) run.
The point is that the game should present some sort of challenge throughout. But just like EU/EW, XCOM 2 becomes a cakewalk once things snowball in your favor a few months in (apart from some sort of spike on the last mission?). I find myself missing the early game as a result, where the stakes were higher and pod reveals felt threatening.
I'm sure this is at least partly by design, but it's also because certain things are just hugely overpowered (shotguns, grenades and grenade launchers, mimics, psi), and this makes some things later on a chore and/or repetitive unless you choose to ignore optimal play.
How do you do a fighting retreat properly? I'm having real trouble with extraction missions where enemy squads aggro when I'm trying to get the VIP out and get in my way. I lost a LOT of soldiers today trying to break out towards the extraction point. I use all my grenades in the initial engagements (hate Vipers, always screw things up by grabbing a soldier and binding or spitting poison).
Having Chain Shot on one of my Rangers is so stupid now that Rapid Fire is available. Still might go with reaper tho for the flexibility.
Flashbangs, flashbangs, flashbangs (or mimic beacons). It's the only way I've made the "fighting retreat" work. I also generally try to bring at least 3 flashbangs/mimic beacons per mission.
Don't bother with Reaper. It's too situational and most of the enemies that you encounter by that point will survive a sword strike.
I optimized to three mimics and two flashbangs eventually. I did get the Mind Shields for all my rangers though.
Flashbangs, flashbangs, flashbangs (or mimic beacons). It's the only way I've made the "fighting retreat" work. I also generally try to bring at least 3 flashbangs/mimic beacons per mission.
Is it equipped on a soldier that isn't on the mission? There are buttons at the bottom of the deployment screen to remove armor and utility items from benched soldiers.So I had acid grenades for a while there, but now I don't! I recall I researched them somehow, and then I had them for many missions, but I can't remember how I got them and now I can't equip them :-( How do I get those lovely things back?
Are you still early-mid game? I've found flashbangs are no longer as useful since there's a greater mix of mechanized enemies. Also, the revival protocol will get rid of certain status effects, but I dont think it counters mind control.
Now I'm carrying EMP's, Bluescreen rounds, scanners, and mimics since there are Heavy MEC's, and at least a Gateway or Sectopod on every mission.
Is it equipped on a soldier that isn't on the mission? There are buttons at the bottom of the deployment screen to remove armor and utility items from benched soldiers.
Don't bother with Reaper. It's too situational and most of the enemies that you encounter by that point will survive a sword strike.
So I had acid grenades for a while there, but now I don't! I recall I researched them somehow, and then I had them for many missions, but I can't remember how I got them and now I can't equip them :-( How do I get those lovely things back?